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Dr Bamidele A. Ojo
Nigeria Democratic Leadership Forum
c/o Council for Africanaffairs
Teaneck, Nj 07666. USA
Fax: 570 992-1237 (

Open letter to Nigerians ( August 6, 2000)

An Open Letter To Fellow Nigerians


Fellow Nigerians, last year in an open letter to the President, which was published by the Guardian on Thursday April 22, 1999, I called on the new leadership in Nigeria to do all in its power to combat the prevalent and debilitating corrupt practices and irresponsible governance that has plagued the country since its independence. It is obvious from our experience that the only way in consolidating democracy and to promoting socioeconomic development and the well being of our people, is through a legitimate government authority. And this can only be guaranteed through probity, responsible governance and accountable leadership. As I said then and very much true today, an ethical leadership is a means toward establishing the public trust in government and in bringing the public to accept that public office is not a means to accumulate wealth but an avenue to provide public service in the interest of all Nigerians. This is a challenge for all Nigerians but the leadership must lay tangible examples. The current scandal in the Nigerian senate is characteristic of our civic culture which in itself is injurious to the development of the Nigerian state and nationhood. And we must all accept responsibility for this. The Nigerian citizenry by its passiveness has become a participant in the corrupt and abuse of our nation. Some might say the situation was created by the decaying social morale and the creeping poverty in every corners of our country. This has become a country where honesty and probity is no longer a badge of honor but an inherent weakness and invitation to partake in the wanton share of the Nigerian loot. Everybody thinks about what they can gain and what type of contract they can apply for before they worry about the bad roads and the decaying nature of our hospitals and the incessant blackouts. Given the meekness of the Nigerian people, its elite has turned leadership into a vehicle for distributing ill earned resources and public assets among their allies and as a means of sustaining themselves in power. The question is what do we have democracy for. The rules of the games must be upheld and applied without doubts. A violation of the rule of law and the application of justice is the measure of a good governance and the building block of public trust in government. The battle line is drawn, we as Nigerians must wage a war against dishonesty, ineptitude and violation of the rule of law as established by the law of the society.
While it must have been appropriate to review our constitution and to promote a national acceptance of the document thereby riding it of its military malaise and contradictions, the 1999 constitution constitute very much the only thing that guides governance in Nigeria today and therefore should be respected and any abuse of its provision by anybody in their separatist, fundamentalist and ethnicist agenda should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The separation of power should be enforced and the secular nature of the Nigerian political experiment should be defended by the empowered authority. In the same letter to the President, I enjoined the leadership to establish a process whereby contracts , at all levels of government should be subject to public review. The politics of contract has always been the avenue for ill gotten affluence. All past leadership became rich and the absence of public prosecution gives them more power to continue to influence and undermine, for their own personal agenda, the future of the Nigerian polity. This have to stop. Everybody in Nigerian politics must declare their asset and in many instances explain how they come to own what they own and this should be made public. The Nigerian press must rise to the occasion. They now become the only protector of the average Nigerian. They must investigate and publish within the requisite legal parameters all information pertaining to the running of our democracy in order to inform and educate the Nigerian electorate and to send messages to all who want to undermine our present experiment that, Nigerians have had enough. IT IS TIME FOR THEM TO GO !. All contract above N1 million( Naira) should be made public and the process and competition for such a contract be presented for public examination and evaluation. The same should be for pre-contract and post contract period in order for Nigerians to have a proper sense of the work done and the validity of the process. What we need to do is to take the award of contracts away from the elected officials and put it under a board with some degree of ethics and probity. This central contract warehousing should involve Nigerians of high caliber with limited term of office and subject to public scrutiny . This body should establish a pre- and post contract evaluation process. This system should be replicated at all levels of government. A commission for ethics and probity in government should be established to monitor all levels of our government and it should present annual report to the public.
One cannot but be amazed at the current scandal which is just the tip of the iceberg . In the past few months we have also witnessed a gradual return to militarist and violence conduct in politics. We have seen young elected officials abuse their power and abandon their responsibility. We have witnessed a governor stood by while his security detail abuse a member of the media. And we have seen wasteful expenditures. It is shameful. A $280,000 Christmas bonus to a senate president when the most powerful person in the whole world do not even earn that as a salary. What justification is there to spend any amount of money on buying shredders in the senate, when many of their constituents lives in darkness and some still linked by pre-independence patches of roadway. Even more laughable is the fact that many of these elected officials lacks any knowledge of the computer and I wonder who they want to communicate with online- their constituents - shameful . This is symbolism without value. It is simply irresponsible. From listening to the excuses given by the leadership, it is obvious that they have become demi-gods and we must wonder why. But think about this- We gave these people so much respect and shower them with praises that they are no longer public servants but the public masters. Many Nigerian are so poor and desperate that they have lost all sense of decency. We no longer query these leaders and no longer question the sources of their wealth. They have created in many Nigerians a sense of hopelessness which promotes a nonchalant desire to join in the looting and " get what we can mentality". If we are to take our country back, we have to condemn this people. We need to send messages now. We must vote more with our heads and ask for probity in government. The flagrant abuse is not limited to the federal government. Why has the governors of the states that declare sharia not been prosecuted for violating their oath of office and the constitution. For example what prevents any of the other states declaring traditional religion in their respective states, whereby the laws of the oracles such as Ifa or and Sango are applied in the same spirit as the sharia. Moreover, Islam as well as Christianity were not authentic to the Nigerian society as do these other traditional religions. Why do the federal legislature, the executive and the office of the attorney general remain mute on this subject. Democracy can only survive if we apply its rules and establish precedence by enforcing it. No unit should be allowed to endanger the integrity of the whole -our nation. It is either you are in or not and if you are not, the law must be applied to remedy your defiance. This is not the time to be timid. This is the time to lead. This is the time to act.
Finally, to all Nigerians currently not involved, many of whom are abroad making a living. I know your hearts are in the right places and you cringe when you see or hear about the goings -on in Nigeria. But we must be engaged in order to restore sanity to our democratic experiment The question is what can we do ?. We must join other dedicated Nigerians to salvage our nation. We must find a way to contribute to our country. I cannot ask you to make unnecessary sacrifices when the fruit of your labor may be hijacked by some unscrupulous individuals who could careless about our nation or when the family security you have toiled for can be taken away in a heart beat , but we can help the process by working together as a movement to make a change and provide avenue for those willing to take the first step to help liberate our people from these malaise. We must help bring some sanity. I am not ready to judge the President but more vision and leadership must be shown. It might involve building a group of dedicated Nigerians capable of providing that vision. The current group leaves much to be desired and one, two, three or four decades of regressivist agenda by many of these appointees is enough to show them the door. Nigeria will go on and for our nation to survive. We must all join forces together and rescue it and help sustain our state in this moments of despair. Join forces now and let us take back our nation. The movement is inevitable and the spirit is joined and we must move from the telephone banters , the cross-atlantic discourse, conference room chants and newspaper/email/newsline exposees, to how to move forward in the name of our nation. "Arise O' compatriot, Nigeria's call obey !"
Thank you all and God bless Nigeria

Bamidele A Ojo PhD
School of Political & International Studies
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Teaneck, Nj 07666. USA
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PS: If you want to join the movement, please contact the Nigeria Democratic Leadership Forum
or at
Project Nigeria
Council For Africanaffairs
P.O. Box 282. Teaneck. Nj 07666.





Teaneck, NJ, United States, March 2,1999— The Nigeria democratic Leadership Forum congratulates President-elect Olusegun Obasanjo on his victory and we hope this will bring a renewed beginning for the entire country. We call on all Nigerians to support the new President as Nigeria rededicate herself to assuming the great potential that was implicit at this nations'independence three decades ago. There are many wounds to be healed and it is our hope that a Nigeria under President Obasanjo will prepare us toward bridging the gaps and healing the pains of decades of disregards for the will and rights of Nigerians. This is an opportunity for renewal. This is an opportunity to rededicate ourselves to building a nation that we can all be proud of. We therefore call on the President and his party to unite the country through acts and deeds. To bridge the gap between the north and the south, within the north and within the south, between the rich and the poor because we are certainly all Nigerians. We call on Nigerians home and abroad to focus all their energy towards building a great nation and a great country. This is another opportunity to perform our duty on behalf of the future and better the aspirations of our past. So Mr President be dignify in victory and Chief Falae be dynamic in defeat. Both of you have an important role to play in redefining the path to greatness that has eluded us in the last three decades. We call on Chief Falae to accept defeat and declare his support for President -elect Obasanjo, thereby breaking the tradition that has befallen us and endangered all our previous attempts at democratization. Finally we congratulate every Nigerian, home and abroad for the standing tall inspite of the painful experiences of the past years. For truely, the strength we have all shown is an hallmark of certain greatness that we all know permeates the Nigerian spirit.



