NDLF Constitution

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NDLF Constitution

Article I | Article II | Article III | Article IV | Article V

Article VI | Article VII | Article VIII | Article IX | Article X | Article XI | Article XII


Article I.
The name of the Association is Nigeria Democratic Leadership Forum, to be referred to as NDLF [or the Forum]

Article II.
The NDLF is an association of Nigerians dedicated to promoting popular democracy in Nigeria with the aim of assuring a responsible and accountable governance in the interest of the people and for all Nigerians.

Article III.
Aims & Objectives:
1]. Whereas there is a growing need for responsible government in Nigeria.
2]. Whereas there is a need to develop a common and Nigerian conscious policies toward promoting the total well being of all Nigerians.
3]. Whereas there is a continue corruption and lack of effective leadership in Nigeria.
4]. Whereas there is a continue need to develop the Nigeria nation as a means toward socio- political and economic development.
5].Whereas there is a dire need to develop a new set of leadership with the aim of providing the accountability and responsibility needed for the new democratic experiment.
6]. Whereas there is an increasing need for a movement to bring progressive Nigerians dedicated to making the requisite change together.


1].To promote a people centered governance in Nigeria

2].To unite progressive efforts that are representative of all Nigerians at developing a unified solution to problems of all Nigerians through, policy advocacy and promoting membership interest in participating in bringing about the desired change in governance and leadership in Nigeria body politics.

3].To foster the spirits of common unity and purpose among Nigerians as a vehicle towards developing the Nigerian nation.

4].To develop policy initiatives that will improve all sectors of the Nigerian society as a means of maximizing the appropriate development of Nigeria, with the aim of making her a competitive actor on the world stage.

Article IV.

There shall be only one single category of membership:
a]. Individual Membership

a].Individual Membership:
1].Membership of NDLF shall be open to everybody who accepts its aims and objectives a s set forth in Article III(b).

2].A person wishing to become a member of NDLF shall submit his or her applications
as appropriately demanded by NDLF to be reviewed by the membership committee.

3].Upon admission to membership, a member shall pay an annual membership fee, as may be determined by the annual congress of the NDLF on the recommendation of the executive council of the Forum .

4].Membership of NDLF may be lost through:
b}.Non-Payment of Annual Membership fee
c}.Expulsion under Articles VI(11) and
5].In the event of either resignation or expulsion, there shall be no refund of membership fee.

C:Rights & Obligations.

i].A member of NDLF has a right:
a].To demand the fulfillment of what is established in this constitution as well as of resolution, decisions, directives and agreements of the Forum and to seek to promote the same in accordance to this constitution;

b].To participate in the congress and meetings of NDLF organs and committeees to which he or she belongs and to freely discus in them the policy and activity(ies) of the Forum.

c].To put forward propositions and defend his or her opinion before agreements is reached on the matter under discussion;

d].To vote at meetings on decisions to be taken in relations to matters discussed;

e].To elect and be elected to positions of authority in the organization;
f].To state matters and address questions, petitions and proposals to the appropriate committee or organs; and
g].To receive concrete and timely answers to her or his questions.

ii].A Member of NDLF has the following obligations:
a].To act in the spirit of dedication and commitment to the cause of the Forum: - The promotion of popular democracy in Nigeria to the benefits and the well being of all Nigerians.

b].To attend meetings of the Forum called by the committees or organs, he or she belongs to, and any other meetings.

c].To express in such meetings his or her opinion and to contribute to discussions and participate in the adoption of the decisions of those committees or organs;

f].To observe and comply with decisions, resolutions and directives of the majority, although he or she might have voted against them or upheld diverging opinion during the discussions;

g].To contribute to the strengthening of the organic unity of the Forum.

Article V(Structure)
a) The Congress (Annual Meeting).

1].There shall be a Congress which is the annual meeting of the NDLF.

2].The Congress shall be the supreme organ of the Forum.

3].The Congress shall be composed of all members of the Forum attending the annual meeting.

4].The Congress shall have the power to set policy of the Forum, to review and assess the overall authority and development of the Forum between two congresses or annual meetings.

5].The Congress shall have the power to confirm, amend, repudiate or revoke any decision made by any committee or organs of the Forum.

6].The Congress shall evaluate the work of the executive council, consider, adopt or reject reports and recommendation thereof;

7].The Congress shall adopt all policy, on the recommendation and advice of the executive council.

8].The Congress shall have the power to adopt and amend the constitution of the association by a majority of two-third of those members in attendance.

9].The congress shall elect members of the Executive Council.

10]. A regular congress of the Forum shall be held annually at its annual meeting.

11].The congress shall be called by the executive council six months before the work of the Congress [suggesting six-month notice ].

12].The executive council when calling for the holding of the Congress [normally scheduled for the annual Conference] shall make known its agenda.

13].The executive council may on its own initiative [or at the request of two-third of its membership] convene extraordinary congress of the Forum .

14].The agenda of an extraordinary congress shall be proposed by the initiation of such a congress.

15.The extraordinary congress shall be held not later than two months after the proposal for its convocation has been made and

16].The Quorum of the congress shall be, half of members in attendance but not less than a third of entire membership.

Article VI
The Executive Council

1].There shall be an Executive Council [known as EC] of NDLF.

2].(i)The EC shall be elected by the Congress and it shall consist of the Chairman , two
deputy chairs, Communication Director, a Director of the Secretariat(not elected but an employee of NDLF, recruited under a guideline approved by the EC), ,a secretary of finance, the Secretary, Regional Representatives, National Chairs and Committee chairs and four ex-officio members(to be elected for two years and each serving alternately(At the first election, the two ex-officio with the highest vote will serve for three years, the next for two years and next for a year).
(ii)A central executive committee(CEC) comprising of the chair, the deputy chairs, the communication director, secretary of finance, the secretary , the Director of the secretariat and the ex-officio, shall coordinate the activities of the forum between EC meetings.

3].A minimum of 5 years of membership shall be required of member in order to be eligible for membership of the EC[this requirement may be waived for the first five years of the Forum].

4.]The EC shall be the highest organ of the Forum between the Congresses.

5].The EC shall discuss, adopt, review, amend or Annul, its resolutions, decisions and recommendations.

6].The EC shall convene the congress of NDLF.

7].The EC shall meet at least twice a year or as often as it shall be requested by the Chairman and on the advice of any member of the executive council.

8].All members of the EC shall be compulsorily required to attend all meetings except those who may be unavailable due to circumstances beyond their control.

9].A member of the EC who fails to be present at three consecutive meetings without valid reasons shall cease to be a member of the EC or a member of the Forum who fails to at least a congress and three planned programs of the forum. Or any member who brings the forum to disrepute through their activities.

10].The EC shall name, as deemed necessary ,members to any special Committee, delegations or assignments.

11].The EC shall consider current issues, policies and practices of NDLF, adjust its aims and objectives, respond timely to new problems and determine concrete political solutions to such problems.
12].The EC shall have the power to expel by two-third majority, a member of the Forum for serious misconduct or violations of the constitution [Any member so expel or suspended shall have an opportunity to appeal such decision by presenting his/her case before the Grievance committee or before the committee on ethics if the reason for expulsion has to do with ethical violation. A member shall have a last resort before a committee so appointed from the congress and its recommendation have to be approved by two-third of the Congress. A committee of 5(five) shall be appointed by the EC to handle membership grievance in respond to such grievance being placed before the EC and the committee shall have a given life span. There is no appeal of the decision of the committee except in cases concerning termination of membership. The EC is the only body which can recommend a lifting of suspension or expulsion ban if it is so convinced that an error has been made or there is a reason for such action.

13].The EC shall be accountable to the Congress.

14].The EC shall establish norms through the appropriation committee, to ensure
periodic examination of revenues, disbursement of funds and use of other properties of the Forum and

15].The quorum of the EC shall be a simple majority of its member.

The Executive Council(EC).

The Officers of the Forum shall be:
The Chairman
The First Deputy Chairman
The Second Deputy Chairman
The Communication Director
The Secretary of Finance
The Secretary
Regional Representatives:
-America North East Rep.:
-America North West Rep.
-America South East Rep.
-America South West Rep.
-Central America Rep.
-South America Rep.
-European Representative
-The Rest Of Europe Rep.
-Asia North Rep.
-Asia Central Rep
-Asia South Rep.
-The Pacific Rep
-Africa (West)
-Africa (North )
-Africa (South)
-The Middle East

National Chairs:
- The East
- The North
- The South
- The West
- The Central
- The South SouthEast
The Committee Chairs:
- Agriculture & Resource Committee
- Appropriation Committee
- Civil Military Relations(Including Defense)
- Constitutional & Legal Affairs.
- Cultural & Social Policy Committee(including Youth & Sports).
- Economic Revitalization
- Education Reform Ctte
- Electoral Policy Committee
- Committee On Ethics
- Foreign Affairs
- Health & Welfare
- Membership Committee
- Rights & Minority Affairs
- Science & Technology

- Special Committee On Conflict Resolution
- Transport & Communications
- Travels & Fund Raising
-The Director of The Secretariat
-Ex-Officio Members [4].

Duties and Functions of the Executive Council(Members of the EC).
The duties and functions of the executive council shall be as follows:
a) The Chairman:
1].The Chairman of NDLF shall be the leader and the chief executive officer of the Forum.
2].He or she shall with the support of simple majority of other members of the EC nominate committee members. Members interested in serving on any of the committees will have their names nominated according to the guidelines and submitted to the Executive Council for consideration.

3].He or she shall conduct his/her duties and functions in consultation with the deputy chairs, secretary, communication director, secretary of finance , the director of secretariat, and where possible other members of the EC.

4].The Chairman or whoever so designated by him/her shall represent the Forum.

5].The Chairman shall be accountable to the Executive Council and the Congress.

6].The Chairman shall be elected by the Congress for a two year term.

7].The Chairman shall be eligible for re-election once but could also serve the Forum afterwards in any other capacity.
8].He or she shall at the end of his/her tenure,automatically become a member of the NDLF Advisory Commission, which if so created, will be made up of the former Chairmen and non- serving deputy-Chairmen and any other members with distinguished record and so nominated by the EC.

9].The Chairman may be removed from office by a Congress resolution supported by at least two- third majority of its membership. A member may be subjected to this clause for an act considered to have brought the Forum to disrepute.
b].First Deputy Chairman
The First deputy chairman shall be the principal deputy of the Chairman and as such could succeed the Chairman when necessary.
2].The first deputy chairman shall exercise all such functions ,as may be delegated to him/her by the Chairman.

3].He/She shall exercise the same power and carry out all duties and functions of the Chairman in his/her absence.

4].He/She shall be accountable to the Executive Council.

5].He/She shall be elected by the Congress for a two year term.

6].He/She shall be eligible for re-election once.

7].He/She may be removed from office by the Congress through a resolution supported by at least two-third of its members.
c].2nd. Deputy Chairman.
1].The 2nd. Deputy Chair shall be the assistant to the Chairman and the 1st. Deputy chair, in the discharge of their duties and functions.

2].In the absence of the Chairman and the 1st. deputy chair, the 2nd. deputy chair shall perform all the duties and functions of the chairman.

3].He or She shall perform such functions within the Forum as may be assigned to him/her by the Chairman or the 1st. deputy chairman.

4].He/she shall be accountable to the Executive Council.

5].He/She shall be elected by the Congress for a two year term.

6].He/She shall be eligible for re-election.

7].He/She may be removed from office by a congress resolution supported by at least two-third majority of all its members.

8].He/She shall also be responsible for coordinating the committees activities and
organizational relations.
1].The SF shall receive and bank all the monies belonging to the Forum within 7 days of receipt of such monies;

2].He/She shall keep and maintain account books,vouchers,financial documents,reports,internal revenue records of the Forum.

3].He/She shall prepare and present to the EC and the Congress, at the end of the
financial year, an updated account of income and expenditures of the Forum.

4].He/She shall have the power to check NDLF Banking account and Books and
report findings regularly to the EC.

5].He/She shall be responsible for making NDLF's payments and for keeping copies of all receipts thereof.
6].He/She shall prepare all checks and payments vouchers[with the assistance of the Secretariat's financial Officer].

7].He/She shall be responsible for fund-raising in cooperation with the Fund raising committee.

8].He/she shall be co-signatory to all checks of the Forum [the other co-signatory shall be the director of the Secretariat] or the Chairman as the case maybe.

9].He/She shall be accountable to the Executive- Council and the Congress.

10].He/she shall receive from all units of the Forum, at the end of every financial year, their expenditures of previous year and their budget for the ensuing year.
11].He/She shall be elected for a two year term by the congress.

12].He/She shall be eligible for re-election once.

13].He/She may be removed from office by a resolution of the congress ,on the advice of the EC, supported by at least two-third majority of its membership.

e).The Communication Director.
1].He/She shall be responsible for all the public relations and communication affairs of the Forum.

2].He/Shall head the publication and communication unit of the NDLF secretariat.

3].He/she shall with the assistance of the Secretariat, manage and coordinate the Annual Congress and the activities so attached.

4].He/She shall be elected for a two year term and due for re-election once.

5].He/She may be removed from office only through a simple majority decision of the EC.
f) The Secretary
1] The secretary shall be responsible for the documentation of all activities of the EC and the Congress. He/she shall keep records of all decisions and activities o both the EC and Congress.

2] He/She shall be subjected to the same requirement of Article VIII(e)(4) &(5).
1].The Forum shall maintain a Secretariat.

2].The secretariat shall be staffed as recommended by the EC.

3].The Secretariat Shall be located as may be designated by the EC.A national secretariat should be located in Abuja, Nigeria, with regional and national offices as may be approved by the EC and Congress. The secretariat shall coordinate all the activities of the regional and national offices.

4].The Secretariat shall be the administrative Headquarter of the Forum.

5].The secretariat Shall be headed by a Director [known as the director of the Secretariat].

6].The Director of the Secretariat [DS]shall be an employee of the Forum.

7].The Director shall be a career administrator, employed under a contract at a salary determined in accordance to the rules established by a special committee of 5[five] appointed by the Chairman, and a review of which shall also be undertaken regularly [every other year] to take cognizance of changes within the Forum and beyond.*[The initial committee and subsequent committee(probably the appropriation committee shall determine rules of employments and conditions of same and its review as the case may be , of the entire staff of the Secretariat and others, i.e the Attorney,
Auditors and Accountants of the Forum].

8].He/She shall be accountable to the EC.

9].He/She could be removed by a simple majority of the EC and in accordance to the terms of the contract.
h).Regional Representatives
1].He/She shall be the regional chair of the Forum in a region so designated by the EC.

2].He/She shall , with an elected vice-chair, secretary and treasurer and chapters chair from a region, constitute the regional executive council(REC). The REC shall be responsible for coordinating the activities of the region. A chapter within a particular region shall operate according to the principle of this constitution and elect its officers in the same manner and spirit.

3].He/She shall be elected by the congress for a two year term.

4].He/She shall be subjected to the same requirement as spelt out in Article VIII(e)(4)(5).
i)National Chairs
1] He/She shall be the national chairs representing designated regions of the country and coordinates activities of the chapters within their respective regions. He/She shall be assisted by elected vice-chair, secretary, treasurer and local chapters chairs.

2] He/She shall be elected for a two year term and according to the requirement of article VIII(e)(4)(5).
j) Committee Chairs
1] He/She shall be elected to head a specific committee of the Forum and assisted by a secretary, elected at the fisrt meeting of the committee, to serve as may be determined by the committee membership and the scertary shall serve as the coordinator of committee activities in the absence of the chair.

2] He/she shall be elected for a two year term and in accordance to Article VIII(e)(4)(5).

1].Four ex-officio members of the EC shall be elected to serve for two years with the exception of the initial election.
2].They shall assist the EC in the performance of its duties.

3].Either of them could be assigned any duties by the EC.

4].They shall be elected by the Congress and can only serve for a two year term as an ex-officio member but could serve after wards in any other capacity.

5].Either may be removed by a resolution of the EC or the congress by at a simple majority.

1]. An organ refers to a unit of the Forum in existence or that which may be created and are expected to function according to the constitution and in furtherance of the goals of the NDLF

2]. The organs of the NDLF shall be committees, regional and national chapters and advisory commission and any other so designated by the EC.

3]. Each committee shall be expected to design a national policy in their areas of expertise that will promote the agenda of the forum and form the bases of its activities. Membership of the committees shall be by nomination by the Chairman and approved by the EC. Nomination shall be voluntary and in accordance to a guideline approved by the EC.

4] Each regional and national chapters shall operate according to the guidelines approved by the EC and the constitution.

1].Annual Meeting or conference shall be held.

2].Each annual meeting shall be organized to include an annual conference or meeting of congress.

3] Each meeting shall be planned by the Secretariat and approved by the EC.

4].Each member shall pay a separately approved registration fee for the annual meeting/conference:
Preregistration fee
Registration fee

This Constitution...
1].This constitution shall be approved for amendment by unanimous decision of the EC and such amendment shall be approved by two-third of members at the congress .

2].This constitution shall be reviewed at five(5) years interval in order to respond to changes in the nation.
3].A committee to review the constitution shall be appointed by the EC.

Article XII:
Special provision
1] Membership fee: To become a member, a candidate shall submit an application with a fee to be determined by the EC. For the transition period, a fee of $50 or its equivalent shall be submitted with an application. Application fees must be submitted with application.
2] An annual fee to be determined by the EC shall be levied on every member of the forum. A fee of $100 shall be levied during the transition period.
3] Chapters fee: Chapters shall abide by the recommendation of the EC and could make recommendation supported by a majority of the chapters membership to the EC on the fees to be paid but such a recommendation shall be supported and approved by a majority of the EC membership. The EC shall set membership and application fees and can waive or determine fees by a particular member based on circumstances which must be determined by two-third of the EC membership. Membership fees shall be paid within 6 months of becoming a member. Membership decision shall be made within a month of application, except under certain circumstances to be determined by the appropriate committee of the Forum and supported by a simple majority of the EC.
4] Resource allocation: All funds and resources acquired in the name of the Forum shall be turned over to the Secretary of Finance and the EC , with appropriate notification made to the requisite committees of the Forum within two weeks. All application fees to the EC or the chapters shall be made known to the appropriate officers of the Forum( The secretary of Finance, the Director of the Secretariat, The Chair of the Appropriation Committee and the Chairman of the Forum ) and turn over within the required time to the appropriate officer of the forum. The chapters can only hold on to a percentage of their membership fees as determined by the EC. For the transition period, the percentage shall be 30% to facilitate effective take off of the chapters. All funds raised shall be turned over to the Forum except as determined by the EC.