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The Coordinating Committee

" serving
the people in the interest of all for the benefit of all, nothing more and nothing less"

The Officers of the Forum shall be:
The Chairman
The First Deputy Chairman
The Second Deputy Chairman
The Communication Director
The Secretary of Finance
The Secretary
Regional Representatives:
-America North East Rep.:
-America North West Rep.
-America South East Rep.
-America South West Rep.
-Central America Rep.
-South America Rep.
-European Representative
-The Rest Of Europe Rep.
-Asia North Rep.
-Asia Central Rep
-Asia South Rep.
-The Pacific Rep
-Africa (West)
-Africa (North )
-Africa (South)
-The Middle East

National Chairs:
- The East
- The North
- The South
- The West
- The Central
- The South SouthEast
The Committee Chairs:
- Agriculture & Natural  Resource Committee
- Appropriation Committee
- Civil Military Relations(Including Defense)
- Constitutional & Legal Affairs.
- Cultural & Social Policy Committee(including Youth & Sports).
- Economic Revitalization
- Education Reform Ctte
- Electoral Policy Committee
- Committee On Ethics
- Foreign Affairs
- Health & Welfare
- Membership Committee
- Mineral Resources & Allocation Committee
- Rights & Minority Affairs
- Science & Technology

- Special Committee on Conflict Resolution
- Trade & Industry Committee
- Transport & Communications
- Travels & Fund Raising

The Director of The Secretariat
Ex-Officio Members [4].

Committee Responsibilities
All committees are to develop a blue print in their areas of expertise , that will become the NDLF policy position as it seeks to promote socio-economic and political development in Nigeria. These are therefore the charges to the committee and they are advised to develop a road map for sustaining the Nigerian nation as it concern their responsibility within the next 6months. The approved blueprint will therefore become the guide for all members of the NDLF as they seek to promote democracy , influence policy development and participate in politics.
Agriculture and Natural Resource Committee:
This committee will develop an agriculture policy aimed at revitalizing the Nigerian economy. It will focus on increasing Nigerian food production and distribution. A detail analysis of Nigerian agricultural and natural resources and a development of an NDLF initiative based on  short and long term policy proposals.
Appropriation Committee:
This committee will focus on Nigerian budgetary issues and develop a policy position that will address contracting, banking, taxation and financing issues.
Civil- Military Relations Committee:
This committee will develop a proposal for promoting a civil-military relationship. It will also be responsible for the Nigerian defense policies and the democratization of the military. A sub committee will be responsible for Nigerian Security and Defense while another will be responsible for Policing and Law Enforcement. The sub committee on Nigerian Security and Defense will focus on increasing Nigerian security and defense system while the sub committee on Policing and Law Enforcement will also develop a blueprint for increasing the Nigerian police competence and skills as well as upgrading Nigerian law enforcement and correctional facilities.
Constitutional & Legal Affairs:
This committee will be the legal arm of the NDLF and will be responsible for all legal and constitutional questions. It will develop the NDLF position on major constitutional issues such as the Sharia, distribution of power between the states and the Federal governments, local government resource allocation and dual citizenship .
Cultural & Social Policy Committee:
This committee will focus on cultural and social issues and interpret their integration into the new democratic experiment. It will develop policy position on the role of the traditional institutions and identify a specific blueprint for the NDLF on ethnic and religion issues. A sub committee on Youth and Sport will also develop a viable policy for enhancing our sport program and improving the quality of our youth.
Economic Revitalization Committee:
This committee will develop an NDLF policy initiative that will address the questions of economic revitalization including inflation, pricing policy and privatization.
Education Reform Committee:
This committee will examine the Nigerian educational system and develop a policy proposal that will revitalize and increase the quality of Nigerian education standard. It will provide a blueprint for an affordable and quality education for all. This committee could also charge a sub committee to develop a policy position on Research & Development, Learned Societies and Research Academy.

Electoral Policy Committee:
This committee will handle all NDLF electoral activities and will also provide a continuous study of the Nigerian electoral system with the aim of sustaining its relevance in the democratization process .
Committee On Ethics:
This is an important committee . It will put in place a code of ethics and maintain a high ethical standard among members. It will also develop policy position on maintaining probity in government and that which will guide members of the NDLF seeking positions in government. The committee will enforce these standards and any abuse of which will result in appropriate recommendation from the committee to the executive council.
Foreign Affairs Committee:
This committee will be responsible for studying Nigerian foreign policy positions and to develop and  recommend  appropriate policy positions to the NDLF. It will , through a sub committee on Diplomatic missions, develop a blueprint for revamping Nigerian diplomatic missions so as to make them people-centered. Appropriate sub committees can be assigned to regional, continental, United Nations, Peacekeeping, International Assistance, International Trade and many other international affairs issues.
Health & Welfare Committee:
This committee will examine Nigeria health care and welfare policies and make appropriate recommendation for their revitalization and improvement. The committee will focus on improving the quality and standard of Nigerian medical facilities and research institution. It will also charge a sub-committee on Infectious Disease Control(HIV/AIDS). This committee is also charged with developing a data base of Nigerian health personnel, that can easily be tapped to assist NDLF attain  some of its objectives.
Membership Committee:
This is an important committee which will be responsible for accepting new members and recommending the termination of membership when necessary. This committee and that n ethics will vigorously monitor the adherence of membership to the forum goals and agenda. The focus will be  to serve the people and to promote the interest of all for the benefit of all Nigerians.
Mineral Resources & Allocation Committee:
This committee will study the Nigerian mineral resources and its allocation policy and put in place a precise equitable and effective agenda which will be the bedrock of NDLF initiatives in Nigeria. A sub committee on Iron, Petroleum & Steel will study the Nigerian petroleum extraction policy and suggest a Nigerian centered plan for restructuring Nigerian mineral resources and allocation.
Rights, Minority & Women Affairs Committee:
In the spirit of promoting fundamental human rights in Nigeria, this committee will examine the human rights situation in Nigeria and put forward an NDLF agenda that will enhance human rights promotion. A sub-committee on the disable, women and minority right may also be charged with developing a blueprint for promoting and sustaining a viable policy position in these areas.
Science & Technology Committee:
This is an important committee which will develop a science and technology agenda for making Nigeria a competitive actor in the global economy. A viable science and technology agenda is indispensable for revitalizing the Nigerian economy. A sub-committee on space technology and or  computer technology could be charged to develop a policy position for the NDLF.

Special Committee On Conflict Resolution: This committee will be responsible for conflict resolution matters. It will present a blueprint for resolving major conflicts in Nigeria and develop a mechanism for its prevention. It will work with other committees of the Forum in developing appropriate response to any conflict issue.
Trade & Industry Committee:
This committee will develop a trade policy that will help revamp the Nigerian economy. This committee will also study the industrial sector of the Nigerian economy and develop an agenda for  invigorating it.
Transport & Communication Committee:
There is dire need for a viable transportation and communication initiative in Nigeria and this committee will examine and present appropriate policy initiatives on which the NDLF is going to mobilize the requisite change for the better in Nigeria. The committee could charge a sub- committee to study the Nigerian communication commission and to develop a position paper on all type of broadband communication as well as a special agenda on Nigeria Air transportation.
Travel and Fund Raising Committee:
This committee will manage the fund raising activities of the forum and will work with other committees or and chapters as it develop initiatives to facilitate fund-raising , travels and other campaign planning of the forum.

List of Transition Officers

1st. Deputy Chair:
2nd Deputy Chair:
Communications Director:
Secretary of Finance:
Ex- Officio: (1)
European Representative: ( )(England)

Regional Rep:


National Chairs:

Committee Chairs:
Agriculture & Natural Resources Committee:
Eddy Olafeso
Appropriation Committee:


Civil Military Relations (Defense):

Constitutional & Legal Affairs:
 Cultural & Social Policy Committee:

Economic Revitalization :
Education Reform Committee:


Electoral Policy:  

Committee on Ethics:

Foreign Affairs:


Health & Welfare:

Membership Committee: E
Mineral Resources & Allocation Committee:

Rights & Minority /Religion/Women Affairs:

Science & Technology:

Special Committee On Conflict Resolution:
Trade & Industry Committee:

Transport & Communications:

Travels & Fund Raising: Chair:


Program of Action- Registration in the US
Registration in Nigeria
Launching of Chapters.
Fund raising and recruitment for office:
Interest declaration : National Offices - Presidency & Vice Presidency
National legislature: Senate
House of Rep.
State Assemblies
National Party offices
Ministerial & Ambassadorial appointments
Parastatals & State appointments

Contribution to NDLF:
Helping with program & policy development
Campaign Strategies
Legal contributions
Fund raising

Focus of attention:
Constitutional issues
State- federal relationship
law enforcement
Ethnicity & religion issues
Free Press
Tax system
Political education
human rights
High technology
telecommunication & electricity
rural development
foreign policy
traditional institutions

Please contact any of the above members for information about joining or starting your own unit of NDLF

We Need you all !!

Volunteers needed for all positions






Press Release