THE CAT says Meow!
[AU] Meow! [WAV]
and BUDDY'S BUDDIES -- ISSUE #23 -- Winter 2000
© 2000, Presidential Socks Partnership, Inc.
703-920-5193 - fax: 703-521-6157 - email: SOCKSTHECAT@WORLDNET.ATT.NET
For a free copy of SOCKS THE CAT NEWSLETTER,
please send your name and address and two 33-cent stamps to:
SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB, 611 South Ivy Street, Arlington VA 22204-2429
by SOCKS FAN CLUB President Jay Jacob Wind, Arlington VA
We hope you enjoy reading SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB/BUDDY'S
BUDDIES newsletter.
We cover White House news from a cat's-eye view
We welcome and often reprint any articles, letters, photos you send us
by mail or e-mail.
Click HERE to join SOCKS
or BUDDY'S BUDDIES t-shirt, button, membership card, and the next newsletter.
You can choose other SOCKS FAN CLUB and BUDDY'S BUDDIES gifts, too. We
donate 10% of everything we earn on SOCKS gifts to Humane
Society of the U.S. and
Defense Fund.
from Official Press Briefing by Joe Lockhart, January 5, 2000
Q New subject? Is the President taking or going to have any White
House personnel or government personnel in his private home in New York?
Are they taking any of their help with them, and how does this go?
MR. LOCKHART: The President, as you know, travels with people
from security to military to people like me, White House staff. I think
at the home, there will be some security, obviously, and for equally obvious
reasons I'm not going to talk about the details of that. As is when he
travels in private homes, whether it be friends around the country or --
let me keep going -- or when he used to go back to Little Rock, there will
be some small group of staff that go with him, but who will stay where
the press pool stays, presumably.
Q I'm talking about a household staff that will run that house,
actually. I'm sure that -- you know, 10 maids and 10 mops.
MR. LOCKHART: I don't think you will find 10 maids and 10 mops
Q But there won't be any government personnel?
MR. LOCKHART: The President, as the President, as all Presidents,
and I think that those of you who used to travel to Santa Barbara and those
of you who used to travel to Kennebunkport will know, that there are some
government personnel that attend to the President for a variety of needs,
who travel with him when he travels.
Q When the President is there, but I'm talking about the house,
itself, when he's not there.
MR. LOCKHART: Oh, there would be no one there, as far as I know.
Q Kitty custody, did you find out who is going to get Socks?
MR. LOCKHART: My understanding on the cat and dog question is
that they will remain here at the White House for some time.
FOREIGN POLICY: Action Alert to
Save the Dogs of Istanbul
by Ihsan Ada, Istanbul, Turkey
we received the e-mail below from Ihsan Ada in Istanbul, Turkey (,
who asked us to forward this to animal lovers in the U.S. Ihsan sent similar
messages to animal rights organizations in Germany, Austria, Finland, and
Czech Republic, all scheduled to be participant nations at OSCE.
We think Ihsan's request is reasonable, and I
think an outpouring of e-mails to PRESIDENT@WHITEHOUSE.GOV
the other addresses Ihsan cites may serve to save some animals' lives.
Very Urgent! On November 18-19 the OSCE (Organisation
for Security and Cooperation in Europe) summit is going to be held in Istanbul,
Turkey. President Clinton is going to arrive in Istanbul on November 14.
Prior to that, the Turkish officials want to give the city an “elegant
outlook”, which includes the annihilation of some 10,000’s of stray dogs.
The municipality has turned down the offers of animal protection associations
to gather the dogs in shelters because killing them is cheaper. They are
spreading the false information about rabies to justify the massacre.
They have proceeded in a similar manner a few years
ago prior to the HABITAT conference. Thanks to the supports and protests
of the participating countries' NGO’s, at least a minute of silence was
held at the opening ceremony in the memory of the annihilated animals.
I thank you in advance in the name of all living
beings on this planet. Maybe this time, if we work FAST ENOUGH, we can
save some innocent lives. If you want to serve this cause, please forward
this e-mail to anyone who can help. You can also forward or fax the message
below to some of the following addresses:
ANIMALS in Istanbul in order to prepare the city for the summit, as was
done for the HABITAT conference some years ago. We know that rabies is
being used as a false excuse for this massacre. Such a massacre would certainly
not improve Turkey’s image as violator of Human Rights. -- Ihsan Ada
from FONZ Flash, Volume 2, Number 4, September 2, 1999
Here is the very first photo of one of the tiger
cubs born on June 23 to Kerinci at the National Zoo in Washington,
DC. The cubs, two males and a female, each now weigh about 16 pounds and
are doing fine. For now they are still behind the scenes with mom. They
will make their public debut at the end of September. If you have suggestions
or questions about National Zoo, write to FONZ Flash,
Friends of
the National Zoo, National Zoological Park, Washington, DC 20008 or
DOMESTIC POLICY: Influencing the
U.S. Postal Service
by Hope Tarr,
Despite receiving an estimated 50,000
requests, the United States Postal Service says it will NOT be issuing
the "Stop Pet Overpopulation, Spay or Neuter Your Pet" commemorative stamp
in 2000. The U.S. stamp program for 2000, which takes as its theme "Great
Achievements and Great Achievers," features Warner Brothers cartoon characters
Wile E. Coyote and Road Runner. Meanwhile the proposed SPAY/NEUTER stamp,
which would bring national attention to the EIGHT MILLION homeless dogs
and cats euthanized in animal shelters each year, languishes on the Postmaster
General's desk.
The stamp remains "under consideration
for future issuance," the same status it has occupied since October 1998.
To add insult to injury, Postal officials still have not responded to last
summer's Congressional sign-on letter. Co-sponsored by Reps. Ben Gilman
(R-NY) and Tom Lantos (D-CA) and signed by 53 Members of Congress and U.S.
Senators, the letter was delivered to Postmaster Henderson on August 7th.
For a free copy of Prevent a Litter
Coalition's (PaLC) form letter and brochure, "Tips on STAMPING OUT Pet
Overpopulation," contact: Hope C. Tarr, STAMP OUT Project coordinator,
P.O. Box 16486, Alexandria, VA 22302; 703-818-8009, ext. #1;
Mailed requests should include a self-addressed, standard size envelope
with 55 cents postage.
What can YOU do to reclaim your U.S.
stamp program from the corporate executives and special interests?
(1) Call Postal Headquarters in Washington
DC, (202) 268-2000, and ask to speak with Azeezaly Jaffer, Acting Vice
President of Communications and Public Relations. Remind Mr. Jaffer, politely
but firmly, that the SPAY/NEUTER stamp passed the Citizens' Stamp Advisory
Committee in October 1998 and ask WHEN you can expect to see this life-saving
message on a U.S. stamp.
(2) Write or fax your request to Postmaster
Henderson (William J.Henderson, Postmaster General, USPS, 475 L'Enfant
Plaza, SW., Washington, DC 20260-2437; Fax: 202-268-5211). Tell Mr. Henderson
that, like TENS OF THOUSANDS of Americans, you favor a SPAY/NEUTER stamp
and ask WHEN he plans to issue it.
(3) Call your Representative in Congress
and ask that he or she call the Postal Service to determine an issuance
date for the stamp. The Capitol switchboard is (202) 224-3121.
by Gina Orello, contributed by Rebecca
My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you will be
painful for me. So please remember this when you get me.
Give me time to understand what you want of me.
Place your trust in me. It is crucial to my well-being.
Don't be angry with me for long, and don't lock me up as punishment. You
have your work, school, entertainment, and friends. I have only you.
Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don't understand your words, I understand
your voice.
Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget.
Before you hit me, remember that I have teeth that could easily crush the
bones in your hand, but that I choose not to bite or hurt you.
Before you scold me for being uncooperative, obstinate, or lazy, ask yourself
what might be bothering me. Perhaps I'm not getting the right food: I've
been out in the sun too long or my heart might be getting old and weak.
Take good care of me when I am old. You too will grow old.
Remember that I love you. Life is better for me because you are there.
by Allen and Linda
ANGEL ANIMALS is a website about amazing human experiences
with animals. You can visit them at
or subscribe to their free montlhy on-line newsletter at
Animals founders Allen and Linda Anderson write: "Story after story shows
how we can learn gratitude, joy, survival, courage, forgiveness, patience,
and unconditional love from our beloved pets and creatures in nature. Animals
helping in dreams, giving to those who are suffering, and protecting us
from danger offer a delightful mix of experiences, shared by so many individuals."
Their newsletter features a rich trove of articles
about how animals and humans help each other. Apropos to our Washington
connection, here is a sample:
"Animals in Disasters, Part A and B, are free courses offered by the
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). These free booklets are valuable
resources for saving animals' lives if there is a natural disaster in your
area. They can also help you to prevent loss of property and human lives.
For further information, e-mail FEMA at"
(en Français:) Cher Socks,
J'ai eu le plaisir de lire ton histoire dans la
revue A TOUT CHAT et je peux te dire qu'à peu dechoses près
nous pourrions être des jumeaux.
Je m'appelle FILOU en français, le petit
Je suis comme toi un mâle castré âgé
dehuit ans(15-4-91) je me trouve beau en tout modestie avec ma fourrure
noire et blanche barioléé mes chaussettes blanches aux quatre
pattes et mon air filou.
Je suis depuis 5 ans avec Simone et maurice, deux
médecins retraités depuis peu. Avant j'étais avec
leur fils Thierry.
J'habite dans un pavillon en région parisienne.
J'ai une vie simple et heureuse. toi le chat le plus puissant du monde
avec une protection rapprochée et un garde du corps moi un chat
inconnu. pas de chichi, pas de protection particulière car personne
ne viendra m'enlever.
J'ai mon jardin et ma maison. Je dors indifféremment
dans trois chambres ou sur le lit de Simone et Maurice. Le matin, je me
lève en meme temps que Maurice vers 7h et je réveille Simone
qui me donne quelques croquettes. je prends ensuite le chemin du jardin
pour faire un petit tour.
Je mange comme toi 2 fois par jour. C'est Simone
qui prépare mon repas bien equilibré comme pour un bébé.
Vers 8h après mon repas je pars en vadrouille.
Je suis bien dans mon jardin de temps en temps,
je fais des fugues en cachette car il ne faut pas que Simone le sache.
elle a peur que je me bagarre avec les chats de la rue. mon coin préféré
est un grand sapin au fond du jardin. c'est mon obsevatoire d'ou je guette
les oiseaux car ce n'est pas l'envie qui me manque de les attraper.
Dans la matinée, je rentre de temps en temps et je m'istalle
derrère la fenètre qui donne sur la rue pour voir la belle
minette blanche qui se perche sur le mur elle est vraiment belle on a envie
de la croquer.
Vers midi Simone me donne un peu de poisson pour
me calmer et dès 14h,après un peu du repos dans ma chambre
au 1er étage, je file dans le jardin. Je vadrouille sur le gazon,
je griffe les arbres pour aiguiser mes griffes,je mange du gazon;et toi
tu a l'autorisation? tu dis que tu a des gardes du corps c'est normale
tu es
lepatron du monde tandisque moi jene suis pas une vedette et je suis
sûr que personne ne viendra me kidnapper;Je suis très sage
et je ne fais pas de betises je ne griffe pas les rideaux ni les meubles
le soir je monte vers 18h30 et mon diner est déjà prépaé
par Simone.
Après le repas je tournicote un peu dans
la maison. je reste quelque fois avec Simon et Maurice devant la télé
pour me faire gratouiller le cou par Maurice ou me faire dorloter par Simone
sur ses genoux.
Tu as avec toi un toutou, le labrador des Clintons
moi j'ai mon perroquer nommé emeraude, un gabonnet gris avec queue
rouge qui est avec Simone et Maurice depuis sa naissance, il a bientôt
25 ans. On fait un bon ménage ensemble. Il parle beaucoup et il
m'appelle par mon ce vilain il dit de temps en temps:
Emeraude est beau, le chat ne pas beau. Il siffle
bien la marseillaise et chante quelque chansons fransaies et dans ta langue.
Il dit "how are you" c'est Alain le grand fils de
Simon et Maurice qui lui a appris. Si on parlait un peu de notre avnir!
Pour moi, je me trouve bien et je parts souvant
en voyage avec S et M ou dans notre maison du midi ou dans la maison familiale
en corrèze.
Pour toi je souhaite de tout coeur, qu'après
l'an 2000 tu reste dans la maison blanche avec Hillary et Bill, qui sait
si Hillary remplasait Bill dans ta maison en teminant ma lettre Je te fais
une grosse bise je t'enverai plustard, peut être une photo avec Emeraude.
-- Ton petit copain FILOU (
(en Englais:) Dear Socks The Cat:
I had the pleasure of reading your story in the
magazine TO EVERY CAT and I can tell you that, except for a few things,
we could be twins.
My name is FILOU in French, the rascal.
Like you, I am a neutered male, 8 years old (15
April 1991). In all modesty, I am very handsome with my multi-colored black
and white fur, my white socks on all four feet and my rascally air.
For five years, I have lived with Simone and Maurice,
two recently retired doctors.
Before that, I was with their son Thierry.
I live in a villa near Paris. I lead a simple, happy
life. You, the most powerful cat in the world with protection nearby and
bodyguards, me, an unknown cat, no fuss, no particular protection because
nobody wants to kidnap me.
I have my garden and my house, I sleep wherever
I like in three rooms or in Simone’s and Maurice’s bed. In the morning,
I get up at the same time Maurice does, around 7:00, and I wake up Simone
who gives me some croquettes. Then I take a walk around the garden. Like
you, I eat twice a day. Simone prepares my well-balanced meal as though
for a baby. After my meal, around 8:00, I go for a stroll.
I am happy in my garden. From time to time, I run
away, secretly, because I don’t want Simone to know. She’s afraid that
I fight with the street cats. My favorite spot is a large fir at the back
of the garden. It’s my observatory; from there I lie in wait for birds
because I like to trap them.
In the morning, from time to time I come back and sit behind the window
that looks out on the street to watch the pretty white pussycat that perches
on the wall. She’s really pretty; I want to kiss her.
Towards noon, Simone gives me a little bit of fish
to calm me down, and at 2:00 pm, after a little bit of rest in my room
on the second floor, I wander into the garden. I stroll around on the lawn,
scratch trees to sharpen my claws, eat some grass – and you, can you do
these things? You say you have bodyguards; that’s normal, since you are
the king of the world, whereas I am not a star and I’m sure nobody would
kidnap me. I am very wise and I don’t do stupid things. I don’t scratch
the curtains or the furniture. In the evening I go in around 6:30 and Simone
has already prepared my dinner.
After I eat, I wander around the house a little.
Sometimes I watch TV with Simone and Maurice so Maurice can scratch my
neck or Simone can coddle me on her knees.
You have a doggie living with you, the Clintons’
labrador. I have a parrot named Emerald, who is a gray bird with a red
tail. He’s been with Simone and Maurice since he was born. He’s already
25 years old. We make a good family together. He talks a lot and he calls
me a bad boy, he says that sometimes.
Emerald is beautiful, the cat is not. He’s good at whistling the Marseillaise
and he sings some French songs and, in your language, he says “How are
you.” Alain, Simon and Maurice’s oldest son, taught him that.
Let’s talk a little bit about our future!
I am doing well and I often travel with S and M
to our house in the Midi or to our family home in Corrèze.
With all my heart, I hope that after the year 2000
you'll still be in the White House with Hillary and Bill – who knows if
Hillary will replace Bill in your house?
In closing, I send you a big kiss. Perhaps later I'll send you a photo
of myself with Emerald.
-- Your little friend, FILOU
Cher Filou:
Merci beaucoups! And thank you to Tammy
Huck for translating!
by Brooke Lea Foster, Washingtonian Magazine, April 2000
Copyright ©2000 by Washington
Magazine Inc.

There's always a lot at stake in a presidential
election, and few issues are more important than what pets a new President
will bring to the White House.
It's been more than a decade since we first saw Barbara Bush's freckled
English springer spaniel, Millie -- once singled out by
Magazine as the ugliest dog in Washington.
If George W. Bush follows his father into
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, he will bring with him another legacy, Spot,
a daughter of Millie.
Spot was born at the White House in 1989.
George and Barbara Bush decided to give Millie's pups to members of the
"Spot was the runt of the litter," said Phyllis
Munson, a tour director at the Governor's Mansion in Austin TX. But she
says George W. was not shortchanged: "She's playful and can get pretty
persistent when playing ball."
A George W. presidency would also mean kitty
litter. The Bush cats, Ernie, a six-toed tabby named after Ernest Hemingway,
and India, a shorthair, would join the ranks of first felines, Socks, the
Clintons' black-and-white cat who loves to take naps on the South Lawn,
was the first to liive in the White House since Amy Carter's kitty Misty
Malarky Ying Yang.
If Al Gore moves into the White House, Shiloh,
the famility's black Labrador retriever, will join them. The dog was apparently
named in honor of the Battle of Shiloh in southwestern Tennessee.
Daisy, the other Gore dog, is a mutt found
injured and abandoned back in the home state.
The next question: Which pet will write the
next New York Times bestseller? |
Visit CLAW, the secret society for cats who
rule their owners, at To
join, you must pass the following quiz:
Are you a cat ?
Do you rule your people in most ways ?
Is it your goal to extend your influence into the ways where you fail to
rule them ?
Can you answer "All of the above ? "
If you have a purrfect score on the quiz, then
you can apply to the CLAW Admissions Committee at
Good luck!
Contributed by Patricia