Join the Official SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB and BUDDY'S BUDDIES!     (
With every order of $12.00 or more, you get the membership package:
     * SOCKS FAN CLUB full-color pin (shown below) ... AND ...
     * SOCKS FAN CLUB / BUDDY'S BUDDIES membership card ... AND ...
     * The final issue of SOCKS FAN CLUB NEWSLETTER ... AND ...
     * SOCKS's and BUDDY's History of Presidents' Pets ... AND ...
     * SOCKS's Favorite Quotations From Chairman Meow
Please select among the following gifts:
[_] $20.00 SOCKS Look-Alike Cuddly Toy Cat -- Looks just like SOCKS, with bell on collar
[_] $20.00 Sweatshirt:      [_]SOCKS  (design on right)      or      [_]IN BUDDY WE TRUST
      [_]S    [_]M     [_]L     [_]XL     [_]XX ($21.00)     [_]XXX ($22.00)
[_] $20.00 Sue Ellen Brown's Beautiful Full-Color Portrait
[_] $15.00 [_] Chef's Apron      or   [_] Tote-bag (holds 35 pounds)   or  [_] 3-Button Golf Shirt
[_] $12.00 T-shirt:            [_]SOCKS (design on right)       or      [_]IN BUDDY WE TRUST
      [_]S    [_]M     [_]L     [_]XL     [_]XX ($13.00)     [_]XXX ($14.00)     Child [_]M     [_]L
[_] $12.00 [_]SOCKS Xmas Cards or [_]Valentines - pack of 12, six witty hand-colored designs
[_] $ 6.95 Cartoon book - Socks Goes to Washington, The Diary of America's First Cat
      Socks's meowmoirs - a biting, scratching satire by Michael O'Donohue and J.C. Suarez
[_] $  3.00 [_]SOCKS or [_]BUDDY Color Portrait Postcard - 5.5"x8.5" (2 for $5.00)
[_] Back issues of SOCKS FAN CLUB NEWSLETTER -- $   1.00 each or $20.00 for all 24
    __ #1 (2 pages) SOCKS's Inauguration Jan. 20, 1993 / Kids clean up the environment
    __ #2 (4 pages) Interview with SOCKS' vet Joan Nafe / White House maze
    __ #3 (8 pages) Cat's Credo, a poem by Garrison Keillor / 1993 Inauguration photos
    __ #4 (8 pages) Vic Gold interviews SOCKS / White House board game
    __ #5 (8 pages) The Wild Cats of Hawaii / Murphy Brown kidnaps SOCKS on TV
    __ #6 (8 pages) Interview with SOCKS's press secretary Neel Lattimore - scratch those rumors!
    __ #7 (8 pages) New White House Visitor Center (the first article anywhere!)
    __ #8 (8 pages) African Safari / SOCKS in Mad Magazine
    __ #9 (8 pages) On-Line Tour / MaryKate & Ashley Olson sing Some Day I Want to Be President
    __#10 (8 pages) White House Sculpture Garden (1st ever published!) / PRIMANJI Board Game
    __#11 (8 pages) SOCKS interviews Leader Dole / The Great SOCKS vs. Leader Debate
    __#12 (8 pages) White House Holiday Cards / Holidays Around the World
    __#13 (4 pages) SOCKS's 2nd Inauguration / We meet SOCKS at Children's Hospital
    __#14 (8 pages) SOCKS's Inaugural Address / Saving Australia's Cats / SOCKS Cloned!
    __#15 (8 pages) A Day in the Life of SOCKS / Saving Singapore's Cats / Presidential Movies
    __#16 (8 pages) Chelsea leaves for college / A letter from Clinton / Cabinet Member Contest
    __#17 (8 pages) White House goes to the Dogs
    __#18 (8 pages) BuddyGot Neutered, in response to SOCKS FAN CLUB's lobbying
    __#19 (6 pages) SOCKS at National Geographic Cats Wild to Mild Exhibit
    __#20 (6 pages) SOCKS's Book Club; SOCKS and BUDDY meet and hiss
    __#21 (6 pages) SOCKS visits Children's Hospital
    __#22 (6 pages) Talking it over With Hillary Clinton
    __#23 (6 pages) Who will win -- Shiloh Gore or Spot Bush?
    __#24 (6 pages) Farewell addresses of SOCKS and BUDDY

T-shirt banner
T-shirt logo

S.A.'s T-Shirt
S.A. Murray's beautiful full-color 
SOCKS T-shirt (© 1997, S.A. Murray)

[_] $20.00     [_]S     [_]M     [_]L     [_]XL
[_]XX ($21.00)     [_]XXX ($22.00)

 [_] $4.00 Buttons (full color) (all 4 for $15.00)  [_] SOCKS FAN CLUB   [_] Fala & SOCKS   [_] President Clinton (1947)   [_] E Pluribus Meow
Button 0Button 2Button 3Button 3

Is this a birthday gift?  We'll enclose a free BIRTHDAY CERTIFICATE!  Name _____________________________ Birth Date ____ / ____ / ____

Send to SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB, 611 South Ivy Street, Arlington VA 22204-2429

NAME _________________________________________________________________ TOTAL ENCLOSED $ ___________________________
ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
PHONE ___________________________________________________________ TODAY'S DATE _____________________________________

All prices include postage and sales tax.  We ship all orders by first-class mail. Please allow 21 days for delivery. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED.
For orders to Canada, please add $3.00 postage.      For orders overseas, please add $9.00 postage.
SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB donates 10% of its earnings to Humane Society of the U.S. and Children's Defense Fund
To join the Humane Society of the U.S., send $10 to HSUS, 2100 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20037.
To support Children's Defense Fund, send donations to CDF, 25 E Street NW, Washington DC 20001.