We hope you enjoy reading SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB/BUDDY'S
BUDDIES newsletter. We cover White House news from a cat's-eye view
We welcome and often reprint any articles, letters, photos you send us
by mail or e-mail.
Click HERE to join SOCKS
THE CAT FAN CLUB / BUDDY'S BUDDIES. Every member gets a
SOCKS FAN CLUB or BUDDY'S BUDDIES t-shirt, button, membership card, and
the next newsletter. You can also choose many other SOCKS FAN CLUB and
BUDDY'S BUDDIES gifts. We donate 10% of everything we earn on SOCKS gifts
to Humane Society of the U.S.
Defense Fund
and 10% of everything we earn on BUDDY gifts to Children's
Hospital in Washington DC.
All Pets Publishing has produced the first-ever CD-ROM
health-care encyclopedia for pets.
Each CD includes information on over 500 diseases,
diagnosis and treatments. There is information on tumors and cancer,
anatomy, first aid, preventative care, drugs and procedures, and a listing
of hundreds of chemical and plant poisons and there treatments.
The browser format makes searching easy by topic,
system, lay terms, breeds and more. A powerful diagnostic database
allows you to enter your pet's symptoms and explore possible diagnoses.
Fully cross-linked with hundreds of pictures and high-quality illustrations,
this is a resource never before available for pets.
A free health records program is also included on
each CD, where you can keep all of your pets and their vital medical information.
We hope you'll take a minute and check out our site where we have complete
info, previews and other health care information. Dog and cat
medical information is always at your fingertips at http://www.familyvet.com
- "the Family Veterinarian."
Watch Kitty steal Cartman's sandwich! If you have QuickTimePlayer, click HERE to view a snippet from South Park ® , © 1998 Comedy Central Inc., used by permission. This snippet is suitable for children of all ages, which is is better than we can say about the rest of South Park!
Dear Socks Fan Club:
Do you know what country issues the Socks The Cat
stamps? -- Sincerely, Mauro
Chiaretti and E. Whitney Shugrue, Madrid, Spain
Estimado Señores Chiavetti and Shugrue:
Thank you for writing. International Collectors
Society (ICI) in Owings Mill, Maryland, contracts with various countries
to produce >specialty stamps. Usually, the stamps never go into circulation
and are unavailable at the post offices in those countries. Rather,
they are available by mail order only from ICI. The "country of issue"
gets a small percentage of ICI's sales.
ICI issued the SOCKS stamps about 4 years ago.
The "country of issue" was Central African Republic, is now called Congo.
You can access their website at http://icscollectibles.com
wishes -- buena suerte -- SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB
Many people who love cats also love Garfield, Jim Davis's lasagna-eating, puppy-tormenting orange tabby. (Then again, many don't.) For a very funny once-a-month e-mail from Jim Davis his-very-self, send an e-mail to FatCatFans@garfield.com
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Dear Socks, Dear Buddy:
Kids' Letters to the First Pets by Hillary Rodham Clinton. Includes photos of Socks and Buddy actually getting along! See review on page 1. Buy the Book Today! |
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The Cat in the Hat Game by University Games For 2 to 4 players, ages 4 and older; Includes game board, 4 playing pieces, 40 picture cards, and spinner; Skills: color recognition, counting, matching, strategy skills. Buy the Board Game Today! |
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Children's Letters to Socks : Kids Write to America's 'First Cat' by Bill Adler (Editor) Bill Adler, the premier anthologist of what children write and say has reached into the White House mail bag. Now, readers can share the humorous, unpredictable, often poignant letters sent by kids from all fifty states to the First Cat, Socks. Illustrations drawn by real children. Buy the Book Today! | First Cat, Second Term : Socks Pussyfoots His Way
Back into the White House by Elizabeth Nickles, Tamara Asseyev (Contributor),
Ilys Segal (Illustrator), Liz Nickles, Ilyse Segal (Illustrator) Fictional
account of Socks from the perspective of the second four years. Buy
the Book Today!
Socks the Cat Who Moved to Washington by J. Grubbs and Joan Abell A fun account of SOCKS' journey to the White House. Buy the Book Today! |
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Use the following settings:
Esteemed member Megumi
Narita of Arlington VA translated SOCKS Newsletter into Japanese at
For a tool to view Japanese characters
on your browser, visit www.yahoo.com/docs/info/bridge.html
Megumi's website is http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/7214
SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB and David's Cat Page have created a Website to list EVERY cat-related Website in America. Fur sure, we need your help to build the list. If you have a cat-related Website, please add it. There are five CAT-egories: National Organizations; Local Organizations; Department of Health and Feline Services; Department of Education; and Cat-izens' Pages. Please visit LAND'O'LINKS at http://www.pacinfo.com/~lnelson/cat-links/cat-links.html For information, send e-mail to David Nelson (lnelson@pacinfo.com)
Go to http://democraticparty.miningco.com/msub6.htm Then go to "SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB."
SOCKS has his own ZIP+4 code, reports Semaphore Corporation (www.semaphorecorp.com). His address is SOCKS, The White House, 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC 20500-0010. An interesting experiment for a school social studies class would be to write SOCKS at the White House and SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB NEWSLETTER, 611 South Ivy Street, Arlington VA 22204-2429, both on the same day, to see who responds first and what they send. (Hint!)
We invite you visit the website of Clinton Political Items Collectors (BCPIC) at http://members.aol.com/bcpic9296/bcpic.html, a specialty chapter of the American Political Items Collectors. Among other things, the website features an interesting SOCKS buttons, as well as other fascinating Clinton Presidential Memorabilia.