-- ISSUE #14 --
-- Spring 1997 --
SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB, 611 South Ivy St., Arlington VA 22204-2429
© 1997, Presidential Socks Partnership, Inc. - 703-920-5193 -
fax: 703-521-6157
email: SocksTheCat@Worldnet.ATT.Net
My Feline Americans,
I am honored to be the first First Cat ever to be re-elected. Thank
you for your trust in me and the responsibility you have placed in my paws.
By re-electing me, you have voted for continuity and cat-inuity of leadership.
The cool cats in my first Administration have been catalysts for
progress in every aspect of our society.
Some people think dogs are more loyal than cats. They say that cats
are independent and untrustworthy. I want you to know, however, that I
have been steadfastly at the side of my family, my state, and my country,
since the day the Clinton Family adopted me in 1990.
I come from humble beginnings. I was a stray kitten, living with
my twin brother Midnight in the bushes near the house of Chelsea's piano
teacher. One day, March 29, 1990, to be exact, Mrs. Clinton and Chelsea
came for lessons. They saw me hiding in the bushes. Chelsea fell in love
with me, and the Clintons brought me home - the Arkansas Governor's Mansion!
- and arranged a good home for my brother.<
And in conclusion, I urge you to do the same. Visit your local humane
society. Extend your paws of charity to cats - and people - less fortunate.
They say you can't buy love, but they are wrong. Love is for sale for only
the cost of adoption papers at your local animal shelter.
Now, I am seven years old, about 35 in cat years, the minimum constitutional
age to be President. I've seen Al Gore do the Macatrena. I have
been rubbed and scratched by thousand of Americans, adults and children,
Democats and Republicats, elected officials, and heads of
state. Nonetheless, I love my family more than anyone else. I love my country,
too, and so should you.
This year, we start Building a Bridge to the 21st Century.
What does that mean? Are there catnip and kibbles at the other end of the
bridge? Yes, my feline Americans. We have an opportunity to catapult
ourselves into a nation that provides the best education for all its children,
that cares about all animals and people as they are growing up, that provides
good homes and jobs, and that competes in a world market that is both expanding
and shrinking -- like a ball of yarn. To miss this opportunity would be
I ask you all, children and adults alike, take time to improve your
planet. I want to be your education First Cat and your environment
First Cat. Take a role in your community. Lead efforts to make businesses
stronger and more efficient. Lead anti-litter efforts. Lead civil rights
and equal opportunity efforts. Lead programs in your libraries, schools,
churches, synagogues, and mosques. Lead children to read, to cipher, and
to use computers. I want a nation where kittens of all ages can chase virtual
mice on the Internet. Take the world by the leash these next four years.
Together, we will build not just a Bridge -- but a catwalk
-- to the 21st Century.
Thank you, and God Bless America. -- SOCKS THE CAT
My Feline Americans,
While my friend Bill was preparing his State of the Union message,
I scratched my State of CAT-ion Message for you.
Speaking of the CAT-ion, I feel positive about America. We once
were a people poles apart, but now we have the chemistry to bring us together.
dream of an America where cats and kitties of all breeds can live together
in peace and harmony. In my next four years, I will work to eliminate litter,
except for kitty litter. I will work to provide equal opportunity for all
abandoned pets to find a safe and happy home. I will work to make America
a safe place for people and animals of all species.
I will work toward
a balanced budget, but I will keep our national defense strong. I call
upon Congress to keep America's claws sharp, but to remember that cats
purr, too. I call upon Congress to invest in education -- not just obedience
schools -- but a full range of training for everyone.
America is still
the greatest nation on earth. I said in my Inaugural Address, and I
say again now, Together, We Can Build A Catwalk To The 21st Century.
Thank you, and God Bless America. -- SOCKS THE CAT
a protest rally at the Australian Embassy at noon on Valentine's Day, Friday,
February 14. Simultaneous protests were held all across Australia and in
San Francisco and New York.
Why protest? Australian Parliament member
Richard Evans proposed biological warfare to exterminate cats in Australia
by the year 2020. He blames cats for causing near-extinction of 39 native
animals. His bill would authorize use of lethal feline viruses in the wild.
His barbaric idea provoked outrage worldwide. SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB felt
this idea was dangerous and should be stopped.
His proposed biological warfare threatened
the very species Evans claims he wants to save. In Africa, canine distemper
virus jumped from dogs living near the Serengeti to lions, killing one
third of the already-threatened species. On Marion Island, feline distemper
virus was purposely introduced in a failed attempt to eliminate 2,300 cats,
causing much suffering.
Australia should learn from countries who humanely
control cats. The United States, United Kingdom, Denmark, Canada, and
other countries have used nonlethal control of cats through sterilization
and long-term management of feral colonies. A humane approach is cost-effective
and controls population growth. Nonlethal methods are endorsed by the American
Veterinary Medical Association, Cornell Feline Health Center, and Tufts
University School of Veterinary Medicine.
Habitat loss, not cats, are to blame. Deforestation
destroys wildlife habitat and causes extinction. Human development has
a huge impact on the environment and on animals. Urban sprawl, including
shopping malls, roads, and golf courses all reduce habitat for native species.
The Worldwatch Institute cited deforestation due to the razing of forest
for croplands, pastures, and real estate as one of the major factors contributing
to the loss of birds. The Biodiversity Unit of the Federal Department of
Environment in Australia reported that as much land was cleared of trees
in the last 30 years as in the 130 years before 1943. Cats have co-existed
with other animals in Australia for over 300 years.
Please write letters to the Australian government
requesting they adopt humane plans to sterilize cat populations and to
protect remaining forests. Write to Ambassador Andrew Peacock, Embassy
of Australia, 1601 Massachusetts Ave. NW, Washington DC 20036-2273.
Call Alley Cat Allies at 301-229-7890 for more info about the issue.
This was SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB's first venture
into foreign policy.
Cats are usually aloof, but this issue the woke
us from our catnap.
HEALTHY, Courtesy of SOPHISTA-CAT ® Cat Food
Take your cat to the vet once a year for a checkup. Your vet can recommend
immunizations to protect your cat from parasites and diseases.
Be a responsible cat owner. If you are not a professional breeder, have
your cat spayed or neutered.
Feed your cat at the same time every day. Have fresh water available at
all times and clean food and water regularly.
Clean the litter box often. Remove solids daily and replace all litter
at least once a week. Control odors with box liners and scented litter.
Cats love exercise and play. Provide plenty of toys for your cat to play
with. Cats especially enjoy catnip toys. If you take your cat for a walk,
always use a leash.
Cats claw furniture to sharpen and remove old layers of nails. Provide
scratching posts and cat condos as an alternative. Reward or praise your
cat when it uses these items.
Brushes, combs, and anil clippers are essential for proper feline grooming.
Be sure your cat wears a properly-fitting flea collar during flea and tick
Keep your cat safely and securely enclosed in a carrier when traveling.
Give your cat lots of love. You'll get plenty back in return.

Please join us in wishing Chelsea Clinton "Happy 17th Birthday".
For her birthday February 27, we gave her a bouquet of 17 long-stemmed
SOCKS THE CAT CHOCOLATE LOLLIPOPS, molded in the form of a cat, with SOCKS's
white markings, each on a 12-inch stem.
Exquisite Chocolate (1-703-729-9300) 44032 Kings Arms Square,
Ashburn, VA 20147 e-mail DCSOHN3@AOL.COM hand-molded these beautiful,
individually-wrapped chocolates. Chelsea Sohn (left), 7, personally delivered
the chocolates to the White House. Send $3.00 and they will send
you one of these delightful chocolates.
On New Year's Eve at Versar, an environmental firm in Springfield VA,
Larry Bush discovered a stray mother cat and her five kittens living in
the woods behind their offices. He watched the mother and her babies take
shelter under Versar's garbage dumpster. One of the babies was a Socks
Versar's employees brought food and a cat house and volunteered
their time on weekends to feed the babies. They named the mother cat Annie
Colette (after Little Orphan Annie.) After taking care of them for
two weeks, they called Feline Foundation to ask for help to trap them humanely.
Jennifer Conger of Feline Foundation came January 22 and trapped them all
without injuring them in any way. One Versar employee and her friend adopted
two kittens right away, and within two weeks, Versar arranged for foster
homes for Annie Colette and the three remaining kittens. Thanks to the
help of many Versar employees and The Feline Foundation, this story has
a happy ending.
Write Versar, 6850 Versar Center, Springfield VA 22151 (703-750-3000)
Feline Foundation, Box 3071, Merrifield VA 22116 (703-920-8665).
SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB donates 10% of its earnings to
Society of the U.S. and
Defense Fund
To join the Humane Society of the U.S.,
send $10 to HSUS, 2100 L Street NW, Washington, DC 20037.
To support Children's Defense Fund,
send donations to CDF, 25 E Street NW, Washington DC 20001.
Tech Talk Magazine awarded SOCKS
THE CAT FAN CLUB's website "SITE OF THE DAY" on Thursday, January 16, 1997.
the original cat websiteawarded SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB its COOL
CAT AWARD on February 28, 1997.
by Heike Hasenauer, Soldiers Magazine, September 1994
Retired Army Sergeant First Class Bill Woods is among some 100 Washington
DC, area veterans who process as many as 25,000 pieces of mail every week
for President Bill Clinton and the first family.
From the White House auxiliary mailroom set up at the U.S. Soldiers'
and Airmen's Home in April 1993, Woods and about 35 other volunteers open,
scan, and categorize the correspondence. Most of it is then returned to
the White House mailroom for response.
"President Clinton's policy is that every piece of mail he and his
family receive will be answered," Woods said. "Although we don't answer
the 'adult' mail from here, we do answer correspondence addressed to Chelsea
and Socks, the cat."
SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB was pleased to donate toy cats and t-shirts
to Hyde Elementary School in Washington DC for their PTA fund-raising efforts.
Hyde is a small DC public school, with all the financial challenges associated
with the DC Public School system. Nonetheless, its 3rd-Grade students ranked
third in the city in math.
Hyde PTA President Beth Hall said,
sure these will be extremely popular items at our auction. Our fundraising
efforts go toward paying aides in our classrooms, and we appreciate your
help for our children.
We are pleased to donate SOCKS goodies occasionally to worthwhile
Michael Rivero designs political pages. He was using this famous
photo of Bill and Socks, but wanted to lighten and brighten it. As he adjusted
the photo on his computer, he discovered that Socks's leash had been "paintbrushed"
out of the photo.
Eager for the truth, SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB contacted one of our
members who works in the White House. She has an copy of the original photo,
signed by Bill Clinton himself. Sure enough, the photo shows Socks's white
leash draped over Bill's shoulder. Rivero was right!
To view Rivero's research, visit his website
You be the judge ...
One Cool Kitty -- Fan Club Celebrates SOCKS THE CAT
By Lan Nguyen, Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, January 23 1997; Page V01 - © The Washington Post
- used by permission
Edna Jackson, of Annandale, is a lifelong cat
fanatic: The walls in her house are plastered with pictures and paintings
of cats, and almost all shelf space is devoted to a growing collection
of porcelain, crystal and wooden feline figurines. And she is a longtime
fan of President Clinton, who was inaugurated into a second term this week.
So when she found out three years ago about
the SOCKS THE CAT Fan Club, in honor of the presidential pet, she immediately
signed up and gave a gift membership to a granddaughter she is grooming
to become a cat lover.
"Socks looks like a great cat," Jackson
said. "He looks a little bit like he's wearing a tuxedo. I think he's
probably a good cat. I imagine he has a lot of hangups [because of restrictions
on wandering in the White House] so I don't blame him."
The Socks fan club, which has attracted
5,000 members nationwide, is headquartered in Arlington, in a crowded
computer room in the basement of Jay Jacob Wind's home. In it, there are
SOCKS THE CAT hats. Socks T-shirts. Socks tote bags. Socks bumper stickers.
Socks photographs.
As Wind, a computer graphic consultant,
explains it, "Socks has become quite well-known among America's kids."
Wind's family began the fan club shortly
before Clinton's first inauguration, when Wind refused to get a family
cat because he was allergic to cat fur. So he suggested the next best alternative,
starting a fan club to celebrate Socks, the country's favorite feline.
But since then, Wind's family has adopted a stray tortoise-shell cat, whom
they named Izzadorable Dumcat, Izzy for short. He has learned to deal with
the allergy, he said.
Chelsea Clinton has been spotted wearing
a SOCKS THE CAT hat, and President Clinton chuckled when told of the
club, said Wind, who learned of the incidents from friends in the Democratic
"I would like to think we were instrumental
in the reelection of the president," joked Wind, an avid Democrat who serves
as the chairman of Arlington's recreation and parks committee. "Without
the fan club, it would have never happened."
There is an official Socks newsletter;
a fan club song, written by musician Steve Lapham, of Wheaton; and plenty
of Socks memorabilia, including aprons and a half-dozen variations of SOCKS
THE CAT T-shirts. And now there is a web page at
Wind enjoys talking about the only time
he met the first cat, who appeared with Hillary Rodham Clinton during
the holiday season at Children's Hospital in the District. He said he got
to hold Socks briefly before the cat got restless and was given to someone
"I've waited so long for this moment. I've
done so much for you," Wind said he told Socks. "He really didn't seem
to pay any attention."
The fan club donates 10 percent of its
earnings to the U.S. Humane Society and the Children's Defense Fund,
one of Hillary Clinton's favorite charities. The two organizations have
each received $1,000 since the fan club began, Wind said.
The fan club receives many letters from
readers asking about Socks's heritage and how he came to be part of
America's most prominent political family. For the record, Socks is an
American shorthair who, with his brother, Midnight, was abandoned in Little
Rock, Ark. Chelsea's piano teacher took the brothers into her home, and
the first family adopted Socks after Chelsea fell in love with the kitten
during a practice session, Wind said.
The first lady said he was 7 years old
during the recent appearance at Children's Hospital. Socks earned his moniker
because of his white paws, which gave the appearance that he was wearing,
well, socks. When not sleeping in Chelsea's room, he has a warm place in
the White House basement near the guard's office, according to the fan
club. The Secret Service keeps him on a leash when he goes for walks. Wind
said that he got his information from Socks's veterinarian in Little Rock
and that he calls the White House to check his facts.
"We keep the White House informed [of fan
club activities]," said Wind, who has volunteered for every Democratic
Party presidential candidate since Adlai Stevenson in 1956. "We do not
criticize the president. We are full of respect, praise and admiration."
The December issue of the fan club newsletter
has a letter from Socks, thanking members for reelecting him as first cat.
"Four more years for me means nine more lives for me!" said the letter.
"I promise to uphold the trust you have placed in me, to make our nation
a better place for people and animals alike. Together, we will scratch
a bridge to the 21st Cattery."
The issue also has news about the second
inauguration, as well as an explanation of how people celebrate Hanukah,
Christmas and Kwanzaa. Also included was a recount of the debate over whether
Socks or Robert J. Dole's dog, a schnauzer named Leader, would make a better
White House pet. Obviously, Socks won.
Earlier issues have given pictorial
tours of the White House and highlighted children and pets who have lived
in the White House.
For example, Caroline Kennedy had a
pony named Macaroni who roamed the White House gardens, and President Benjamin
Harrison's son, Russell, had a goat named Old Whiskers.
The Washington POST article is on the website
FROM: SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB, 611 South Ivy Street, Arlington, Virginia
TO: TIME Magazine Letters, Time & Life Building, Rockefeller
Center, New York, New York 10020
DATE: January 4, 1996
Dear Editor:
Indiana Congressman Dan Burton (
4, page 42) may be far right in his politics, but he's far wrong when he
asks "Why are the taxpayers being made to pay for SOCKS THE CAT's fan club?"
fact, SOCKS THE CAT Fan Club is completely independent
of the White
House and receives no taxpayer money whatsoever. Our 5,000 members nationwide
support our quarterly newsletter. Our newsletter is educational and entertaining,
not political. We send a sample newsletter free to anyone who sends us
their name and address and two 32-cent stamps. And we donate 10% of our
earnings to Children's Defense Fund and Humane Society of the US. For the
record, our address is 611 South Ivy Street, Arlington, Virginia 22204
- not 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Sincerely, Jay Jacob Wind, President, SOCKS
150,000 people visited the White House
during the holidays. On Monday, December 9, the First Cat sidled up to
a group of New Jersey schoolchildren after their caroling and gloried in
their vigorous petting. Some of the girls saved the hair SOCKS shed, tucked
it into tissues, and said they would keep it forever, said Cece Lentini,
Merchantville NJ, a mother who traveled with them. But she worried, "If
everyone who passes through gets to pet the cat, he's not going to have
any hair left. Does SOCKS have a double?"
Responded Neel Lattimore, press secretary to Hillary Rodham Clinton
and the cat's official spokesman, "We have no stunt cat. Socks does a lot
of celebrity drop-bys this time of year, but only when he feels like it.
You can't schedule SOCKS."
Source: The Washington Post, December 11, 1996, page D-3.
SOCKS look-alikes Jake and Elwood (the "Blues
Brothers"), enjoy hanging out with socks. Send us photos of your
Photo by Nelson Warnell, Tucson AZ
On Tuesday, April 1, Dr. Ian Willcat of
the University of Scotland in Sloof Lirpa made an astonishing announcement:
he and a team of 13 Scottish scientists had successfully cloned a live
cat from a lock of SOCKS's hair provided by a schoolgirl from Merchantville
In March, Scottish scientists stunned the
world by announcing the first successful cloning of a sheep. Dolly,
the clone, appeared on the cover of TIME Magazine. A week later, University
of Texas scientists cloned a monkey, raising the spectre that someday humans
could be cloned.
"So far, by gosh," said Dr. Willcat, "the
kitten is doing fine. He looks just like SOCKS, with the green eyes, the
patch on his nose and chin, the white sleeve, and the white paws. Of course,
he doesn't have the notch out of his ear, and he is not 'fixed' - those
were acquired traits. He meows and feeds off his surrogate mother just
like a normal cat. We haven't told him yet that he was conceived in a test-tube."
From the hair sample, the Sloof Lirpa team
five complete feline cells. They cultured these cells and then extracted
their nuclei. Next, they injected these nuclei into a feline egg cell and
implanted the embryo into an already-pregnant mother cat. After a month,
she delivered four healthy Calicos and an American Shorthair. "Sure, we
think our baby is genetically identical to SOCKS," predicted Dr. Willcat.
"You know now," continued Dr. Willcat,
were lucky to obtain such a fine sample of SOCKS's DNA from that clump
of hair. It's not every cat that's so healthy. Only time will tell if he
will chase mice and scratch like a normal cat. Someday, we hope to bring
him to Washington to introduce him to the original SOCKS."
At a press conference the day of the announcement,
House spokesman Neel Cattimore said he was pleased with the experiment.
"Chelsea always wanted another cat," he purred. "If SOCKS's clone is as
well-behaved as SOCKS himself, he can sleep in the Lincoln Bedroom anytime.
At first, we thought Dr. Willcat's announcement was serious, but then we
read Sloof Lirpa spelled backwards."
The labyrinth below is a replica of the stone floor at the Cathedral
at Chartres, France, built 1220. Unlike a maze, there are no false trails.
Unitarian Universalist Church of Arlington VA transcribed the design onto
a 50'x50' canvas. Each day, hundreds of people visit the Church to walk
the labyrinth, a distance of about 500 meters. Amid candlelight and soft
music, walkers relax and meditate as they walk toward the center, then
seek renewed vision and a refreshed spirit as they return. On the path,
each walker passes all other walkers. Some greet each other and smile;
others walk deep in thought.SOCKS has planted a secret message in the
labyrinth. Collect the letters one by one to spell out the message below.
__ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __
__ __
__ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
The 1997 White House Easter Egg Roll
Monday, March 31, 1997
South Lawn, 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Open to children ages 3 to 6
White House Easter Egg Roll
On Monday, March 31, the traditional Egg Roll takes place on the White
House South Lawn. Events on the lawn are open only to children
the ages of three and six. Children must be accompanied by at least
one adult. The South Lawn is open from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m.
Free, timed tickets are distributed by the National Park Service
on a first-come, first-served basis. Each person, even the smallest
child, requires a ticket to enter the South Lawn. Ticket distribution,
at the Visitor Pavilion on the Ellipse (the park area south of the White
House) begins about 7:00 a.m. and continues until all tickets are
gone. No advance tickets are available. It should not be necessary to spend
much time in line. Lawn chairs, food, coolers, or chewing gum are not permitted
on the South Lawn.
To accommodate the festivities, E Street is closed down between 15th
and 17th Streets. On-street parking is not available near the White
House and use of public transportation is strongly encouraged. The recommended
Metrorail stations are Metro Center (blue, orange, and red lines), and
Federal Triangle (blue and orange lines). Public telephones are not
available at the White House; the nearest ones are in the Visitor Pavilion
on the Ellipse.
In case of inclement weather, all events are canceled and not rescheduled.
The Annual Easter Egg Roll at the White House is a wonderful tradition
which The President and Mrs. Clinton hope you and your family will enjoy.
For the most up-to-date information on this, or other public events
at the White House, please call the Visitors Office 24-hour Information
line at 202-456-7041.
History of the White House Easter Egg Roll
The original site of the Easter Egg Roll was the grounds of the United
States Capitol. The event began during the Presidency of James Madison
(1809-1817) at the suggestion of his wife, Dolley Madison. Mrs. Madison
was fascinated to learn that Egyptian children rolled colored eggs on the
site of the Pyramids. She thought the children of the Washington area would
enjoy this enchanting activity.
In 1877, under orders from members of Congress, Capitol policemen required
the children to leave the grounds. Some Congressmen, tired of slipping
and sliding on the remains of boiled eggs, felt the grounds should no longer
be torn up in such a way. Some sources tell us that one irritated nursemaid,
followed by several of her charges, stormed down to the White House where
she demanded access to the White House grounds for egg rolling. Others
claim that President Rutherford B. Hayes, riding by the Capitol grounds
in his carriage, saw the tearful children and invited them to the White
House for their egg roll.
In 1878, President Hayes and his wife Lucy officially opened the White
House grounds to the children of the area for egg rolling on Easter Monday.
The event has been held on the South Lawn ever since, except during World
War I and World War II. During the war years the Easter Egg Roll was held
at the National Zoo, and other Washington locations.
By the late 1800s, such games as "Egg Picking," "Egg Ball," "Toss and
Catch," and "Egg Croquet" were popular Easter Monday activities. Since
then, many new activities have been added for children at the event, but
rolling a hard-boiled egg across the lawn is still a highlight of the day.
The White House Easter Egg Roll is eagerly awaited each year by thousands
of children. It is always held on the Monday after Easter, on the South
Lawn of the White House. Children hunt for brightly colored wooden signature
eggs hidden in hay. Many of these eggs have been signed by famous people,
including the athletes, astronauts, musicians, and celebrities from film,
television, and theatre who visit the White House during the year. Of course,
the real treasures are the eggs personally signed by the President and
First Lady, as well as Socks!
Source: The White House website (
Dear Socks:
My neighbor is a first grade teacher. Her class recently wrote papers
on SOCKS THE CAT, and they would like to know if Socks is a he or a she?
Please send an answer. 20 six-year-olds are waiting!-- Thanks -- David
Beauchamp, Plano TX
Dear David,
I am a "he". My sister Midnight (all black) and I were abandoned
kittens, living in the bushes near Chelsea's piano teacher's house in Little
Rock. On March 29, 1990, the piano teacher introduced Chelsea and Hillary
to the us. We were about 2 months old at the time. Chelsea fell in love
with me and named me SOCKS; the Clintons adopted him and arranged for a
home for Midnight through the Arkansas Humane Society. Through the Humane
Society, they also arranged for me to be neutered and for Midnight to be
spayed. Sorry, no White House kittens like Millie Bush's springer spaniel
I arrived in Washington D.C on January 29, 1993, a week after the
Inauguration, driven by Carolyn Huber, a Clinton family friend. No, they
didn't send Air Force One to get me, the way FDR sent a destoyer to retrieve
Fala from Attu in the Aleutian Islands after he forgot Fala there on their
way to Midway Island in 1944.
-- Say HI for me to those 20 six-year-olds!
Dear Socks:
It's a true pleasure to see you and the First Family back in office.
I hope all is well with you. I voted for your family last November. I have
3 cats my self. Their names are Dusty, Tabby, and Cookie. Cookie looks
similar to you. Socks, my cats have a couple of questions for you. Could
you please answer? Do you get special treats? if so what kind? What do
you think about another four years in the White House? Are you allowed
to go any where in the White House? Do they make you go to the Vet for
-- Good luck in the next four years -- Gregory J. Chittick
Dear Gregory:
To keep me healthy, they usually don't give me special treats, but
on Inauguration night, I got some smoked salmon, and it was DE-licious!
I am honored to serve another four years as your First Cat. I promise to
serve with dignity. Together, we can build a Cat-Walk to the 21st Century!
I can go anywhere I want in the White House. My special agent friend always
keeps me on a leash, however. My favorite rooms are Chelsea's; the warm
furnace room in the winter; and the cool terazzo floor in the North Portico
(where visitors exit) in the summer. They won't let me go there while there
are visitor, though, because they're afraid I'll slow down the line! My
veterinarian, Joan Nafe, comes up from Little Rock every six months or
so to see me. She is very nice, but I never like those shots! -- Thanks
for writing -- SOCKS THE CAT
Hi Socks!
I am a 7½-year-old male tabby, white with black ears and a black
tail and I live in Sweden. My name is Oscar Erasmus. I wonder: is your
position as the First Cat of Your Nation any better than mine as the First
Cat of My Home?
-- Salut -- Oscar Erasmus (c/o Cecilia Littorin), Stockholm SWEDEN
Oscar Erasmus,
Thank you for writing. I think that cats treat their people with
love, not matter whether they are surrounded by 2 people or 200. I hope
you love Cecilia and her family just like I love Chelsea and hers. I am
honored to receive your letter from Sweden.
-- Tack -- SOCKS THE CAT
Dear Socks,
Hi to you and congratulations on your superb inauguration speech. Aside
from me, you are the most handsome cat alive today. I am ten years old,
have white fur with the markings of a tabby. No kidding -- I have a striped
tail, a mask of black and gold stripes for a face and a beautiful gold
and black spot on my back. I used to be very overweight; in fact, everyone
mistook me for a Maine Coon cat. The truth is, I was lost from my mother
in the casbah of Algiers. After a string of adventures, I found my American
family and now live in Arlington VA. My adopted mother says that I would
do better writing to you than watching what passes for news on the major
networks. If you agree, please write back.
-- Love -- Donald the Cat, Arlington VA
Dear Donald:
What an adventure your life must have been. I don't have much experience
with foreign affairs; I'm strictly a domestic cat. I'm glad you're an American
cat now, and I'm glad you wrote.
-- In admiration -- SOCKS THE CAT
Dear Socks:
Thanks for the personal note in with my box of goodies. You were so
right...The plush Socks cat is adorable..and so real looking. She has a
prominent place up on the shelf looking at the fish tank! Taffy just sniffed
at her and walked away.
-- Fondly -- Elayne Morgan, Taffy, and Arjay Morgan, Tampa FL
Dear Elayne:
You're welcome! I try to enclose a purr-sonal note with every package
I send. I'm glad you like my plush toy Socks Look-Alike. But I hope she
(he?) doesn't scare the fish!
-- Love -- SOCKS THE CAT
Hi Socks:
Our three cats, Boofa, the red persian, Sophie Buttons, the blue-cream
persian, and Pooh Bear, the black-smoke exotic, wanted to let you know
that they think you're gorgeous and your home page is the best on the net.
Life's great here in Oz, but the heatwave's been hard for us persians!
-- See ya! -- The Cameron Family, Sydney AUSTRALIA
Dear Camerons,
Thank you for writing! Hi to Boofa, Sophie Buttons, Pooh Bear! I
love hearing from cats around the world. I'd like to visit Australia someday.
Give my love to the koalas, wallabies, and poteroos.
-- G'day, mates! -- SOCKS THE CAT
Hello Socks!
We are a family of three cats and a dog. The cats' names are Tiger
(alias Ding-Bat because he is so nervous), his brother Champ (alias Fatso
because he is fat and loves to eat and just lay around all day), and a
street cat found by the name of Lucky (because he's fortunate we took him
in). The dog's name is Chips (alias T-Rex). They are all two years old.
Do you get to play with any other animals? Do you like being around people?
--Well, hope to hear from you soon! Bye! -- The Parker Family, via
Hello to the Parker Family! And hello to Tiger, Champ, and
lucky Lucky (Ronald Reagan's college nickname!). Does Chips get along with
the kitty collection? The sad news is that I rarely play with other animals.
I'm not lonely, however, for I have Chelsea, Bill, and Hillary, plus two
very nice "handlers" who walk me on a leash, plus a non-stop stream of
visitors, Congressmen, Senators, and heads of state.
-- Thanks for the e-mail! -- SOCKS THE CAT

Please join the official SOCKS THE CAT FAN
CLUB! _____ For $ 20.00, you get:
* The next 2 issues of SOCKS FAN CLUB NEWSLETTER ... AND ... * Your official
SOCKS FAN CLUB membership card ... AND ...
* SOCKS's History of Presidents' Pets ... AND ... * SOCKS's
Favorite Quotations From Chairman Meow ... AND ...
* Your choice of the following gifts: (check one) ... AND ...
* A picture of SOCKS himself
[_] Cuddly Toy Socks Look-Alike Cat (shown above) . . . . . [_] Chef's
Apron . . . . . . . [_] Tote-bag (holds 35 pounds)
[_] SOCKS THE CAT T-shirt (above). . . . Size: [_]Small ... [_]Medium ...
[_]Large ... [_]ExtraLarge . . . [_]Child's Medium ... [_]Child's Large
The full membership package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . $ 20.00 total
Other Gifts:
__ Additional t-shirts with any order of $20.00 or more . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.00 each
__ Baseball Hat (black print on sturdy white hat) . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 8.00 each
__ The next 2 issues of SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB NEWSLETTEER . . . . . . . . $ 2.00 for 2 issues
__ Button: SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB (above, full-color, 2" diameter). . . . . $ 3.00 each
Back issues of SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB NEWSLETTER. . . . . . . $1.00 each or $ 10.00 for all 13
__ #1 (2 pages) Socks's Inauguration Jan. 20, 1993 / Kids clean up the environment
__ #2 (4 pages) Interview with Socks' vet Joan Nafe / White House maze
__ #3 (8 pages) Cat's Credo, a poem by Garrison Keillor / 1993 Inauguration photos
__ #4 (8 pages) Vic Gold interviews Socks / White House board game
__ #5 (8 pages) The Wild Cats of Hawaii / Murphy Brown kidnaps Socks on TV
__ #6 (8 pages) Interview with Socks's press secretary Neel Lattimore - scratch those rumors!
__ #7 (8 pages) New White House Visitor Center (the first article anywhere!)
__ #8 (8 pages) African Safari / Socks in Mad Magazine
__ #9 (8 pages) On-Line Tour / MaryKate & Ashley Olson sing Some Day I Want to Be President
__#10 (8 pages) White House Sculpture Garden (first time ever published!) / PRIMANJI Board Game
__#11 (8 pages) Socks interviews Leader Dole / The Great Socks vs. Leader Debate
__#12 (8 pages) White House Holiday Cards / Holidays Around the World
__#13 (4 pages) Socks's 2nd Inauguration / We meet Socks at Children's Hospital
TOTAL ENCLOSED . . . . . . . . . . $ ____________________________
NAME ______________________________________________________________________________________
ADDRESS ______________________________________________________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP ______________________________________________________________________________
PHONE __________________________________________ TODAY'S DATE ____________________________
Is this is a birthday gift for someone? If so, what is their
date of birth? ____ / ____ / ____
We'll enclose a free SOCKS THE CAT BIRTHDAY CERTIFICATE - your birthday
in history!
Send to SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB, 611 South Ivy Street, Arlington
VA 22204
All prices include postage and applicable sales tax.
We ship all orders by U.S. first-class mail. Please allow 21 days for
SOCKS THE CAT FAN CLUB donates 10% of its earnings to Humane Society
of the U.S. and Children's Defense Fund.
We have 100 t-shirts left from the Inauguration featuring SOCKS
at the White House and "SOCKS THE CAT - Four More Years - Nine More Lives"
in royal blue and tuxedo black on a top-quality Hanes white t-shirt.
supplies last, we'll add a t-shirt to any $20.00 order for $8.00 more,
or a t-shirt only for $10.00. We have adult sizes Small, Medium, Large,
and Extra-Large (sorry, no XXL) and children's Medium and Large.