The Constitution clearly forbids the salary of a Congressman from being increased by that Congressman until after he is re-elected. There is a general principle involved here, but the Founding Fathers only gave us this specific example because they believed it was the only facet of the principle which would be exposed in their limited government. The principle is simply that it is unethical and forbidden to vote yourself loot from the public treasury.
Today politics has advanced to the point where A votes for B�s loot and B votes for A�s loot. The most obvious case is where voter A elects Congressman B, who votes welfare for A who reelects B. This must stop. There are several ways short of revolution that the problem could be addressed and/or fixed. This is a degenerative spiral that has gone far toward destroying America.
Segregate voters who receive welfare and do not put any incumbents on their ballot. This would help a lot, but party line voting could frustrate it.
Forbid secret ballots for all who recieve welfare. This would at least put the problem in the open where it could be analyzed. In this case it would be possible to examine votes individually and void those who voted for a politician who voted for the voter's loot.
Make the vote equal to the taxes paid minus welfare or any other payments from the government. This would solve the problem but might be difficult to implement without a revolution.
Require a $1000 poll tax at the time you vote; this $1000 would be applicable to your taxes as a tax credit but not to any refund. This would at least guarantee that all voters paid at least $1000 in taxes. Just look at who screams loudest at any suggestion of a poll tax. This at least has the advantage of simplicity to administer.
For some reason, the same government that tracks down and taxes every penny we earn seems to have trouble coming up with even a list of names of people to whom it pays money. Can that be accidental? Is it too much to ask the government for a complete accounting of all its payments? Since the checks are computer printed, should not the computer discs be public property open to all? Perhaps payment to a spy might be national security, but ALL else should be published.
Nick Hull, < >
Secretary, Committees of Correspondence
2702 Kimbrell Road, Lenoir City, Tennessee 37772
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