Committees of Correspondence

Letter from the Secretary

Dear Fellow American,

Despite the Democratic disaster, the American Republic will not (cannot) be restored by the Republican party. The root causes remain intact. We have about as much influence in Congress as Benjamin Franklin had in the court of King George. Neither care a whit about our rights. The "Contract with America" did not even mention restoring the Bill of Rights. Talking TO the King (or Congress) is ineffective, we must talk among ourselves. We must at least lay contingency plans for the worst case. We must establish lines of communication that cannot be cut easily by the government.

A new American Revolution will come, wether we want it or not. We would hope for a bloodless revolt of the people. For too long we have sat by while the government has usurped our rights and fettered us with a monster bureaucracy. The time for fighting each bad new law is past. We must fight for our vision of the future. We must all hang together or we will be hanged separately. Reducing the deficit and eliminating bad laws would help a lot, but they are symptoms and not the cause. If you examine how America got into this mess, it becomes obvious that the one root cause is unsolvable by democratic means.

There is one essential violation of our Constitution that has made excessive government not only possible, but inevitable, i.e., democracy. Article 4 Sect. 4 guarantees to all a republican form of government. A republic differs from a democracy in that only qualified people vote. The States were given control of setting voter qualifications; nowhere are they permitted to remove all qualifications. If taxation without representation is tyranny, representation without taxation is the same. Here is the very root of our problem. The non taxpayers vote to loot money and freedom from the taxpayers.

Look up the word JURY in the original 1828 Webster's dictionary, and you will discover that only freeholders were allowed on the jury. They were the only voters; if you wanted to vote you had to own property free and clear. In the beginning, only landowners were permitted to vote. It was not until Kentucky was admitted into the Union that any landless were allowed to vote. In all the days of America's greatness, the majority were denied the vote.

When the vote became universal, decline ensued rapidly. People who cannot handle their own financial affairs cannot elect statesmen to preserve freedom, they elect politicians who promise to mug their betters and give them a cut. The only real solution is to return to a republic and restrict the suffrage. We could restrict voting to landowners (as our Founding Fathers did), or we could make the vote equal to the taxes paid, but unless the vote is restricted no real solution is possible. Stopping bad laws may be highly desirable, but it is only rearranging the chairs on the Titanic unless democracy is eliminated.

History is quick to point out that no one has ever voluntarily given up power. Traditionally, democracies degenerate into dictatorships. We have an opportunity to make the USA an exception to that rule. We must prepare for a revolution before we slide into a dictatorship of the bureaucracies. Note carefully I said prepare! In 1776 our Forefathers launched a revolution with little thought other than independence. We have to do much better than that. We must see further because we stand on the shoulders of giants who preceeded us.

A revolution without a clear goal is an invitation to disaster.

The first step is to recognize that our Constitution is inadequate. Our Founding Fathers recognized that the Constitution would only govern a moral people. We need to rewrite the Constitution in the spirit of our Forefathers, to block tyranny. There were four basic mistakes made in the Constitution, mistakes of omission. The writers failed to insert things that seemed too obvious. Two hundred years of hindsight should teach us that nothing is too obvious.

  1. The electorate needs to be defined and protected from democracy.
  2. There should be a penalty for violating the Constitution.
  3. he Bill of Rights needs major expansion and clarification (this is nothing more than spelling out some of the unenumerated rights in the 9th Amendment).
  4. Corrupt judges must be eliminated forever by giving more power to juries.

Lest anyone misunderstand, our purpose is to RESTORE the Constitution, not change it. In order to restore it, we must change the way things are done today, following common sense and the writings of our Founding Fathers. We want to make very few alterations to society, but they have to be fundamental changes.

In order to do these things, and others that have been missed, COMMITTEES OF CORRESPONDENCE need to be assembled. It is only common sense to have a broad understanding of the problem and the desired solution BEFORE undertaking any revolutionary activity starts. Without Committees of Correspondence, how can this be discussed? Frankly, we think we are going to have a revolution no matter what anyone does, but if we discuss it we might be able to direct instability in the direction of freedom.

This is not a call to grab a gun and start a revolution, but a call to grab a pen and discuss ALL methods to repair the USA. If this frightens politicians, so much the better. Only by including revolution in the possibilities will we serve notice that we are serious. Go back and re-read the entire Declaration of Independence and it becomes obvious that the federal bureaucracy has replaced King George and tyranny has returned to America.

If you are interested in ending politics as usual, and are interested in laying the intellectual foundation for the NEXT American Revolution, write or call us. Although we have made much progress, we need your input and constructive criticism. I am enclosing a rough draft so you can see the direction we are going and the underlying philosophy. Please write and tell us how we can improve it, and what wonÕt work and why.


Nick Hull, < >
Secretary, Committees of Correspondence

Below is a table of document headings to help you navigate. We suggest that you read the letter first, followed by the introduction. The Table of Contents contains a full list of all headings and subheadings.

Committees of
Letter from
Introduction Taxpayers Electors
Jurors Government
Verdict Vote Fraud Voluntary
Military Civil
Citizens Stop the
Next AM
Bill of
(GIF) Flow
from Readers
Table of

Nick Hull, < >
Secretary, Committees of Correspondence
2702 Kimbrell Road, Lenoir City, Tennessee 37772

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