Some people like them. Most bear with them...

Since the end of '97, I have started a small joke mailing list to whom I send out the sorted rubbish heap of jokes that I get everyday. It sort of soothes my ego when people ask me to include them, but also perpetuates the myth of me being an internet whiz. A double edged sword indeed…

Anyway, for those who are blessed to not to receive my mail, I have zipped up my mails individually by month and put them up here for your downloading pleasure. Also included is haha.exe, a nice compilation of jokes.

Mail of May (79kB)
Mail of April (190kB)
Mail of March (120kB)

Haha (430kB)

A real good description of my trade:

Engineer's Explained (6 kB)

Another thing I like to do is send out pranks to various people. These are usually in the form of attachments. Recent ones which are good:

WOW (10kB)
Beer (94kB)
Mona (19kB)
Runit (98kB)
Sheep (119kB)

Mail me at :
If you want to get a jokemail...

Oliver's Website | Chemical Engg. Colleges in India | All about me | My Joke Stuff | Photo Album | Favourites | Helpdesk

To contact me:

Phone: 757 6313
ICQ: at work: 8996779 at home: 8990931