There is a vast and diverse array of colleges in India that have a Chemical Engineering programme. The problem is, hardly any are interested to be on the net! This has complicated my task, and so I have just listed the colleges that are on the net and give you a reliable http connection anytime…

Complete list of colleges in India

Also try:

What is a Chemical Engineer?
What is Chemical Engineering?

MGM's College of Engineering & Technology
It may not be the best, but as it is my College, it's number one on this list!

Bombay University Department of
Chemical Technology
The name in chemical engineering in India...

IIT Mumbai Dept. of Chemical Engg.
The second name in chemical technology!

IIT Kharagpur
Bengalis: So they have to be good, no?

IIT Kanpur
They're Good too...

Jadavpur University
IIT Delhi

My old Chem. Engg. links page

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