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Direct Digital Synthesis

DDS theory and simulator

As mentioned on my interests page, there is more theory here and also the DDS simulator for MATLAB 5 with a graphic user interface. However, the simulator also runs without the GUI from a MATLAB command line.

New! March 4, 2004:

After about 6 years I finally got around to update the page. I removed the commercially available chips, since Google and other search engines will give you what you are looking for.

There is a new thing, however. In 1993 I read the paper by Henry T. Nicholas and Henry Samueli [1] about the exact calculation of the output spectrum of the DDS in the presence of phase-accumulator truncation. Their theoretical results and the simulation differs by about 1dB, which the original paper contributed to the rounding in simulation. That seemed strange, so I followed their reasoning with some variations and recalculated the whole thing. It turned out that the original paper neglected too much in one step which resulted in the 1dB difference. It was a nice graduate course report back then.

I extended the work in 1997 for another graduate course, adding amplitude quantization to the mix. Interesting finding was that the amplitude quantization spurs appears exactly at the minimums of the spurs caused by the phase truncation. I never pursued this further and then went on to do other things in life and never went back to DDS.

I never bothered to try to publish this, so after 10 years having the work in my drawer I finally got around to put it on the web. It is a written from ground up specifying all the necessary math, so it could serve as an introductory DDS material.

You can download the paper in PS format below


The DDS method uses a phase accumulator, driven by the specified frequency, which accumulates the phase increments. The phase is incremented each driving frequency clock tick. The size of the phase increment determines the actual output frequency. The binary width of the phase accumulator (accumulator overflows) determines the minimum frequency, which is equal to the frequency step, achievable by the DDS. The minimum frequency is defined by
and therefore the output frequency is
where F is a tuning number and n is the accumulator width in bits. Clearly, the wider the accumulator is the finer frequency tuning step we can get. However, to convert the phase to amplitude we ideally have to have a converted, which would take the n accumulated phase bits as the input. Because look-up tables are mostly used for phase-to-sinusoid amplitude conversion, with linearly increasing n the table size increases exponentially. Therefore, for all practical purposes, the phase accumulator has to be truncated for the phase-to-sinusoid amplitude conversion and only p most significant bits of the accumulator are used for the conversion as shown in the figure bellow.

Phase truncated DDS

The phase accumulator truncation causes spurious spectral lines in the output spectrum. Another source of spurious lines is the D/A converter resolution and physical characteristics. To lower the spurious levels we can spread them over the spectrum. The price paid is the rise of a noise floor. One of the architectures the simulator uses is the first order dithering proposed in [6,7]. The phase dithered DDS architecture is in the figure bellow.

Phase truncated and dithered DDS

Simulation of the dithered DDS architecture is a great computational challenge. The problem is that the DDS output signal is a deterministic periodic signal, so that should be treated as such and the theory of Fourier series should be used. Using a pseudorandom dithering generator, we end up with the total DDS signal period in order of megasamples and the FFT of such a huge sequence should be calculated. It is obvious that one can run out of resources (and patience) very quickly.

Output spectrum of the phase truncated DDS

There are several chips available on the market, which do not use any spurious reduction technique. It is the desired to know the output spectrum of the non-dithered DDS. The original pioneering work of DDS spectrum calculation is in [1].

As mentioned above, here is the paper presenting the exact calculation of the spurious spectrum of DDS as well as DDS overview I wrote 10 years ago, taking [1] and making their results more accurate.

DDS simulator for MATLAB

To simulate all of these features and also to simulate some dithering techniques for combating the spurious signals caused by the phase accumulator truncation, I developed DDS simulator for MATLAB 5. It uses the graphic user interface now available in MATLAB and the picture shows the DDS simulator interface in its big version. There is also a smaller GUI with the same functionality, but smaller footprint on the screen, which is particularly useful for screen resolutions less than 1024x768. The comprehensive description how to use the simulator is in the readme.txt file.
DDS MATLAB simulator graphic user interface


Links to other DDS sites

There is a list of links to other DDS sites I collected from the Web.

  • Analog Devices DDS page - Excellent source of tutorials and other information about the DDS. I highly recommend reading the tutorial about Analog Devices DDS chips and DDS vs. PLL in general. The title of the article is Single-Chip Direct Digital Synthesis vs. the Analog PLL and one can find snapshots of spectrum analyzer screens there.

    Analog Devices also manufactures many of very fast D/A converters for use in communications and in DDS. If you do DDS search as suggested above, the search engine returns scores of references to Analog Devices D/A converters.

  • Spread Spectrum Scene - DDS page on a very valuable engineering resource. This page is a must see! As a tutorial you can download Qualcomm's Synthesizer Products Databook from them in pdf format. Very valuable resource.

  • Frequency control - Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics, and Frequency Control Society home page. It is a definitive source of information about frequency control. The page includes many links in the following categories:
    • International Frequency Control Symposium
    • Frequency Control and Related Publications including Frequency Control Symposium Abstracts since 1956 (downloadable and searchable).
    • Frequency Control Awards
    • History of Frequency Control and Modern Timekeeping
    • Reference and Tutorial Information
    • Related Internet Resources - many links to other Web sites.
    • Specifications and Standards

  • DDS presentation - presentation of the frequency synthesis with chip-level emphasis by Chris Diorio and Todd Humes: "Direct and Indirect Frequency Synthesis in the 0.5-20GHz Frequency Range". Twenty nine slides. Very nice.

  • Osicom - their frequency synthesis products include several DDS synthesizer and DDS and PLL chips.
  • Osicom DDS tutorial - tutorial paper about DDS and its practical implementations.
  • APS DDS module - APS-DDS-1 Programmable Direct Digital Synthesis Module. There is a data sheet in pdf format there. It is 100MHz driving frequency 24-pin DDS module with 100MHz oscillator and 42MHz low pass filter in the module.
More links will be coming.


[1] Henry T. Nicholas and Henry Samueli, "An analysis of the output spectrum of direct digital frequency synthesizers in the presence of phase-accumulator truncation," in Proc. 41st Annual Frequency Control Symp., Ft. Monmouth, NJ, May 1987, USERACOM, pp. 495-502.
[2] J. Tierney, C. M. Rader, and B. Gold, "A digital frequency synthesizer," IEEE Trans. Audio Electroacoust., vol. AU-19, pp. 48-57, 1971.
[3] Henry T. Nicholas, "The determination of the output spectrum of direct digital frequency synthesizers in the presence of phase accumulator truncation," M.S. thesis, UCLA, 1985.
[4] Paul O'Leary and Franco Maloberti, "A direct-digital synthesizer with improved spectral performance," IEEE Trans. Comm., vol. 39, no. 7, pp. 1046-1048, July 1991.
[5] Jouko Vankka, "Spur reduction techniques in sine output direct digital synthesis," in Proc. 50st Annual Frequency Control Symp., 1996, pp. 951-959.
[6] M. J. Flanagan and G. A. Zimmerman, "Spur-reduced digital sinusoid synthesis," IEEE Trans. Comm., vol. 43, no. 7, pp. 2254-2262, July 1995.
[7] M. J. Flanagan and G. A. Zimmerman, "Spur-reduced digital sinusoid generation using higher-order phase dithering," in 27th Annual Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Nov. 1993, pp. 826-830.
[8] Victor R. Reinhardt, "Spur reduction techniques in direct digital synthesizers," in Proc. 47st Annual Frequency Control Symp., 1993, pp. 230-241.
[9] G. A. Zimmerman and M. J. Flanagan, "Spur-reduced numerically-controlled oscillator for digital receivers," in 26th Annual Asilomar Conf. on Signals, Systems, and Computers, Dec. 1992, pp. 517-520.
[10] Jouko Vankka, "Methods of mapping from phase to sine amplitude in direct digital synthesis," in Proc. 50st Annual Frequency Control Symp., 1996, pp. 942-950.
[11] Bruce Kim, Henry T. Nicholas, Henry Samueli, "The optimization of direct digital frequency synthesizer in the presence of finite word length effects," in Proc. 42nd Annual Frequency Control Symp., 1988, pp. 357-363.

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