Senior Design Engineer -
Silicon Laboratories, Beaverton,
OR, USA, January 2007-Present.
As a member of a small team involved in the digital part of mixed
signal design for the next generation of frequency control products.
Architected, designed, and verified half of the digital solution,
architected DFT solution, developed digital design methodology and
flow using makefiles, synthesized the whole digital solution and
worked with layout to close timing. Used extended cyclic Hamming code
for error correction. Developed embedded software for 8051 based chip
prototype board using Keil C toolchain.
Senior Hardware Engineer -
NVIDIA Corp., Beaverton,
OR, USA, October 2006-November 2006.
Involved in the static timing analysis for several layout regions.
Leader, Product Development -
PMC-Sierra, Inc., Portland,
OR, USA, April 2005-August 2006.
Involved in the design and integration of the new generation of on-
chip interconnect bus as well as in the design and development of
laser printer related intellectual property blocks. Audited third
party intellectual property blocks for design for test (DFT) and
developed synthesis flow to achieve fastest timing for the third
party blocks.
Senior Product Design Engineer -
PMC-Sierra, Inc., Portland,
OR, USA, April 2002-April 2005.
Architected high speed Reed-Solomon coding block for use in high speed
communication and implemented standard Reed-Solomon encoder in VHDL.
Heavily involved in creating very fast proprietary Read-Solomon
decoder architecture.
From February 2003 to early 2005 modeled
in C++, designed, and implemented in Verilog HDL central arbiter for
an advanced transaction based on-chip
Fast Device Bus interconnect, intended as a platform for future
generations of company system-on-chip (SOC) products. Later on in the
project was responsible for the implementation and integration of the
whole bus up to the cell placement and scan insertion totaling over
1.3 million gates using Synopsys Design Compiler and Physical
Compiler, as well as Cadence RC compiler.
Senior Engineer II, ASIC Design -
Corvis Corporation, Columbia,
MD, USA, April 2001-April 2002.
Worked on the development of highly specialized ASIC's for optical
communications. Apart from the actual ASIC design also responsible
for the simulation and testing environment development using
UNIX shell scripts and C++. Developed algorithm testing framework
in C++, easily portable to the ASIC environment.
Senior ASIC Design Engineer -
Mobilian Corporation, Hillsboro,
OR, USA, January 2001-April 2001.
Involved in a design and validation of ASIC chips for digital wireless
short range networks, Bluetooth in particular.
ASIC Design Engineer -
Hughes Network Systems, Germantown,
MD, USA, October 1998-January 2001.
Senior Member of Technical Staff. Member of the team designing ASIC
chips for digital radio communications. Focused on hardware
development for error correction coding from the concept through
mathematical modeling, architecture design, Verilog coding,
simulation, verification, and logic synthesis. Also implemented other
signal processing blocks with mathematics involved (DES cryptography).
Architected, developed, and designed fast, highly configurable and
reusable Reed-Solomon decoder core in Verilog HDL from scratch. As a
part of the project developed RTL generators for optimized very fast
hardware implementation of Galois field arithmetic blocks. Put very
strong emphasis on design and documentation quality.
Graduate Research Assistant -
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA,
August 1997-August 1998.
Member of the Mobile and Portable
Radio Research Group in The
Bradley Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Specialized on the hardware/software implementations for digital
radio communications.
Designed, developed, manufactured, tested, and wrote software for
Completely Configurable Digital Transmitter using embedded
microprocessor, Xilinx FPGA, and mixed radio frequency analog
and digital circuitry.
System Designer and Integrator - Science
Systems CR, Czech Republic, September 1995-July 1997.
Designed, developed, and integrated hardware and software for the
real time control system in C, UNIX (QNX), X-Windows, and Motif environments. Later became Technical
Manager/Senior Designer for the project.
NASA Get Away Special Space Shuttle Experiment - Senior
Designer/Technical Team Leader,
The Pennsylvania State University, PA, Fall 1992-June 1995.
Designed, developed, manufactured, tested, supervised a student
group, and wrote the software and firmware for a unique feature
fault-tolerant controller and memory-under-test board for a
Single Event Upset high density static RAM's radiation experiment
flown on the Space Shuttle
EndeavorSTS-77 on May 19, 1996. Sponsored by NASA,
General Electric, Martin Marietta, and Lockheed Martin.
Teaching Assistant - The
Pennsylvania State University, PA, August 1993-May 1995.
Maintained, supervised, and presented laboratory experiments, graded papers,
laboratory reports, and homework assignments for a senior/graduate level
Digital Signal Processing course
(4 semesters).
Assistant Professor - The
Czech Technical University, Prague, Czech Republic,
Spring semesters 1991, 1992.
Employed as a full-time member of a faculty staff in the
Radioelectronics Department.
Prepared and presented laboratory assignments in Digital Logic Design
II course (advanced digital logic and microcomputer hardware/software
design). Also dealt with error correcting codes and digital
Microcomputer Hardware and Software Designer - Various
companies, separate contracts, Czech Republic, Fall 1989-Summer 1992.
Developed, designed, manufactured, tested, and wrote assembly/C
language software for control units for a Morse code trainer system,
an agriculture products precision scale, a complex traffic lights
controller, a small office telephone switchboard controller, a
graphic display controller, and several unique-feature EPROM
Electronic Technician - Public Power Corporation, Athens,
Greece, Summer 1987.
Repaired and maintained telephone communication unit.
Student Research Assistant - The Czech Technical University,
Designed several microcomputer systems and graphic display controller
boards. Some of the systems ran CP/M operating system.
ASIC design and working experience with Verilog and VHDL,
Cadence Verilog-XL, Verilog-NC
(NCSIM), RC compiler, HAL linter, LEC (Verplex) equivalency checker,
Synopsys Design Compiler
and Physical Compiler for logic synthesis, PrimeTime for STA,
VCS Verilog simulator, DFTMax for scan insertion, TetraMAX for ATPG,
PrimePower, Verilint, and other tools. Extensive experience
with Novas Debussy/Verdi
debugging tool.
Experience with all steps of ASIC design flow and design for test
(DFT) from architectural inception up to placed gates. Experienced
with both Verilog and VHDL hardware description languages, preferring
Verilog. Focused on blocks with many complex finite state machines
(FSM) and blocks involving some mathematical theory implementation.
Highly focused on design and documentation quality and reusability.
All blocks I designed were bug free first time in silicon.
Experienced with development of digital ASIC design flow automation
based on makefiles.
Theoretical and practical implementation knowledge of error
correction codes (FEC), digital signal processing, and Galois fields
(finite fields). Error correction codes were used in the fault-
tolerant Space Shuttle design and several other projects.
Programming experience with C, C++, X-Windows, Motif, Matlab, Tcl,
UNIX shell scripts, makefiles, assemblers for Intel and Zilog
microprocessors. Experience with embedded software development in C
for 8051 microcontroller family using Keil C toolchain.
Working experience with OrCAD, P-CAD, LaTeX, and other packages.
Hardware experience with digital TTL and CMOS logic, Intel and Zilog
microprocessors, as well as with analog board level circuitry
and soldering of SMT components.
Involved in the design of a real time embedded control system in the
multi-computer UNIX (QNX) environment for 2 years. Designed, developed
and later managed software development of a control system for the 2-m,
85 ton
astronomical telescope in the QNX operating system with X-Windows
and Motif environments in C language.
Radio ham license since 1979, now inactive.