Here are my hobbies at a glance:
Radio ham
I have radio ham license OK1DOP. There are some radio ham links:
Ham radio link pages
Equipment manufacturers
Interesting places
- Phil Karn, KA9Q - at Qualcomm.
It includes introduction to DSP for radio ham radios.
One of my new hobbies. I am new in photography. My equipment is
Nikon FE2 with standard 50mm f/1.8 lens
and my recent addition Nikkor 50-135mm f/3.5 zoom.
The picture of FE2 with the motor drive MD-12 attached to it is taken from the
Yue-Ming Hsin home page. There are other photographs of Nikon equipment on that page too.
Nikon links
Minolta links
I also had Minolta X-700 camera for some time. It is a really a good camera, so there are some
Minolta links favoring X-700 and other manual Minolta cameras:
Other interesting links
Psychology and astrology
- Psychology place - requires paid membership.
- Psychology Magazine - on-line
Self-Help and Psychology Magazine. Award winning, very large site with
search capabilities and many links to other places.
Links to main sites dealing with astrology. There are plenty of other pointers
at those sites.
Astrolog - free software, beautifully done! Astrolog is a powerful,
customizable, and platform independent (aslo for X-Windows!) astrology chart
calculation program, used in 20+ countries on six continents. It is 100% freeware
and requires no registration fee. The complete source code is available. There is
also domain dedicated to this software,
- Czech astrology links - special page devoted to
Czech astrological resources. In Czech.
More is coming soon!
Good movies
General links
- IMDb - The Internet Movie Database. The most
comprehensive database of movies on-line.
Good movies
The movies bellow I personally like. The references are to the
IMDb with the name of the director,
country, and a year.
- Gandhi - Richard Attenborough,
UK/USA, 1982.
La Double vie de Véronique - Krzysztof Kieslowski, France/Poland/Norway, 1991.
Trzy kolory: Bialy - Krzysztof Kieslowski, France/Poland, 1994.
Trois couleurs: Bleu - Krzysztof Kieslowski, France/Poland, 1993.
Trois couleurs: Rouge - Krzysztof Kieslowski, France/Switzerland/Poland, 1994.
Of Mice and Men - Gary Sinise, USA, 1992.
The Day of the Jackal - Fred Zinnemann, France/UK, 1973. Note that
this is the old one, not the new crappy american movie from 1997!
Dances with Wolves - Kevin Costner, USA, 1990.
The Bridge on the River Kwai - David Lean, UK, 1957.
- Ben-Hur
- William Wyler, USA, 1959.
- Twelve Angry Men
- Sidney Lumet, USA, 1957,
- Viskningar och rop
- aka Cries and Whispers, Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 1972.
- Vargtimmen
- aka Hour of the Wolf, Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 1968.
- Jungfrukallan
- aka The Virgin Spring, Ingmar Bergman, Sweden, 1960.
- Prova d'orchestra
- aka Orchestra Rehearsal, Federico Fellini, France/Italy/West Germany, 1979.
- La Strada
- aka The Road, Federico Fellini, Italy, 1954.
- Blow-Up
- Michelangelo Antonioni, UK, 1966.
- Henry V
- Laurence Olivier, UK/USA, 1944.
- Lawrence of Arabia
- David Lean, UK, 1962.
Between the Devil and the Deep Blue Sea - aka Li, Marion Hansel,
Belgium/France/UK, 1995.
Sense and Sensibility - Ang Lee, USA/UK, 1995.
The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill, But Came Down a Mountain
- Christopher Monger, UK, 1995.
Czech movies
- Kolja - aka Kolya, Jan Sverak,
Czech Republic, 1996.
- Akumulator 1 -
aka Accumulator 1, Jan Sverak, Czech Republic, 1994.
- Obecna skola -
aka The Elementary School, Jan Sverak, Czechoslovakia, 1991.
- Postriziny
- aka Short Cut, Jiri Menzel, Czechoslovakia, 1980.
- Rozmarne leto
- aka Capricious Summer, Jiri Menzel, Czechoslovakia, 1968.
Ostre sledovane vlaky - aka Closely Watched Trains, Jiri Menzel,
Czechoslovakia, 1966.
Kladivo na carodejnice - Otakar Vavra, Czechoslovakia, 1969.
Romance pro kridlovku - Otakar Vavra, Czechoslovakia, 1966.
- Krakatit
- Otakar Vavra, Czechoslovakia, 1947.
Nejasna zprava o konci sveta - aka An Ambiguous Report About the End
of the World, Juraj Jakubisko, Czech Republic/Slovakia, 1997.
Lepsie Byt Bohaty a Zdravy Ako Chudobny a Chory
- aka It's Better to Be Healthy and Wealthy Than Poor and Ill, Juraj Jakubisko,
Czech Republic, 1993.
- Tisicrocna vcela
- aka A Thousand-year-old Bee, Juraj Jakubisko,
Czechoslovakia/West Germany/Austria, 1983.
Dovidenia v pekle priatelia - Juraj Jakubisko, Czechoslovakia, 1970.
Vtackovia, siroty a blazni - aka Birds, Orphans and Fools,
Juraj Jakubisko, Czechoslovakia/France, 1969.
- Marketa Lazarova
- Frantisek Vlacil, Czechoslovakia, 1968.
- Udoli vcel
- Frantisek Vlacil, Czechoslovakia, 1967.
- Balada pro banditu
- Czechoslovakia, 1978.
Kyvaldo, jama a nadeje - aka The Pit, the Pendulum and Hope,
Jan Svankmajer, Czechoslovakia, 1983.
Lasky mezi kapkami deste - aka Loves Between Raindrops,
Karel Kachyna, Czechoslovakia, 1978.
- Obchod na Korze
- aka The Shop on Main Street, Jan Kadar/Elmar Klos, Czechoslovakia, 1965.
- Petrolejove lampy
- aka The Kerosene Lamps, Juraj Herz, Czechoslovakia, 1971.
- Sakali leta
- aka Big Beat, Jan Hrebejk, Czech Republic, 1993.
- Starci na chmelu
- Ladislav Rychmann, Czechoslovakia, 1964.
- Tri veterani
- Oldrich Lipsky, Czechoslovakia, 1983.
- Vynalez zkazy
- aka The Fabulous World of Jules Verne, Karel Zeman, Czechoslovakia, 1958.
- Bila nemoc
- aka The White Disease (English title)
or Skeleton on Horseback (US title), Hugo Haas, Czechoslovakia, 1937.