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I have recieved a few complaints from some people that I would change
my last updated date and not change anything on my web page.

So, just to prove that something has been changed I will try to keep this
journal for you to let you know what's new.

June 05, 2007 Not much changed, added a few new pics.
April 15, 2007 Wow, long time since any updates. And I still haven't changed anything substantial. Poor Lily, Elvis, Cody, Trixie, Guapo, and Taco, they still don't have their own web pages. So, what did I do today? I added a link to my myspace page and I removed the broken link to MyPoints. I would have fixed the link but it looks like they no longer have the referral program. I really recommend it though and if you want to join let me know and I can email you a link.
April 27, 2005 Updated text on Jamie's page. Soon to come: web pages for Lily and Elvis!
July 1, 2004 Ok, for some reason some of the counters weren't working anymore. I would look at it and it would say 1 visitor, and I know I've refreshed more often than that! Then I refreshed my browser and the counter went backwards from 2 to 1! So now all the counters are gone from my page. Now we'll never know how pathetic my little page is! I also removed some dead links and added one link. Look around and try to figure out which ones! Happy 4th!
January 16, 2004 Yahoo complained that I hadn't changed my page in a while! Hmmph..they don't know me! Changes I have made this week: I changed the background color of the index page. All that black was getting to me. I added a picture on the Buster page. Today we had to put Buster to sleep though. While I will leave his page up, I added some text to honor his memory. It was a very hard decision for us and one we are having a hard time making peace with. But he was really sick and we didn't know it, and the road to recovery would have been hard on his old body. I already miss hearing his footsteps coming down the hall.
August 29, 2003 I've removed the comet cursor embedding from the site. With there being so much concern that it's spyware and after having a bad run with spyware on the computer I use at work, I figured I would go ahead and take it off. So now those pages that had comet cursor should load a tad bit faster for you!
I've also edited some text, test your memory and try to figure out what's been changed!
April 04, 2003 I've removed my email address from the home page. I'm hoping it will cut down on the spam and besides, noone ever emailed from it anyway! If you need to get in touch with me, leave a note in the guestbook.
I've removed the bad links from the slideshows. It appears Yahoo/Geocities took it upon themselves to rename a few files for me and delete others. Cest la vie...can't complain when it's for free!
I added an updated picture on Jamie's page and I have now created a page for moto. Check it out!
Moto Man
And last, but not least, I've removed the link to my Mardi Gras page. It's still online if you want to see it. But you gotta figure out the file name for the page. There are far better pages on the net, and I have no interest in keeping it up.
April 15, 2002 Since I filed my taxes early, I had time to finish up on my recent changes to the website. At the request of Mom I've removed some text from Annie's page. I've added more pics to Pete's page, the Pics page and have updated and added pics to Misty's page and I've finished adding links to Buster and Jamie's pages on the rest of the website. I've also added a couple of links to the main page.
April 12, 2002 I've added pages for Buster and Jamie. I've also added pics to Annie's page and the ballooning page. On Annie's page I have modified the text.
April 3, 2002 I've removed the resume page as it didn't seem to be helping, and I think I've found a good job. I've also updated most links and removed bad ones. I've removed all the ICQ panels. If you're not on my buddy list chances are I won't talk...email me if you want to be added.
January 9, 2001  Uploaded this update page and added links to the webpage. Also added counters to most pages.
January 7, 2001 After Geocities changed their methods of doing counters and guestbooks I had to change some parts of my page.  For now I have removed all counters and have set up another guestbook. So all guestbook links should now work. I hope to put a link to my archived guestbook....but I am still going to think on that idea.
I have removed the links to the wav pages, as I have lost interest in gathering those...they take up too much space! I have also removed my beanie page (I'm trying to give up that addiction as well) and my fun page.