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In 1997, just before Christmas, my "little" brother called home and told our mom that he was bringing home a surprise for her. She said as long as it wasn't a puppy....guess what. That was when Misty the wonder dog entered our lives. She is a combination of Black Lab and a Cocker Spaniel, but she pretty much looks like a black lab.

Misty is a real sweetie but can get quite aggrevating when she wants to play ball. When she wants to play she'll bring you one of her many slobbery,nasty tennis balls. And she'll pester the heck out of you until you throw it. And don't even think about stopping until she's ready or she'll sit in the yard and pout. Misty hates baths. If you even think about taking a bath yourself she's gone off hiding behind dad, Jason, outside...anywhere where you can't get to her...and if you do get close watch out for those teeth! Misty is a good dog. She takes care of us, and she loves to cuddle up and keep you warm at night.

 I know you're dying to meet her...so here are a few pics of her:


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