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Rest In Peace Buster

We will always love you and never forget you.
You were always a very good and loving boy.

  Buster is a gift from heaven. He found us, we didn't find him.
We were standing around outside talking one afternoon when
he walked up. We figured he had a home since he had on a collar,
so we petted him and shooed him on his way. Well he had other
ideas. He spent the rest of the evening hanging around the house,
and that night he had a great time barking at the cats. The next
day I decided that if he was going to hang around the house he
was getting a bath. When he showed up his fur was badly matted
and he stank worse than a dead animal! Mom put a lost ad in the
paper and we put signs up around the neighborhood trying to find
his home. Well, some jerk tore down our signs by the end of the
day and nobody answered the ad in the paper. After a week I took
him to the vet to get him checked out. The vet diagnosed him with
heart worms and I boohooed. The vet said that since we didn't know
Buster's health history we would just give him his heartworm medicine
to prevent new worms and pray they didn't kill him in the meantime.

   In this week I had fallen in love with this dog. He is the sweetest dog
you will ever meet (unless you're a cat). And the best part is he came
house-trained! Buster has been with us for over a year now, and so far
he is still pretty healthy. He's had dental work to get rid of his horrible
breath (turns out that's where ALOT of the smell was coming from!) and
he's found all the good hiding spots in the house (he has to have those
for when it rains - he hates storms worse than cats!). His favorite past
times are getting baths (he's always jumping in the tub), chasing balls, 
chasing his tail, and sleeping.  Favorite snacks are anything! And the vet says he is now heartworm free!



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