A Wrong Turn Off the Information Highway, A Refuge in the Disinformation Desert! |
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Copyright © 2001 David G. Bartholomew
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Just in case there is any confusion... | |
![]() This is the Information Superhighway. |
![]() This is Scratchi's Page. |
Any questions? |
Search Tools:![]() 640x480 Screens! 256 color or 16-bit recommended! |
Get the Cool Fonts! Then you can see these pages the way they were meant to be seen! ![]() ![]() |
The following URLs include some I have found in my own exploration of the Web, and others I have been told about by other people.
I do have some of my own material here, so this isn't just another bunch of links to other pages. Apparently, the Web is getting to be a lot of pages that go from nowhere to nowhere.
And I am not trying to make an all-encompassing list. There are plenty of other folks who are doing that, and I've listed some of their pages below. But even they admit it's impossible for any list to be up-to-date for more than an hour.
Therefore, what you'll find here generally tends to follow my own interests and other stuff I thought was neat.
I hope you find them useful in your own explorations.
Please note: I am using many advanced HTML features.
However, to better serve those of you who do not have (or cannot use)
Internet Explorer,
I am avoiding complicated things like frames and other specialized features.
I hope these pages can be enjoyed by all. Sorry for the clutter
if you're using something that can't quite handle it.
I may begin using more fancy stuff later on, but for right now
I believe content is more important than flashy effects.
Please read my disclaimer
for more information about my pages. Thank you.
means a new addition to these pages.
means there's been a recent update.
means lots of graphics lie ahead.
means it's a bandwidth hog. Slow connections beware.
means it might be a dead link.
means "Highly Recommended", well worth a look.
Good Books to Have On Hand![]()
Useful ReferencesBy no means an exhaustive list, these are merely some useful ones I know about. |
Weather and Traffic![]() ![]() Pictures and GraphicsA picture is worth a thousand words. Except for GIF files. Somehow, I think a 100K text file could say a lot more than some of the equivalent-sized picture files that are around, but I might be wrong... |
Why rent a movie? Download one! |
How I Got Into College...You can take sides:And some with less rivalry: And some of the nearby schools. (I am not trying to list them ALL, just the more interesting ones.) |
The above is supplied so you can try out different fonts in your page setup. Be sure to use RELOAD so that any changes you make will take effect.
I saw a suggestion at www.halebopp.com (which is about that spectacular comet all those nuts killed themselves for), which mentions trying out Helvetica or Arial in place of the Roman font used for proportional spacing. I've tried this, and it does look better!
For something really way out, try fonts like Ransom Note, Dear Teacher, or Star Trek TNG!
Of course, I recommend staying with one that's easily readable, and includes all of the symbols. (Not all fonts do.) Go here for more information including some fonts to download.
I try to check these links from time to time, but don't always get around to re-checking some of them too often. Thus some of these might vanish for quite a while before I find out and delete them. I would appreciate all mail regarding my pages and any comments you may have.
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This page is written and maintained by David Bartholomew.
Return to my Home Page. ![]() ![]() |