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News, Magazines, and Culture

Revised February 23, 2001

It pays to keep informed. No matter what your source!

Listen to the Radio!
There are several players available to allow you to get live audio and sometimes video from radio and TV stations everywhere. You can often get away with it even on a klunky old 28.8K connection.
  • RealPlayer. You can download the free version of their player to access a wide range of audio/video services. You'll just have to hunt through their pages to find it!
  • Yahoo Radio. They have an ActiveX based player that runs right through the browser so you don't have to download anything first. You can also use the Yahoo Player, which supports various multimedia like RealPlayer does, but also has a good many live feeds, some which aren't on the other one.
  • WindowsMedia Tuner. Microsoft has a live radio tuner that works through their browser. You can also use Windows Media Player to access other feeds.
  • Excite Assistant. This is a multipurpose tool which happens to include desktop audio, with a very limited selection of feeds.

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Dave Bartholomew This page is written and maintained by David Bartholomew.
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