The last of the Old West...

[ Yahoo! ] Yahoo's Phoenix Get-Local Page.
Of course, that one pretty much shoots this one in the foot, but oh well.

Phoenix Area Temperatures:
Sun City/Glendale
Sun City
Deer Valley
Deer Valley
Click for Phoenix Forecast

Click for Flagstaff Forecast Click for Phoenix Forecast Click for Tucson Forecast
Moon Phase

Solar X-Ray Level
Geomagnetic Activity
Be careful out there!

Current "Arid Zone" Temperatures:
St George Page 4 Corners
Las Vegas
Grand Canyon
Window Rock
Laughlin Kingman Flagstaff Winslow
Prescott Show Low St Johns
Blythe Wickenburg
Gila Bend Safford
Nogales Sierra Vista Douglas

cactus Current Weather Information for Phoenix from:
[CNN] [Weather Channel] [Yahoo] [Intellicast] [Fox News] [Weather Underground] [Excite] [U.Mich]

Phoenix NEXRAD (reflectivity and radial velocity), and regional radar.
Arizona radar summary, motion loop (wide area), thunderstorm forecast.

Statewide Weather Reports     Southern California Weather (why would you care about them, though?)

Visible satellite picture of Arizona (best in the daytime).
Spy satellite pics from Terraserver: [I-10/I-17, Phoenix] [Planes at PHX Sky Harbor] [Tucson] [Yuma]

cactus Arizona in the News Wires from: Yahoo Excite

News search for "Arizona" using: [ Yahoo! News Search ]
or the Washington Post:

Headline (optional): Date Range:

The BEST Sports Teams
are ARIZONA Teams!
Diamondbacks Suns Coyotes Cardinals
Mercury Rattlers

Some Live Views of Phoenix, where it's Wow! THAT hot?? right now:

I-17 at McDowell

I-17 Stack

SR143 at Sky Harbor

I-10 at 79th Ave

I-10 at 7th St

I-10 at 7th Ave

cactus Other Stuff:
Phoenix Traffic Map and Live Video Freeway Cams!
Virtual Tempe - live cam over Mill Ave.
Bank One Ultracam - from the tallest building in Phoenix.
NAU Cam - Flagstaff.
San Francisco Peaks - northwest of Flagstaff.
UA Tucson Cam with a view of the Santa Catalina Mtns.
Oro Valley Cam - Tucson.
Sedona Cam - you can select direction on this one.
Arizona Republic.
Arizona Daily Star.
Phoenix New Times.
Phoenix TV and Radio Stations.
Wallace and Ladmo - true Arizona originals - 1 2 3 4 5 6.
How to play Phoenix Fling Poker!
Phone prefix checker for the new Phoenix area codes.
Arizona Highways (the picture mag).
Entertainment Magazine On-Line.
Desert USA.
Desert Net.
Phoenix OnLine.
Access Arizona.
Movies of Arizona from
AZ Family.
Arizona Foto Safari by some guy.
Gecko Country. Great patriotic and pro-veteran site. Also where I got the flag from.
Arizona Outback, La Paz and western Maricopa Counties (the I-10 and US-60 strip).
Arizona Earthquake Information.
Baja Arizona? Are these guys for real?
Did a huge meteorite hit Scottsdale ages ago? See what you think!
Have you seen The Thing ??
cactus School Daze:
Arizona State University, Tempe.
University of Arizona, Tucson.
Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff.
DeVry Institute, Phoenix.
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University, Prescott.
Maricopa Community Colleges, Phoenix area.

cactus Ham Radio Links:
ARRL SW Div Convention 2000 - pictures from Scottsdale
Arizona Repeater Association.
Arizona Territorial Times Ham Page.
AI7R's Ham Radio in Arizona.
Ham Radio at Arizona Science Center.
Maricopa County Sheriff's Posse West Valley Amateur Radio Club.
DeVry Phoenix Amateur Radio Club.
Superstition Amateur Radio Club.
Another Phoenix ham page., APRS and other neat stuff around Phoenix.
Coconino County Amateur Radio Club.
Eastern Arizona Amateur Radio Society.
Tucson ham radio information (great page!).
ARCA - Amateur Radio Council of Arizona.
Calzona Link.
Zia Connection - RIP, tnx for the memories.

To be added later:

Anything else appropriate to the page material

Page created May 22, 1998
Last updated May 8, 2001

Member of the Arizona Webring
This Arizona Webring site is owned by David Bartholomew.
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Dave Bartholomew This page is written and maintained by David Bartholomew.
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