Kyotes from another perspective

  Most people are aware that car manufacturers have been known to borrow a thing or two from other manufacturers.  The big 3, Chrysler Ford and GM, have sister companies or subsidiaries that have virtually identical product lines ie. Ford Taurus/Mercury Sable,  Dodge Caravan/Plymouth Voyager....and sometimes they take design ideas from the competition. The 1933 Chevy and the 1932 Ford  took most of their design highlights from the1929-32 Duesenburg and Cord..  Everyone knows that this happened to the Manx.  There are countless buggy designs that are based on the Manx.  There were franchises that Dean Jeffries sold to increase his share of the dunebuggy market, a move that Bruce Meyers did not do. But even still there are a few designs that based on the Mantaray II Kyote.  If this did not happen we would not have the vast array of beautiful buggies to enjoy.

Other North American manufacturers
Over in England they have the Kyote II and a few Mantaray II Kyote based buggies