North American

Mantaray II Kyote based buggies

Shriners Club "SPYDER BUGGIES"

Notice the Shriner in the Spyder Buggy Ad

Here is an ad from Thunderbuggies

submitted by John Shepard from the Dune Buggy Archives

Originally owned by William DeMauro from Long Island New York. Built in 1969 by Will.  This, the only picture, was taken just prior to the completion. "The interior was a rolled and pleated pearl white leatherette material and custom cut and tailored rugs and side curtains. The kit was an easy build and the fiberglas was excellent-
very high quality.  The metalflake was the most beautiful thick deep largeflake I have ever seen and it was two tone metalflake silver/red." If you have seen this car please get ahold of Will.

 My Ident Plate. Not original but it looks sharp on the dash.