From across the Pond

Possibly the most civilised buggy ever to appear in England,
the Kyote, could be purchased in various forms, including the
estate version.
From a book called "The World of Automobiles" copyright 1974.
submitted by Kyoteboy

Submitted by Road-Rat


 A  Manta Ray copy made  by                                Manta Ray MK2                                    Manta Ray MK2
CTR in Carshlton Beeches, Surrey 1971.

                 Manta Ray Mk1


John Gurney's Mk1 Manta Ray
Fitted with a space frame chassis and some serious body  rake !
John works for a VW specialist company  in Birmingham, England called
Kingfisher Customes.

Two Kyote II's one with and one without the doors
The white one is courtesy of James Hale, author of The Dune Buggy Handbook and
How To Modify Volkswagen Beetle Suspension, Brakes & Chassis For High Performance
               Many of his articles can be found in
 Total VW Magazine

Richard Cooke's Manta Ray Mk2

Many thanks go out to James Hale and for Richard Cooke getting these British models straightened out.