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I have pretensions of being able to write fiction. This page contains both my original work and my fan fiction. I've also done some fan fiction based on the show Press Gang and they're referenced from the Press Gang page. As always, comments are appreciated.

Fan Fiction:

Change of Heart (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
If Joss Whedon rang me up tomorrow and asked me to make his next Buffy spin-off show, I'm ready - this is the first episode, in prose. 23 000 words all told.

This is technically fan fiction. Look, just read it and all will become clear. 2000 words.

"Whenever you gamble..." (Star Wars)
Written for a Phantom Menace fiction competition, but was too long. 760 words.

Original Works:

Lover's Leap
Warning: this is game fiction. The game is - was, it's been taken off the web now - called Stonepunk, a sort of dark Flintstones. Oh, and apologies to James Ellroy, too. 1000 words.

A Helping Hand
A trip to the zoo. A sequel perhaps to Heroes and Villains. 1600 words.

One girl. One unstoppable alien monster. One chance. 2000 words.

Heroes and Villains
They're everywhere, like the cockroaches. A sequel to Good Deeds. 1500 words.

The Mage
Teen mage angst. Harry Potter this ain't. 1800 words.

Trip to Hell
Hey, it worked for Dante. Note that like The Secret, this is another "first chapter of something" piece. 1600 words

Last Christmas
Last Christmas was better. 650 words.

Christmas Spirits
Christmas shopping goes very bad. Recommended for mature readers. 2600 words.

The Wipeout
Romance, fear and roller-coasters - all one and the same, perhaps. 2300 words

A girl faces some hard choices. 1000 words.

Good Deeds
Someone wants to blow up the Millenium Dome. Quelle suprise. 1800 words

The Funeral
A depressing, dark kind of story. All Jamie Delano's fault. 1500 words.

The Drop
A science fiction tale of two passengers. Dedicated to my younger sister, Shaz. 1500 words.

The Monster
A short, obscure horror story out of which people get many different things. Let me know what you get. 700 words.

The Secret
Cherise has a secret - but so does someone else. Dedicated to my older sister, Cath. This is actually the start of a larger story (as yet unwritten), so may feel unfinished. 2000 words.