Change of Heart

A Buffy the Vampire Slayer story

by Steve Darlington



Part 1 --- Part 2 --- Part 3 --- Part 4 --- Part 5 --- Part 6



This story takes place (and was written) between series four and five, and directly conflicts with everything in series five. It's inspiration comes from my thoughts on creating a second Buffy spin-off series: this is the story that would provide the bridge into the new series. Hence the conflict with canon. I may include the ideas for the series later, or perhaps write more fiction fleshing out the "show".

It's about 23,000 words all told. The length of each part varies from about 2000 up to 4500. It was originally designed to be split into ad breaks but that sort of broke down thanks to the confines of Yahoo, but the teaser is still the bit before the credits, and the epilogue ends with the typical pan up and a fade to black as the Sarah McLachlan music rolls in. You can add the theme music, credits and 'grr-arg!' yourself, where appropriate.

Heartfelt thanks must go to those who made this possible: Becky, Natacha, Mel, Ally and all my friends on-line who gave me the best motivation possible to keep writing: their anticipation. And to the guys on the RPGNet phorum who got me through a huge block in the middle of the fight scene. And also to the best editor a writer could ever want, Murray, for pulling this baby into shape, and for HTMLing above and beyond the call of duty.

And to you, for reading it. Thanks - I owe you one.

Steve Darlington
Brisbane, April, 2001 (Final version posted May, 2001)

Change of Heart - Teaser

"But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve, and Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety."
First Timothy, 2:11-15

"Riley!" Buffy squealed with pleasure.
She bounded across the quadrangle and leapt into his arms, firmly knocking him to the ground.
"Owwffff," Riley exhaled painfully. "Huh. I missed you too."
Buffy blushed a little and sat up.
"Sorry," she shrugged. "I guess I kinda forgot about that whole Slayer-strength thing for a second."
"No, it's OK," said Riley, also sitting up. "I clearly provoked you."
"That's right," Buffy scolded. "You clearly and maliciously deserted me over the entire summer break. I couldn't be held responsible for my actions".
Buffy held the pout for another second, but then her exuberance broke through once more. Her face blossomed into a laugh of pure, innocent joy. Riley joined her with the wide, boyish smile she loved so much. For a second, he just stared at the way the afternoon sunlight seemed to sparkle off her, marvelling at the beauty of the moment, and of the girl in front of him. Then he pulled her to his chest and held tight.

Willow smiled as she watched from the bench Buffy had just so rapidly departed. She turned to her less enthused companion, beaming.
"Oh, isn't that sweet?" she cooed.
"Positively diabetic," answered Xander, distracted.
"Absence makes the heart grow fonder," concluded Willow, satisfied. "And the hormones go crazy," she added worriedly, watching as Buffy and Riley's embrace became more and more passionate.
"Tsch. Should they even be doing that in public?"
"I guess it's OK," said Willow. "I think this is an M-rated campus."
Xander chuckled. "But am I the only one worried about those two? Their courtship habits could be featured on the Discovery Channel."
"There's nothing wrong with that," said Willow, haughtily. "I bet you and Anya get up to much worse stuff. I seem to remember a mention of candles."
Xander rolled his eyes. "Please. That's not what I meant, Wil. I mean, they're like this all the time. She's totally crazy about him."
"And that's bad?" Willow said, sharply.
"Wil, I know what you're thinking, and I'm not jealous. That was a high school thing. I'm totally over that."
"Sure ya are," said Willow, supportively.
"I just think these two are a bit too intense." Xander explained. "And we all know what happened last time they got too hot and heavy."
Willow nodded. "Big time Amityville antics."
"Right. So I just think Buff needs to be careful." Xander stared at the couple again. "We don't want her getting hurt again," he said, mostly to himself.

"I'm not here to hurt anyone," said the man in the suit standing on Giles' doorstop. With typical British style he appeared more affronted than frightened by the large crossbow Giles was pointing at him.
"We'll see about that," said Giles, keeping the crossbow keenly trained on the other man's heart from his position a few feet inside. "The Council has never been supportive of the idea of rogue agents. Slayer or Watcher."
"Rupert, you know yourself how much of a threat Faith represented. We had to do something."
"Of course. And should Buffy have been killed in the process, I'm sure you would have all deeply regretted it," Giles rejoined with thick irony.
"No action has ever been taken against Buffy."
"Oh really?" said Giles with a smile. "So the people shooting at her with machine guns in L.A. missed on purpose then?"
"Those agents were not acting - "
"Ah, of course," said Giles with deep contempt. "Yet another pair of rogue agents. I'm sure they weren't acting under any orders whatsoever and are being disciplined even as we speak. Tell me," he inquired casually, "has anyone in the Council ever acted on their orders?"
"What do you want me to do, Rupert? Apologise?"
"No. I want you to state your business and then go away very quickly. Or I shall be forced to shoot you," he added, sighting the crossbow.
"Alright, Rupert, it's very simple. You and I both know the Council has its problems. There is, as you say, a lot of turmoil in the ranks. For example, it may interest you to know that many of your colleagues were very much against your summary dismissal two years ago."
Giles blinked with momentary confusion, then caught himself. "Most gratifying," he returned, returning his eyes to his target. "I don't suppose it ever occurred to them to do anything about their outrage?"
The man nodded and pulled out the folder he was carrying under his arm. "An appeal was mounted, but it was over-ruled early on. The Testing has a long tradition, Giles, and there really was little precedent to save you on that issue. However," he continued, opening the file, "all hope is not lost, Rupert."
"Sorry? Hope for what?"
"It's taken two years, but your friends have managed to set the balance right somewhat."
"The Council wants me back?" said Giles, confused.
"Dear me, no, Rupert. As I said, The Testing is a long, long tradition. You haven't been - and I dare say will never be - reinstated. But some of your privileges have been returned to you."
"Privileges?" said Giles, lowering the crossbow a few inches. "What sort of privileges?"
"Well, it's all in here," he said, offering Giles a bundle of papers from the folder.
"Access to certain information and influence, a chance to tell your own story in the Chronicles, that sort of stuff. Oh," he continued, "and perhaps the most important privilege of all."
Giles snatched the papers without stepping closer. "And what's that?" he asked.
"The right to name your successor."