This page has been mistakenly stumbled upon and hastily deserted
times since the counter was reset on May 14th, 1998.
This page was created on August 10th, 1997 and last updated on April 13th, 2000.
This page is no fun on 640x480 resolution or less.
What snew: It's come to my attention that this webpage blows. I've outgrown it. (Pretentious.) I could probably spend weeks updating and modifying and it still wouldn't properly represent me as a person anymore. Not to mention the fact that it's incredibly lame and bland by today's internet standards. It's time to move on. I'll still update periodically, for the heck of it, but I plan on taking perhaps only the very best parts of this page and combining them with new things to make something with some actual focus that people might be remotely interested in. Although... it may be a while before I figure out just what that focus is, for me. So enjoy the crap on here, sign the guest book, blah blah. But I know visitors are already fairly apathetic, so now I'm just saying: I don't blame you. Carry on, carry on, and remember: I truely and deeply love each and every one of you. Right up to the point where I decide not to anymore.
Email me at
or be prepared to face eternal consequences.
ICQ #: 8258655
Visit my ethereal little sister, Lizzie.
Her page is here. Go, lest thy doom be assured.
Sign the damn Guestbook... All your cool friends have.
View the Guestbook... All your cool friends are here.
See the prestigious webrings page...
Use the amazing Gothese translator...
Mr. T vs. Starcraft
Fundamentally, a personal webpage is a way of shouting at the world that you exist and that you have a brain. The overall quality of the page is generally indicative of how loudly you are shouting.
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