Pages of People I know
Pages involving music or video/TV related subject matter
Pages related to my own personal interests. Selfish, eh?
Pages capable of rending space/time, and other neat stuff
- LlamaTEKK
Cool stuff to get. Llamas rule. Umm.. FUNKAFIED!
- Dr. Anton LaVey
"There is no heaven of glory bright, and no hell where sinners roast. Here and now is our day of torment! Here and now is our day of joy! here and now is our opportunity! choose ye, this day, this hour, for no redeemer liveth!"
-The Satanic Bible, Book of Satan 4:2
(Dr. Anton Szandor LaVey)
Behold, the unprecidented marvel that IS Tamagothi!
Download it, and live with dignity once more.
Murphygothi, where are you? Sigh...
- The Road to Nowhere...
Lots of fun activites: Haiku-o-matic, unchat, mass story, guess the dictator/TV sitcom character + more.
- Addventure!
Work your way through the addventure, then help build it
when you reach the end. Creative.
- Alamak
The best online chat page.
- Utopia
Download some simple software, then float through the virtual
world talking to people with your microphone, and hearing them
using your soundcard and speakers. Geek fun.
- Timothy Leary's Page
A very neat page with incredible quantities of stuff to check
out... Voted 'Cool page of the Year' 1996.
- Stick Figure Death Theatre
The place where innocent stick-men meet with some very
messy demises.
- Blizzard's site
A wonderful gaming company.
- Pokey
I love Pokey. You must too, or DIE.
Pages not capable of rending space/time, but neat nontheless
- The Onion
Oh, sweet fuck.. the hilarity..
- Gamasutra
Amazing articles on video/computer game creation.
- Leisuretown
Read "Can't Stop Jerking".. Too funny..
The drink mixing website. 3400 alchoholic drinks.
- The Dilbert Zone
What page would be complete without a link to the most
popular online comic strip?
- Gumby on the Web
If you've got a heart, then Gumby's a part of you.
Bored? Depressed? Mildly perturbed? Why not end it all.

Dark Possessions Banner Exchange
Why go back when I can forge ahead?