Poor fools. This is actually a list of people scheduled for deportation when the new world order is firmly in place. Bad peons! No breeding pits for you!

Crystal - 11/24/00 02:29:17
My Email:sorry, boyfriend says no.
Favourite book: currently, club vampyre
Shoe size: does that matter?
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: whatever makes you happy (and is consentual and not drugged)
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: eh. so long as i have my munchkin, i'm happy
Favourite color: cobalt blue
Favourite psychological disorder: posession

Different. Very different.

Crystal - 11/24/00 02:25:57
My Email:sorry, boyfriend says no.


Crystal - 11/24/00 02:25:13


KLCP - 11/13/00 17:22:17
My Email:washingtonwench@yahoo.com
Favourite book: The Hyde Effect by Steve Vance
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Sick and twisted stuff--I don't do it
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Need more info on it
Favourite color: Hunters Green
Favourite psychological disorder: Mine

I was directed to this website from my search list for atheist information. This is a very interesting place and the author seems to have a great abundance of personality. Thank you!

Tizzie - 11/04/00 02:16:17
My Email:brilbud@altavista.com
Favourite book: A Fine Balance
Shoe size: too big
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Unless rigor mortis has well and truly set in it is a sexist act!
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: It already exists!
Favourite color: yellow
Favourite psychological disorder: I forget

This must have taken a long time to put this page together but it is nice to know you have progressed. Where is the new page then? Love You

Satan - 10/25/00 05:46:52
Favourite book: anything about death
Shoe size: 666
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Bring it on
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: What?
Favourite color: Black
Favourite psychological disorder: Schizophrenia shut up i don't want to kill anybody shut up leave me alone!

I need to go now.I need to take my medication.SHUT UP you damn voices!

My school ID says Mark Walle - 10/14/00 00:47:20
Favourite book: Canterbury Tales
Shoe size: 2 and a 1/7
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: delightful. You like that sort of thing don't you?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Sign me up.
Favourite color: amber-marine
Favourite psychological disorder: Having a Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia

That's some good updating. Go play Diablo.

Dim - 10/05/00 17:56:54
My URL:http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/spacemonkeymafia
My Email:dimthebarbarian@yahoo.com
Favourite book: Killing Dance by Laurelle K. Hamilton
Shoe size: By the Golden Assed Monkey, who gives a SPORK?
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: I'll only have sex with dead things if they're Space Monkeys, or Golden Assed Monkey Lords
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: I'm gonna take over, and become the official ASS (Anarchist Sex Sym ol)
Favourite color: Red, and Golden like the Ass of my Monkey Lord
Favourite psychological disorder: Space Monkeys

Can I mu like a chao, or mu-quack like a flying chao? What this contry needs is not a leader, but a Sex symbol, so with that in mind, I will be running for President on the Anarchist Platform, for I am an ASS (Anarchist Sex Symbol). I am a Chaogirl, I am Shrinker, and I am the Cutest of the Golden Assed Monkey Lord Concubines (I sure hope blys doesn't see this)so MU I say Mu-qUack to the hoardes, let the sound of my Fnordfest Ring loudly amidst the mountains, and the sound of monkey sex fill you with del te

Lahswerska Aleesce` - 08/05/00 07:56:31
My Email:lahswerska@yahoo
Favourite book: Harry Potter and The Hogwarts Express
Shoe size: .......(^right^)
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: is it deviant to be deceasedly sexy
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: *stretches, yawns* "Oh! Pardon me...are you quite done?"
Favourite color: fire orange, any type of green
Favourite psychological disorder: love


Lahswerska Aleesce` - 08/05/00 07:46:00
My Email:lahswerska@yahoo
Favourite book: Harry Potter and The Hogwarts Express
Shoe size: Helps but you can't soley rely on it.
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Are the dead deviant?


Lahswerska Aleesce` - 08/05/00 07:44:23
My Email:lahswerska@yahoo
Favourite book: Harry Potter and The Hogwarts Express
Shoe size: Helps but you can't soley rely on it.


tasty german brew - 07/31/00 11:07:54
My URL:http://www.torture.net your too pussy to go here you fag
Favourite book: Get in The Van by Henry Rollins
Shoe size: who cares
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Necrophilia is really like for people who can't get a live person so they become morticians so they can fuck the dead, you do know 75% of all morticians moleste the dead bodie don't you?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: kill kill kill kill kill the poor, kill kill kill kill the poor! i bet you heard that song in a movie and you own no Dead Kennedys albums
Favourite color: clear
Favourite psychological disorder: they do not exist, i guess it would be ADD, you people should meet a REAL schitzo sometimes, they'll freak your stupid asses out and make you piss your pants

Behold! How did I come upon this site, I was looking for info on a band called KAFFEINE and your guestbook was the only thing that came up because someone put Kaffeine in here and I can't find the fucken post. I have not read your site but from the guestbook entries you sound like a cheeseball. Who the hell is Lizzie Borden (fuck, i don't care if i misspelled), who the hell would name themselves after a really shitty cock rock 80s hair slut? oh well, your webpage is one of a billion. Go play with some firecrackers and remember, Jesus eats shit.

Lara - 07/14/00 04:05:50
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/la/xanthe
My Email:aniktwo@hotmail.com
Favourite book: Not Wanted on the Voyage - Timothy Findley
Shoe size: 11
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Bring it on
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Peedles.
Favourite color: Blue
Favourite psychological disorder: Bi-Polar Affective Disorder

Interesting and Informative, the two I's

The Inanimate Carbon Rod - 07/10/00 00:30:12
Favourite book: Shcrondier's Cat
Shoe size: 12
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Ugh.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Fine. As long as it doesn't include Canada
Favourite color: Green
Favourite psychological disorder: Schizophrenia

What the hell is an athesist doing with a Mr T page on their website? Is it just me or does Mister drink yo milk, stay in school, listen to your parents and believe everything your told somewhat not mesh with the rest of this. Kerrigan went down wayyyyyyy y to easy. I understand Mr T always wins on those webpages but at least make him have to fight alittle. Otherwise Mr T pages suck.

Bert Hornback - 04/21/00 19:54:59
My Email:bghorn@bellsouth.net
Favourite book: David Copperfield
Shoe size: 11
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Not with the dead, though.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Can we put the bigger part of North America int a pit?
Favourite color: blue
Favourite psychological disorder: the one that makes you talk in rhyme: my uncle John had it.


Katherine - 03/16/00 00:27:19
My Email:fairychicka666@hotmail.com
Favourite book: anything that has fairies or kurt cobain in it
Favourite color: black of couse!
Favourite psychological disorder: schizephrenia

your stories and poerty are kick ass

The Infidel Guy - 03/08/00 01:45:30
My URL:http://www.freespeech.org/infidelguy
My Email:infidelguy@aol.com
Favourite book: Atheism - The Case Against God
Shoe size: 10 1/2
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: I like warm bodies myself....
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: I'm fucking pissed off about it.
Favourite color: Blue
Favourite psychological disorder: Paraniod Schizophrenia

Loved your site man. Great colors and interesting info. I am very impressed. Like you really give a fuck, huh? Great page anyway. Have a blessed day, NOT!!!! May all fundalmentalist religions die an awakening death.

sheryl - 03/06/00 18:52:48
My Email:happylala5@hotmail.com
Favourite book: happylala
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: thats sick
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: ok
Favourite color: blue and yellow
Favourite psychological disorder: nimphomania

i would like to see a picture of your socks. i think that would be swell!!!

sheryl - 03/06/00 18:49:48
My Email:happylala5@hotmail.com


'the bird that flies under the ocean' or so said the russian agent. - 03/03/00 07:49:22
My Email:bexy_sitch@hotmail.com
Favourite book: the master and margarita
Shoe size: have an issue with feet...
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: i wanked off while watching 'kissed'...surely you can guess.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: i have my own vision
Favourite color: dark sparkling anything
Favourite psychological disorder: you my dear *kiss*

did that satisfy? wait, no, you were already satisfied... well i attempted to be amusing without any thought... i will go write you now and then sweet sweet sleep.

Ashley, also known as the sadistic bith - 02/18/00 15:49:56
My URL:http://members.theglobe.com/fadinglight/quest
My Email:UntouchedCanvas@aol.com
Favourite book: The Bell Jar by Sylvia Plath
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Go for it!
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Hehe.....
Favourite color: black
Favourite psychological disorder: bipolar disorder

Kick-ass site, my friend. Keep up the good work!

Minendie - 02/10/00 21:54:40
My URL:/charlie_barber_28/index.html
My Email:anderbar@s5.net
Favourite book: there are too many - right now I'm reading Paulo Coelho's Veronika decides to die
Shoe size: 37
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: fine with me
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: I'm from Europe so like w--h-a-t-e-v-e-r hmm?
Favourite color: black (but that's not a colour), so blue
Favourite psychological disorder: we can choose from: a. Eating disorders b. flashbacks of getting abused and c. depression

I like this site, I like the pix, I like the black backround, to sum it up I really like your site...:o) Keep it up, take care and have a good one. fighting for peace is like making love for virginity

Cardinal Boursy - 01/30/00 03:06:42
My URL:http://www.churchstate.net
My Email:boursy@churchstate.net
Favourite book: Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France
Shoe size: 10.5
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: deviancy is good if it's adult
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: don't vote any more
Favourite color: depends on mood swings
Favourite psychological disorder: hysteria--best kind of woman


Void of Content - 01/29/00 17:12:23
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Hall/4098
My Email:azathoth69@hotmail.com
Favourite book: Gravity's Rainbow
Shoe size: YES!
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: As long as it's mutually consensual
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: It already happened. I live in one of the breeding pits (New Jersey
Favourite color: Madagascar, Fiji, Iceland, Cyprus
Favourite psychological disorder: BipolaR

Your logo for Evil Athiest Conspiracy was definitely the best.

Mike Pearson - 01/27/00 15:47:37
My Email:mpearson@orthotrac.com
Favourite book: Withering Heights
Shoe size: 10.5
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Dead on
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Cool by me, as long as I get to decide who is the first SOB up agai st the wall when the revolution comes
Favourite color: Burgundy
Favourite psychological disorder: Compulsive/Obsesiveness

Welcome to the ant farm

Asp Torched - 01/15/00 16:25:26
My Email:asp15@hotmail.com
Favourite book: any Hard core porno
Shoe size: 12W
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Iam a Pagan, love walking around wearing a skirt, Kilt, Lava lava same dif anyway, =]
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Kill them all
Favourite color: Red, blue, Green, or Black.
Favourite psychological disorder: Phobia's, I love scaring people =]

Gecko!!! We Miss ya man!!! When you coming back? ShadowMud Ain't the same without Ya!!!! Asp the Torched Clan Yaksmen! Oh Hell Yeah!!! Get SOme Of this Baby!!!!

Heather - 01/15/00 08:19:58
My Email:lucretia18@hotmail.com
Favourite book: Strange Angels.
Shoe size: No clue.
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: No problem with it.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Lovely.
Favourite color: Black.
Favourite psychological disorder: Schizophrenia.

You always manage impress me over and over again. The atheist columns were hilarious....I bet you love all of that negative and positive attention you received for them. Bravo.

kaffeine - 12/20/99 09:12:18
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~katdiva
My Email:katdiva@crosswinds.net
Favourite book: 1984: A Novel
Shoe size: 8 1/2 or 9, depending on country of manufacture
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: they're not very responsive...
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Blow this whole fuckin' rock up before we actually get that far...< r> Favourite color: blue
Favourite psychological disorder: my own

Congratulations!!! You are the lucky winner of the Ultimate Goth Challenge!!! In case you're wondering what kind of crack baby I am, I'm a friend of a friend.... nice layout, btw.... smoke more crack.

kaffeine - 12/20/99 09:11:31
My URL:http://www.crosswinds.net/~katdiva
My Email:katdiva@crosswinds.net
Favourite book: 1984: A Novel
Shoe size: 8 1/2 or 9, depending on country of manufacture
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: they're not very responsive...
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Blow this whole fuckin' rock up before we actually get that far...< r> Favourite color: blue
Favourite psychological disorder: my own

Congratulations!!! You are the lucky winner of the Ultimate Goth Challenge!!! In case you're wondering what kind of crack baby I am, I'm a friend of a friend.... nice layout, btw.... smoke more crack.

Lizzie Borden *your sister* - 12/02/99 01:44:13
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/spirit/lizzieborden
My Email:lizzieborden@gurlmail.com
Favourite book: Lost Souls?
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: dead guys aren't good...
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: exactly!

Hey you! Long time no...speak? I just thought I'd drop by, see what you're up to and say hello. So...hello. Email me sometime, my dear.

Steve - 11/29/99 05:03:40
My Email: Withdrawn by request
Favourite book: I'll give you a hint--It's not the Bible.
Shoe size: nine--I'm just an average guy.
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: it's probably ok, but to be polite you should wait till the mourners have left the church.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: did I miss that on the news?
Favourite color: Electrik Blue
Favourite psychological disorder: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Since I'm one of your oldest fans, I'd have to say this is the Best webpage ever. I like the new graphics for the Column area. For someone who considers themselves lazy and lacking work ethic, you certainly put a lot of energy into this page...Umm...Eri can I tell you something... I think you might be a Geek. So now for the judges scoring: Originality a 30, Lip Sync. a 29, and...OH I forgot what the last category was (maybe someone out there will remember) P.S. I say geek with the positive connotation of--Smart and Good looks too--Ha.

Matt - 11/23/99 22:52:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Sands/4051/index.html
My Email:Lpxq@hotmail.com
Favourite book: The Melancholy Death of Oyster Boy
Shoe size: why do you care?
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Hey man, whatever floats your boat.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: bullshit.
Favourite color: black or green
Favourite psychological disorder: Bipolarism

You have an incredible page.

Zach - 11/21/99 07:06:50
My URL:http://www.netcolony.com/members/azn
My Email:azn@udel.edu
Favourite book: Jude the Obscure
Shoe size: 10 1/2
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: necrophilia: interesting concept. i'd like to see it in the movies more, but probably not for me. other than that what is deviance?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: hmm, a pit, eh? it could work.
Favourite color: brown
Favourite psychological disorder: no such thing

i stumbled on your page. excellent darkness. not quite enough cynicism though. i've enjoyed myself nonetheless. carry on

black - 11/03/99 21:40:08
My URL:http://(no really, just http)
My Email:black@deathsdoor.com
Favourite book: black
Shoe size: black?
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: black
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Do I fucking care?
Favourite color: Yellow... no, black
Favourite psychological disorder: death

I like the idea of a Phelsuma cepediana ripping my fucking leg of... they don't get much larger than ~15 cm :) well... liked some of of the fuck-jesus-crap you've got aswell.

Teremka - 11/02/99 21:23:08
My URL:http://www.teremka.com
My Email:teremka@hotmail.com
Favourite book: The Edible Woman
Shoe size: 11 1/2
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Interesting, not for me.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Typical
Favourite color: Burghundy
Favourite psychological disorder: Schitzophrenia: they see what's really there

Actually schitzophrenia is a psychotic disorder... Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds -Einstein

Messiah Divine - 11/02/99 17:45:22
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/Blue_Messiah/Project/index.htm
My Email:Messiah@vampirehunter.com
Favourite book: Synners
Shoe size: small
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Everybody's doing it...
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: I thought I had that plan under wraps!! How did you find out???
Favourite color: Leopard print
Favourite psychological disorder: Schizophrenia

Nice page Mr. Gothy... I talked to Solona this morning and she gave me your URL... so I figured I'd have a look. You managed to scare me, I thank you for that. *bows* Kill me, Thrill me...

Jennifer - 10/27/99 22:00:05
My Email:whocares@mailcity.com
Favourite book: illiterate people dont read, you fool!
Shoe size: 7.5, you guess which sex.
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Hmmm. Hard to say. Perhaps, "over my dead body!!" would be appropriate
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: You spelled implementation wrong..,.Will that get me thrown out of he breeding pits?
Favourite color: grey
Favourite psychological disorder: i have to pick just one??

my cats breath smells like cat food. My breath, however, smells like cat.

HELLFIRE - 10/12/99 20:50:57
Favourite book: A WRINKLE IN TIME
Shoe size: 7 WOMAN
Favourite color: BLACK AND ORANGE
Favourite psychological disorder: MY OWN SPEACIAL ONE


Eggz - 10/12/99 07:12:05

Waffle, burriffa, big italian sausage! Waffle, burriffa, big italian sausage! Waffle, burriffa, big italian sausage! Waffle, burriffa, big italian sausage! Waffle, burriffa, big italian sausage!!!!
Coffee Brown will strike you down! To the baby pit with your soul!


- 10/12/99 07:03:26

ehh, simon lebon hates you, and so do i. go fuck yourself. =)
(did you figure this one out yet? HAHA)

Electra - 09/23/99 02:28:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/5974
My Email:sparklemaid@hotmail.com
Favourite book: Queen of the Damned, Anne Rice or The Brothers Karamazov, Dostoyevsky
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: anything to excess is dangerous, i spose.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Wait, these breeding pits don't already exist?
Favourite color: Orange, Yellow and Black
Favourite psychological disorder: Bi Polar Disorder

I was trying to remember the graduation song, but i could only think of that song they play at the ends of weddings. But, um, just as i was signing your guestbook......i remembered it. So, thanks.

Rebekah - 09/22/99 20:38:17
My URL:http://homepage.aol.com/ouchyououch/myhomepage/business.html
My Email:poppycarew@hotmail.com
Favourite book: "On the Road" by Kerouac
Shoe size: Women's 7
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Whatever makes you feel fulfilled is fine by me
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: As long as I can still eat cottage cheese, it's alright
Favourite color: black... what were you expecting?
Favourite psychological disorder: Anxiety Disorders... I have those...

I love you...

Rebekah - 09/22/99 20:35:59
My URL:http://homepage.aol.com/ouchyououch/myhomepage/business.html
My Email:poppycarew@hotmail.com
Favourite book: "On the Road" by Kerouac
Shoe size: Women's 7
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Whatever makes you feel fulfilled is fine by me
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: As long as I can still eat cottage cheese, it's alright
Favourite color: black... what were you expecting?
Favourite psychological disorder: Anxiety Disorders... I have those...

I love you...

Cardinal Boursy - 09/05/99 23:13:47
My URL:http://www.churchstate.net
My Email:boursy@churchstate.net
Favourite book: The Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France at http://www.churchstate.net/revolt.htm
Shoe size: 10.793
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: necrophilia I've a problem with due the informed consent thing--like deviancy in general though
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: wouldn't be surprising
Favourite color: depends on mood--dark green right now
Favourite psychological disorder: hystheria--love hysterical type of woman

Excellent site--came here because I admired you Evil Atheist graphic.

Father SubDeacon Ian Lewis - 08/05/99 14:41:47
My Email:brotherian@canada.com
Favourite book: The Holy Bible
Shoe size: 9.5 wide
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Really yucky !
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Really yucky !
Favourite color: Black/grey
Favourite psychological disorder: normalosis

Too cool web-site !

Mist - 08/02/99 04:30:10
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/paris/cafe/8713
My Email:albinoe@rocketmail.com
Favourite book: Exqusite Corpse (Poppy Z. Brite) Go get it!
Shoe size: uh, why?
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: these questions.. same as lasst year.. perhaps they should change??
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: yhea, great fine. Boo Blah!
Favourite color: maroon/violet/black
Favourite psychological disorder: belief in ones own existence

E. Where I might find those Switchblade Symphony photos you claim possesion of... ? I do believe they would do much for the beautification of your page. so come on... post em! - after all, reality is for those lacking imagination.

krist - 07/27/99 01:19:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Pavilion/3964/main.htm
My Email:orb7780@aol.com

me again...check out the url above, also. it's my atheist webring.

krist - 07/27/99 01:16:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Pavilion/1563/main.htm
My Email:orb7780@aol.com
Favourite book: the bell jar
Shoe size: that's none of your business...and i find that offensive
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: no comment
Favourite color: brown...i mean orange...uhh, i mean, the late 70's were cool
Favourite psychological disorder: my own

dig your page...if you want, check mine out...sign my fuckbook...oh, and i like your work.

queen of darkness - 07/23/99 03:35:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/qod/
My Email:thaqueen40@hotmail.com
Favourite color: black

interesting site, to say the least.

KaitMoon - 07/21/99 07:06:20
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~moondancer76/index.html
My Email:strawberryisses@iname.com
Favourite book: wyrms by O.S. Card
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: necrohilia is only sick because it is unsanitary, it is however always pathetic. Ecessive seual deviancy is no bodies business bt te deviant, unless it hurts someone that does not want to be hurt
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: what, it hasn't happened yet?
Favourite color: bac, of course..and yellow, so sue me
Favourite psychological disorder: anxiety...it's the one Iam most familiar with...can you say panc atttack?

Thanks for signing my guesbook..how'd you come across my site? I rally enjoyed visiting yours, seems we have some things in common..and I love skinny goth bois...*smile*

Sebastian - 07/20/99 06:20:16
Favourite book: The Trial
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Bravo


Jeff Muscato - 07/17/99 05:06:19
My URL:http://www.jeffmuscato.com
My Email:mail@jeffmuscato.com
Favourite book: i don't know
Shoe size: 10
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: i'm too tired to type much, dude...
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: that should be "implementation"
Favourite color: black
Favourite psychological disorder: i didn't know I was supposed to choose - they're all so great

what's up... i used to tlak to "lizzie" sometimes and i was looking for her...

Beth - 07/15/99 14:07:57
My URL:http://people.goplay.com/Moonserpent
My Email:Moonserpent@goplay.com
Favourite book: The Mists of Avalon
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Personally not my forte`
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals:
Favourite color: Blue
Favourite psychological disorder: Too many to pick just one

Interesting site. Thank you for signing my guestbook, but due to your vulgarity I must delete the entry. If you want to re-leave a guestbook entry that's clean, I'd be happy to leave it. Thanks

siouxzee - 07/15/99 08:51:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Den/2939/
My Email:tom_sue@csi.com
Favourite book: david eddings or robert jordon
Shoe size: 7.5
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: each to their own
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: who cares i live in australia
Favourite color: purple and black
Favourite psychological disorder: touretts

wow i am impressed!

Demonica - 07/15/99 06:02:57
My URL:http://www.onward.to/thegrandbazaar
My Email:cryogenicjunky@insaneasylum.zzn.com
Favourite book: The Thief Of Always-Clive Barker
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: whatever floats your boat
Favourite color: Grey and black
Favourite psychological disorder: paranoia

Stuff happens alot.(in reply to what you wrote in my book) Very nice,blah,blah more kiss complements..you get the point

Riding to hell in a handbasket,


Ps. Spelling isn't my strong point..

Gothik Rose - 07/14/99 23:01:49
My URL:http://www.darksites.com/souls/goth/gothikroze/
My Email:thefuneralparty@yahoo.com
Favourite book: Queen of the damned -anne rice
Shoe size: 5 1/2 in womens
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: no comment
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: ewww
Favourite color: silver
Favourite psychological disorder: multiple personalities

Erik- The layout is lovely and very organized. Like the poetry and pics. You make your site interesting by being open-minded. Keep up the good work. -gothikroze

deadcoil - 07/08/99 23:51:26
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Balcony/8361
My Email:deadcoil@yahoo.com
Favourite book: Heinlein's "Friday"
Shoe size: Plagiarist. That's my question.
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Fine with me. Can I watch?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Fuck that. I'm moving to Canada.
Favourite color: Black. Go figure.
Favourite psychological disorder: Oedipus Complex.

You, sir, are quite talented at this website shtuff. Nice use of graphics and frames, and a biting sense of subtle humor. Unlike many goffs I could mention, your writing does not suck- nay, veritably, 'tis good and solid mental fodder.

Denis - 06/11/99 20:31:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/collegepark/library/7869
My Email:djplaza@yahoo.com
Favourite book: none in particular
Shoe size: 12
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: How cute is the corpse?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Kill them, kill them all
Favourite color: Green
Favourite psychological disorder: What was your called again Erik?

My wit is on a crutch again, it was fitting though... "If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer. Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured or far away." -Thorau

Susan - 05/09/99 05:24:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Hall/3239/
My Email:stapleto@interchange.ubc.ca
Favourite book: Waiting for Godot (it's a play actuallY), amongst other books, anything that makes me think
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: um yeah...
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: huh?
Favourite color: blue and yellow

Man i think you're on the wrong kind of drugs! Anyways, I just thought I'd sign your book...I came across your page through a friends page... but yeah, um, see ya.

Sean Mad Dog Roney - 05/07/99 14:25:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Cyprus/6673/index.html
My Email:madcanine@yahoo.com
Favourite book: My Own
Shoe size: How should I know how big a shoe is? What are they?
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Er, eh...whah? Hey, if you're for it, go ahead, but I'll have no part in that!
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: What the fuck!?
Favourite color: Red, crimson RED
Favourite psychological disorder: Paranoia...suffering from it right now, because those black helicopters are after me!

Great site! I loved all the graphics on your front page!

Diabolique - 04/23/99 04:09:00
My Email:toejam_magic@hotmail.com
Favourite book: One fish Two fish Red fish Blue fish
Shoe size: 7...and a half
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: More power to you
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Ya...goals are good.
Favourite color: Blue
Favourite psychological disorder: ADD...im sorry what were you saying?

Quite frankly, I'm against people who give vent to their loquacity by extraneous bombastic circumlocution.

Nephra - 04/22/99 01:19:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/9557/
My Email:Nephra_Ramesses@hotmail.com
Favourite book: Fingerprints of the Gods by Graham Hancock
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: psychotic
Favourite color: black
Favourite psychological disorder: same as you

I appreciate a person who thinks although some of your views may be different than mine they are thoughts none the less and thinking is something very few people do much of anymore. at my page you will find the meaning of life among other things. so sign he guest book when your there all your cool friends did! LOL =-)

Whisper - 04/13/99 08:20:21
My Email:nup
Favourite book: nup
Shoe size: nup
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: nup
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: nup
Favourite color: nup
Favourite psychological disorder: nup

I broke my lesbian

Jessica:Copy Consultant - 04/04/99 12:19:30
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Studios/6958
My Email:pinkbismuth@hotmail.com
Favourite book: currently, ALOUD: Voices fromthe Nuyorican Poets Cafe
Shoe size: doesn't matter, I can't afford to buy shoes
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: yes and no.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: I'm moving.
Favourite color: Black.
Favourite psychological disorder: As long as they're my disorders I like them.

Nice new layout, Erik. As disgruntled as ever. I like your new picture too. I hate frames, though, but I'll live. Byebye -j

Jo Jo - 03/29/99 21:15:53
My Email:platypus_55@hotmail.com
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Interesting
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Gotta Love North America
Favourite psychological disorder: Manic Depression Of Course

As always I love the page.Sorry for not having signed earlier.

Ghost - 03/05/99 15:22:31
My Email:Doa2400@aol.com

Humanity's only true fault is its belief in its own superiority, any who cannot grasp this are of little consequence.

Jessi, aka SequinChic - 02/19/99 05:37:47
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/zines/jessispice/index.html
My Email:freakzine@gurlmail.com
Favourite book: Nightmares and Dreamscapes
Shoe size: 8 1/2, US size
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: As long as it doesn't involve me, I care not
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Sounds like fun
Favourite color: black or dark red
Favourite psychological disorder: the Oedipus complex amuses me

Hi there, I randomly stumbled across your page from Lizzie's......and the name Eric da Gecko sounds familiar. Are you the same Eric da Gecko from SD that's been on RaveLinks for awhile? Hmmmm...... anyway, love you, love your page, blah blah blah.

Joan - 02/13/99 19:08:00
My URL:http://www.vbe.com/~crimson
My Email:crimson@vbe.com
Favourite book: Memory & Dream by Charles de Lint
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Don't understand the attraction.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Mmm, don't think it's likely
Favourite color: Purple
Favourite psychological disorder: Schizophrenia

Just poking around the Ring of Truth. Have you bookmarked for future visits.

Jacob Smith - 02/07/99 20:00:21
My Email:Rednight@aol.com
Favourite book: Catcher in the Rye
Shoe size: 10
Favourite color: red


Joanne - 01/30/99 23:37:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Lounge/2353
My Email:jcope18@yahoo.com
Favourite book: Shakespeare's Unabridged Collection
Shoe size: anywhere from 6-8
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: ick
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: ick again
Favourite color: blue. certain shades
Favourite psychological disorder: major depressive disorder

Erik, you are interesting. That is all.

Carla - 01/21/99 18:20:51
My Email:cdahra@ior.com
Favourite book: Eyes of the Dragon
Shoe size: 8 1/2
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: pass
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: I want my own pit!!
Favourite color: black and blue
Favourite psychological disorder: nymphomania

Long time no read....how are you??? Talk to me, my sweet baboo!! *l* I see you're still the same sweet, life loving human!!! Take care.... XOXOXO

Jessica - 01/16/99 07:26:52
My URL:http://www.soltec.net/~jlauren
My Email:pinkbismuth@hotmail.com
Favourite book: all of them
Shoe size: i don't wear shoes.
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: yes. no.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: disposition:apathy
Favourite color: red
Favourite psychological disorder: passive-agressive narcissistic neurotic

i like tea. i have a new email address. i am stressed out. airports suck. you need to own a vacuum by age 23. it is uncomfortable to continue working for a boss that admits she thinks you're mental. i am really just a tortured genius who no one understands. umm.

erin - 11/21/98 19:31:33
My URL:http://www.angefire.com/oh/minDless
My Email:virgin.whore@gurlmail.com
Favourite book: Lost Souls, by Poppy Z. Brite
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: i personally don't see anything morally wrong with necrophilia, but i don't quite understand why someone would find that arousing. whatever aynks yr crank, i suppose
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: that worries me. i think we should all try to break away from the overnment before it takes compleat controll over our lives.
Favourite color: dark red
Favourite psychological disorder: manic depresion

this page is a thing of beauty, erik.

How about I say Foci instead? - 11/15/98 04:33:29
My Email:djplaza@yahoo.com
Favourite book: Earthdawn Rulebook
Shoe size: 13
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Who gets to define what's deviant?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: If the USA is in charge, I'm going guerrila
Favourite color: Dark dark green
Favourite psychological disorder: Clinical depression

Impressive page indeed.

10/26/98 13:14:56
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Psychobitch from Hell - 10/24/98 02:06:22
My Email:icyspice@mailcity.com
Favourite book: The Handmaid's Tale
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: whatever twists your noodle.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: don't ask me... i strive for apathy.
Favourite color: true red
Favourite psychological disorder: compulsive biting

there are some parts of the human anatomy that have no place on a photocopier. (decent page, by the way...)

Sean - 10/23/98 04:07:34
My Email:ballpython@mailcity.com
Favourite book: Dean Koontz's "intensity"
Shoe size: who the hell knows
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: no comment
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: whoa......maybe we can form clans.....and war with midevil weapons< r> Favourite color: the lack of color (black)
Favourite psychological disorder: well I'll have to say parinoid scitzophenia..but my disorders might get jealous...that anxiety disorder is a bitch

Hey man...ok..well I have leopard geckos and thats how I found this site...theyt old me about it. I also like the dark theme. I wouldnt exctly call myself a goth.......but everyone else calls me that just because I wear all black and occasionally black na l polish *scary music*. Maybe it's cause I am a loner and I dont ahve any freinds they feel they have right to question and persecute...who knows. I personally burned my collection of personal poetry. I did not feel it was worthy to have eyes laid upon it. Atheism is for the intelligent keep up the kick ass work

GOD WITH A GUN - 09/07/98 19:38:49
Shoe size: 11
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: WELL........UMMMM AHHHHUMPH..YEAH I LIKE IT!!! SURE NO SEX BETTER THAN WHEN THE FLESH IS COLD AND THE MOUTH IS SILENT
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: I GUESS I'M A LITTLE BIASED ON THIS ONE!!! YA SEE I'M A U.S. ARMY I FANTRY SOLDIER ie: the new worlds storm trooper. SO YEAH , SOUNDS GOOD!!! I'LL TAKE ANY REASON TO KILL!!! BREEDING PITS..YEAH... FROM WHAT I HEAR I'M GONNA BE THE STUD! SO BRING ON THE BITCHES!!! I'M A HORNY DOG!!
Favourite color: ARMY GREEN


Reese - 09/05/98 02:34:37
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ga/CreepGirl/index.html
My Email:reese@prontomail.com
Favourite book: Any by me or any soon to be....
Shoe size: I wear a 7 but an 8 feels so good I buy a 9. =/
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: The more the merrier?
Favourite color: Black and Gray

I was bouncing around the net, landed on your site..... and quite pleased that I did. Very nice. =)
It kicks @$$...

Take care....

Laura - 09/03/98 04:29:23
My URL:http://home.talkcity.com/GrouchoGulch/sanctuary17/index.html
My Email:Lambc10674@aol.com
Favourite book: Of Saints and Shadows by Christopher Golden
Shoe size: 11
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: if you enjoy it, does it really matter?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: fuck that.
Favourite color: none
Favourite psychological disorder: phsychotic


Lindy - 08/02/98 20:26:51
My Email:Curlz8@hotmail.com
Favourite book: Child of the Grove, Tanya Huff
Shoe size: 7 1/2
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Everyone is different.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: undecided
Favourite color: green
Favourite psychological disorder: manic depression

nothing of importance to relate at the moment, sorry.

Asp Torched - 08/02/98 12:04:34
My Email:asp15@hotmail.com
Favourite book: heheh interview with a Vampirer =]
Shoe size: 12 w
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: hm haven't gotten to explore that part my mind yet =[ rats
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: um, right i'll say If I told you i'd have to kill alot of people so sorry I wont go there... yet =]
Favourite color: heehee black then red dark very dark red =]
Favourite psychological disorder: um, heheheh thinking your a Vampirer yea thats the ticket =]


Fallyn Angel - 07/09/98 08:33:36
My URL:http://none.noserver.no/nopage/nostuff/not-a-thing.nope
My Email:fallyn_angel@hotmail.com
Favourite book: I only read for school. I practice illiteracy. Better on the brain. No subliminal thoughts telling you to do stuff.
Shoe size: Smaller than yours.
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: I like 'em live and kicking, thanks!!! :)
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: I believe that for the ensuant North America to be prosperous, one ould have to take into account the... oh, wait. You said imminent... hmmm. Well then...... Good idea.
Favourite color: Red, green or black.
Favourite psychological disorder: Dyslenterineuromintopychosis

Although I am taking great risk at being found and shipped out of the country by signing this book, I believe they'll never catch me. Besides, I enjoy taking a good chance every once in a while, and your page is ALWAYS worth it! :) You've got a well built... uh... page... here Erik! :) Keep up the creative, individualistic thoughts and essays! I enjoy reading them. :) Talk to you soon!

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 11:43:30
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

carmilla [societally] - 07/03/98 07:00:46
My Email:awilso9@uic.edu
Favourite book: right now....i dunno. Zen&Motorcylce Maintainence, maybe. Catcher in the Rye?
Shoe size: 9 womens
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: "That's Grrrrrrrreat!"
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: mmm.... breeding pits.... i'm all for it.
Favourite color: plaid
Favourite psychological disorder: hysterical paralysis

good material.... will read the rest of the page later. i HATE frames... the page itself could use a lot of work. anyhoo.... don't abandon IRC, ok?

Don - 06/29/98 20:09:37
My URL:http://kyle-number-2-
My Email:debender@acs.ucalgary.ca
Favourite book: 100 years of Solitude (for today at least)
Shoe size: 10, 10-5 (not sure of what my euro size is, 43?)
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: i like dead people, so should you
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: i like goals, especially in soccer
Favourite color: silver
Favourite psychological disorder: necrophilia (its not actually a disorder but close...

i like rabbits. do you like rabbits? how about them rabbits?

Sick Evil Bastard - 06/27/98 02:06:07
My URL:http://www.claymore.dreamhost.com/Atheism1/
My Email:Claymore@claymore.dreamhost.com
Favourite book: The Stand- Stevie King
Shoe size: 14
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Sure, why not?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Spoon!
Favourite color: Pacific Green.
Favourite psychological disorder: Catholicism.

Your page is neato. Very Eclectic, especially deviant and very unclassifiable, but neato. You are now officially the second happiest goth I have ever not truly known.

Lizzie Borden - 06/21/98 20:25:14
My URL:http://www.gurlpages.com/obsess/m.gothique/index.html
My Email:LizzieBorden@gurlmail.com
Favourite book: Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite
Shoe size: 5 1/2 <~tiny, eh?
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: umm...
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: umm...i have no clue
Favourite color: gray
Favourite psychological disorder: Skitsaphrenia (sp??)


I'm liking your page...very much so. Hmm...my page used to be called I hate everyone anyway..., but I changed it to Where Good Gurrls Go To Die. Thought you could relate with the old one. Anyway...kiewt page.
**Lizzie Borden**

jacqueline - 06/11/98 17:53:54
My URL:http://members.tripod.com/~loversidge/index2.html
My Email:fuchsia@aol.com
Favourite book: Preparing for Adolescence by Dr.Dobson...or any Chick Tract
Shoe size: 6 or 6 1/2
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: excessive corpse screwing is never a good idea..i say practice moderation. too much of a good thing...well, you know.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: as long as i get season tickets.
Favourite color: violent
Favourite psychological disorder: sanity

gecko gecko gecko why are you SOOOO PONY??? marry me and we will have little gecko-kitten babies all over the place!

lfaeri - 06/01/98 05:29:52
My URL:http://fly.to/jthmdungeon/
My Email:wildwood@accesschicago.net
Favourite book: JTHM: Director's Cut
Shoe size: 8 1/2
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Hey, if you go with it, groove it. But pedophilia is sick shit.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Hmm....::scratches head:: Nope.
Favourite color: Blue. BLUE, DAMN YOU, NOT PURPLE!!!
Favourite psychological disorder: Bi-polar. I was once on a family vacation with a bi-polar, and my parent's didn't tell me till the last day. Freaky.

Hey, you signed by g-book, now i sign yours. yay.

nail bunny - 05/30/98 07:32:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/6679/
My Email:nail_bunny777@hotmail.com
Favourite book: Drawing Blood
Shoe size: 10
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: cool
Favourite color: blue!


Greetings and Hallucinations,
Some how or another you found my Morbid Shades page and signed my book, so here I am returning the favor to you, I like your page much, and I will be back.... hey, maybe we can have a drawn out conversation some time soon... if you have icq my uin is 2919 65 and if you have aol IM my sn is gawdezz777 if not, just email me sometime.... or we could play guestbook tag
The melancholy queen

Nail bunny
:end transmit:

Xanatax - 05/29/98 05:06:35
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/6152/index.html
My Email:xanatax@iowntheweb.com
Favourite book: Zen and the Art of Morotcycle Maintainence
Shoe size: slightly larger than foot size.
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: I wouldn't be caught dead with a necrophiliac! (but if I were one being a coronor would have it's perks)
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Interested in hearing more. Sounds enticing. I always said we shou d annex the canadians and mexicans to make a super-state.
Favourite color: Infra Red. ahh sweet warmth.
Favourite psychological disorder: Humanity, humans can be so very funny some times. I know it isn't nice to laugh at retards, but I can't help it. And who said I was nice.

You know the question that reads in here "Favorite Book" appears as "Favourite book" making those that have several favorites look like morons for not understanding the concept of time. Granted some that signed here appear to suffer the lasting a fects of a damaging head wound, or severe humanity (as above). "I didn't do anything!" "But you would have done it, given the chance." "And so I should be punished?" "Exactly." Never knock on Death's door. Ring the doorbell and run. He hates that. A)bort, R)etry, B)uy a Macintosh?

Michael Scott Barker - 05/28/98 23:39:05
My URL:http://www.donthaveoneup.com
My Email:lordares@preferred.com
Favourite book: the regiments war
Shoe size: 11.5
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: um, long as it dont involve me... i dont care
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: wooohooo... free love
Favourite color: black
Favourite psychological disorder: am manic depressive

um... this good enough?

Trenna-Cat - 05/26/98 03:42:15
My Email:eighty9ded@aol.com
Favourite book: The Great Gatsby
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Yum
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Oooh! Can't wait!
Favourite color: Red and Blue! Yay!
Favourite psychological disorder: schizophrenia

Meow. Gecko, I love you =) But, Tuxedo Mask is my true love(no offense) Mrow!

ECHO :) - 05/24/98 14:09:27
My URL:http://yeah, right.com
My Email:wbbmebb@oak.grove.iup.edu
Favourite book: the phantom tollbooth
Shoe size: 7.5
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: no thanks
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: cool, we'll be in the same country
Favourite color: black
Favourite psychological disorder: bi-polar

HI HONEY hehehehe i like getting onto your page and finding you half nekkid. :) cool :) talk to you soon :) *HUG*

Nicki - 05/23/98 02:26:09
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9470/index.html
My Email:Yuffie007@hotmail.com
Favourite book: "The Neverending Story" Michael Ende
Shoe size: 6. Yeah, right!
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Ewwww!
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: No way, we'll fight over the flag.
Favourite color: Grey.
Favourite psychological disorder: Hissing.

That was fun!

Jason Attard - 05/22/98 04:19:20
My URL:http://www.execulink.com/~jattard/
My Email:jmattard@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
Favourite book: TOOOO many favorites!
Shoe size: Small
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Ikky
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Ikky
Favourite color: Purple
Favourite psychological disorder: Being "Wacked-Up!"

Wazoo! The swallows! You've been warned!

Armadillo - 05/20/98 23:00:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/9592/
My Email:wallem@brentwood.bc.ca
Favourite book: Erik's Diary (don't read it on a full stomach)
Shoe size: 10 & 1/2
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: wha!?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: KICK ASS!
Favourite color: Red... No blue... mmmm, naw red... Yeah, red.
Favourite psychological disorder: Paraphibleous


- 05/19/98 07:34:19

this is me, Corneliuz again. i just had to say that the dickbrain Sebastion Rybeck is a complete tosser, and doesn't even have a web page, so he can stick his head between his legs and kiss his own ass! ok, i finally signed your book. now you gotta sign m ne.

Corneliuz - 05/19/98 07:31:47
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Corneliuz/index.htm
My Email:maverick_22sas@hotmail.com
Favourite book: umm..i spose it would be the karma sutra?!
Shoe size: i don't friggin know!
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: sexual deviancy is a pretty cool thing! ( i think!) Personally i prefer nymphos
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: the new super state should be like 'Brave new world" !! yeah, see e glish does come in handy. anyway, the canadians need an encompassing super-state to keep up to date with stuff. Breeding pits are a definite no-no. they should be focusing on creating more soma for everybody and big mothers of guns to kill all of the alie s that are coming.
Favourite color: come on! this is just a stupid question!
Favourite psychological disorder: i have a real fancy for pyromaniacs and serial chainsaw murderers.

overall i give you an A+ old boy! i think i said all that is needed.

sebastion rybeck - 05/18/98 11:52:27
My URL:http://still/to/come.com.au
My Email:major_sebastion@hotmail.com
Favourite book: First Blood
Shoe size: about a 9 and a 1/2
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: i once knew a guy with necrophilia(buy the way i think that is spelt with a double l?) anyway i've forgotton what i was going to say...oh shit happens
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: breeding pits? i think there is something wrong with you.. if any t ing it would be focusing on a new huge inter-galatical airport..
Favourite color: blue and black (but not together..)
Favourite psychological disorder: split personalities... GO see Primal Fear!!! but Primal Fear isn't as good as The Rock.. now theirs an action movie for you, but if your not into that sort of stuff go and get your self a copy of "My best Friends W dding"... the Gay fella in it is great..!!!

okok, i havn't really had a chance to go through your page yet(sorry). I got the url to this page from a friend... and i wanted to see what he thought of it, but the slack arse hasn't sighned it yet.. that moron... anyway, after seeing the type of questio s i got to answer in here i couldn't resist signing!!! by the way i love to eat subway, play hockey, and get drunk... after my great effort in signing this guestbook i think that i deserve a personal response to me..[that mean e-mail me fool!!!] can i put a link to this page on my page (when i find the time to upload it??) please? anyway i also have ICQ, get it-it's great.. my # is:12157593, ok ok see ya l8r + keep up the good work!!!

- 05/16/98 08:36:03

Hey Peace and stick with your writing. Find me sometime ok. peace

Smoke - 05/15/98 00:11:55
My Email:akupal@engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Favourite book: none
Shoe size: 11.5
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: what the fuck?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: no clue
Favourite color: red
Favourite psychological disorder: why?

Whats up superstar! Man I got no clue about what the majority of these questions ask or what they mean... Anyways you got a pretty cool page with some funky javascript... keep up the good work!

maris - 05/14/98 21:00:14
My Email:maris90210@yahoo.com
Favourite book: Walden/civil disobedience
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: if you're into that?
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: i wish i would have thought of that.
Favourite color: crimson red
Favourite psychological disorder: terets

I think that violence in today's media does encourage and effect todays youth to being more violent in the real world. Not saying, that I would like it stopped.

]Mark[ - 05/14/98 18:52:34
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Heights/2198/
My Email:mmmark@geocities.com
Favourite book: Lord of the Rings trilogy... I dunno. I've read a lot of good books. ever read THE CELESTINE PROPHESY? that was pretty cool. I just read HE ART OF DREAMING by Carlos Castaneda too. that was also very cool. etc...
Shoe size: 2^1024
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: um, don't knock it `til you try it.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: damn the man, fight the power, don't let the system get you down. Favourite color: fluorescent brown
Favourite psychological disorder: obsessive cannibalism

what's up fatso? I wanna see Cyril added to your page of spectacular individuals, or whatever you call it. I can't get enuf of that character. he's the man, dig it? oh, by the way: go fuck yourself. I just thought I'd throw that in there for fun. e er hear of Anal Cunt? there's a link to a song my friends and I wrote/recorded in their honor there. I'll leave you with a quote from the honorable Jimmy Buffett: "why don't we get drunk and screw?"

Mr. K - 05/14/98 06:06:41
My URL:http://www.ieatflesh.com/~manson/fun_things.html
My Email:ieatsupper@sixthirty.org
Favourite book: Illiterate.. Sorry
Shoe size: I wear boots.. even in the summer
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: I don't screw dead PEOPLE. Just aardvarks, my friends.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: No opinion.
Favourite color: Yellow. (Colourblind.. it all looks sort of yellow.)
Favourite psychological disorder: Whatever it is that Erik's got.

If you're walkin' around on an active volcano, and you drop your keys in a river of molten lava.. forget it man.. they're gone.

Cherish - 05/14/98 03:53:38
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/co/kinofmagic/
My Email:aries53cad@powernet.net
Favourite book: othello
Shoe size: 10 womans,
Favourite color: green,black,red,yellow


Mist - 05/14/98 02:56:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/Cafe/8713
My Email:mist@nightmail.com
Favourite book: shit....uh, the genius and the godess, my shadow ran fast, brave new world, crome yellow, anthem...so many more...
Shoe size: why? to determine my *cough* height?
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: don't care for that.. . em, mesh anyone??
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: that's shit! BOYCOT!!!
Favourite color: clolor:purple/maroon, shade:deep black
Favourite psychological disorder: split personality, schizophrenia

MISantropisT!!!! But only towards the humane race as a whole.. I won't harm you as an individual. Gecko missed *favourite quote* so I will volunteer.. and in the end of course, there is always death. and while there is death..there is hope. -aldous huxley, the godess and the genius with all the might of our (estimated) 750 000 word language (yes darklings, that wold be english) we yet lack one very important word: that which describes the sentiments between like and love, and NO it's NOT lust. I could go on.... perhaps i'll revisit.

Ross Sargant - 05/14/98 00:32:37
My Email:rgsargant@sympatico.ca
Favourite book: Don't know how to read
Shoe size: 10
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: All for it
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: Agree and hope to partake in
Favourite color: Not Black :)
Favourite psychological disorder: Schizophrenia is cool

Red Alert is the only truth of our existence.

Hiss - 05/13/98 23:36:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Lofts/6712/index.html
My Email:rik_36@yahoo.com
Favourite book: The Buddah of Suburbia (this is bound to change sometime.)
Shoe size: six!
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: buckets, ya know
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: OHGODYES
Favourite color: maroon

I love you, you silly little boy. Send me some more candy soon, or I'll have to kill you, however...

God... well actually they call me cyril - 05/13/98 22:56:42
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/cyrilm
My Email:ca2macdo@uwaterloo.ca
Favourite book: Beyond Einstein by Michio Kaku
Shoe size: 10... I think...
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: It's always better when they can't struggle.
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: I have not yet officially sanctioned breeding pits as part of my ne world order yet erik.
Favourite color: dark grey
Favourite psychological disorder: homosexuality

You have to add me to the list of outstanding people. I am the greatest person you've ever met. Honestly. Hurry up with the page of gothdom.

Erik Walle - 05/13/98 17:24:23
My URL:http://www.gecocities.com/Athens/Parthenon/3352/
My Email:ewalle@engmail.uwaterloo.ca
Favourite book: The Bell Jar
Shoe size: 12
Personal opinion on excessive sexual deviancy, specifically necrophilia: Whatever turns your crank...
Disposition regarding the iminent arrival of a new super-state encompassing all of North America and focusing on the implementation of breeding pits to achieve its long term goals: HUZZAH!
Favourite color: Periwinkle. No, Cyan.
Favourite psychological disorder: Manic depression. Ah, bliss.

Gosh, what a good webpage! (PS. Scheduled for deportation doesn't apply here.)

Visit Athens/Parthenon | Explore GeoCities | Get your own free homepage

What a twisted den of depravity this is. Ah well.