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09/22/97 e.v.


These links are still under construction! Please be careful where you might fall through an empty link! They will be up as soon as we can code these old text files. If you really want something bad enough, you can find them in at least half a dozen other spots on the net...our goal in providing them here was to have accessible to those interested in the O.T.O., and RPSTOVAL Camp in particular, all information that would be of interest to those curious souls who know not much about our most illustrious order. If you do have trouble finding one of these, however, drop Frater Ormus, our Camp Secretary, a line and he'll get that file uploaded as soon as he can.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!





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Last updated by Frater ORMUS [Mark O. Garrison] on 09/7/97 e.v.

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