Calendar of Events
NOTE: All dates and times are subject to change. Contact RPSTOVAL Camp for confirmation of all posted events.
If you would like to host an event either at or in conjunction with RPSTOVAL Camp, please contact us...we would be more than happy to entertain your proposal.
The next Monthly Business Meeting for RPSTOVAL Camp is Saturday, October 4th, 1997 e.v. 7:30 p.m.
The meeting will be held at the residence of Frater Ormus.
For directions, or to add an item to the agenda, please e-mail him at
The next Friends of RPSTOVAL Meeting is October 25th, 1997 e.v. 11:00 p.m.
The meeting will be held at the residence of Frater Ormus.
For directions, or to add an item to the agenda, please e-mail him at
Rites and Ceremonies
Crowleymas (Lesser Feast)
Date: Sunday, October 12th, 1997 e.v.
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: The residence of Frater Ormus.
Description: There will be a Ritual to Invoke Ye Daemon Aleister Crowley to Visible Appearance (we will honor him more appropriately on his Greater Feast). Following which there will be a feast, in honor of the Great Beast himself, as well as to celebrate the Lesser Feasts of Jack Parsons, and Past Grand Master, Grady Louis McMurtry, Hymenaeus Alpha.
The feast will be pot-luck.
For More Info: If you are interested in attending, or don't know what to bring, please contact Frater Phaedrus at
Date: November 1st, 1997e.v.
Time: 7:30
Place: The Circle on Table Rock.
Description: We will be taking advantage of the New Moon on Samhain to undertake a journey into the Underworld. Although some ritual will be utilized, shamanic practices will be the mainstay of the evening. Bring your drums and a warm cloak.
For More Info:Contact Frater Phaedrus at
Crowleymas (Greater Feast) and Yule Celebration
Date: Sunday, December 21st, 1997e.v.
Time: 7:30 p.m.
Place: The residence of Frater Ormus.
Description: There will be a Yule Ritual involving a sword-fight between the Oak King and the Holly King. The Victorious Holly King will be crowned and will distribute presents. A formal pot-luck feast will follow in honor of Crowley's Greater Feast. Other festivities to follow later in the evening.
For More Info: To make arrangements for attending, or to find out what to bring for the gift exchange or for the pot-luck feast, contact Frater Phaedrus at
Study Groups
There are currently no Study Groups assembled.
There are currently no Lectures scheduled.
All Classes are Twelve Weeks, except Pre-Term Classes or where otherwise stated. Pre-Term classes last Four Weeks and begin 4 weeks before that Term begins (concurrent with the remaining last 4 weeks of classes of the previous term. Therefore, plan accordingly.). Pre-Term classes are solely for the benefit of new students who must fill basic class requirements for admittance into a particular course that term.
Registration may be done up to one week before that class begins. Exceptions may be made according to the discretion of the instructor. Although currently there are no size limits to the number of students per class, early registration is encouraged. Registration may be done via mail, e-mail or in person.
RPSTOVAL Camp is planning on adding a full Qabala, Tarot, and Astrology curriculum for the ‘99 school year, in addition to expanding the current three curriculums of Occultism, Wicca, and Thelemic Studies. We are seeking teachers qualified to instruct in Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced Tarot and/or Astrology.
If you have any additional ideas for courses, or would like to teach a course not listed above, please submit a proposal with a course outline to Submissions for a class must be made at least one month previous to the beginning of a current term, no less than six weeks is highly suggested. Approval of a proposed course is subject to vote by RPSTOVAL Camp Tribunal and the Seal of the Camp Master.
Class Dates
Pre-Fall: September 4th - September 26th
Fall: September 29th - January 1st Pre-Winter: December - January
Winter: January - March
Pre-Spring: March - April
Spring: April - June
Pre-Summer: June - June
Summer: July - September
For further information, regarding the time, place, cost and requirements of a particular class, please refer to the corresponding Syllabus.
Pre-Term Fall ‘97
Occ101 - Introduction to the Western Esoteric Tradition
To give a basic and common understanding of the Western Esoteric Tradition and Occultism that will be a sound base towards any further studies within this subject area. This course is designed to provide the background and overview needed to put to efficient and appropriate use that which is offered in other more advanced courses. After completion of this class, the student should have a sufficient grasp of fundamental concepts and ideas as well as common terminology. As well, the class should provide the student with a world view of sufficient scope to make them aware of the Path of Return and its significance.
Syllabus: Occ101
Fall ‘97
Occ201 - Modern Magick
To survey the techniques and actual practice of Modern Western Ceremonial Magick. It is the goal of this class to introduce the beginning student to the composite ideas that compose this Ancient Tradition as well as to provide them with a solid working knowledge of the mechanics of this system. In this class, there will be a strong emphasis on actual practice, and additional study and practice of the course’s material is greatly encouraged.
Syllabus: Occ201
Tlm101 - Introduction to Thelema
Syllabus: Tlm101
Pre-Term Winter ‘98
Occ101 - Introduction to the Western Esoteric Tradition
To give a basic and common understanding of the Western Esoteric Tradition and Occultism that will be a sound base towards any further studies within this subject area. This course is designed to provide the background and overview needed to put to efficient and appropriate use that which is offered in other more advanced courses. After completion of this class, the student should have a sufficient grasp of fundamental concepts and ideas as well as common terminology. As well, the class should provide the student with a world view of sufficient scope to make them aware of the Path of Return and its significance.
Syllabus: Occ101
Tlm 201 - The Gnostic Mass
Syllabus: Tlm201
Winter ‘98
Wic101 - Introduction to Contemporary Wicca
To study the various branches of Wicca that have descended from Gardnerian Witchcraft, as well as the history of Wicca in general. There will be an emphasis on the Goddess throughout history, utilizing Archaeological and Anthropological evidence as well as Historical Study. The Basics of Wiccan Ritual will be covered and practiced, as well as exploration into the social structure of Covens, Groves and Circles. After completion of this course, the student should have a significant grasp of the entirety of the Wiccan Traditions that will better supplement any further studies in this field.
Syllabus: Wic101
Tlm102 - The Book of the Law
Syllabus: Tlm102
Occ211 - Introduction to the Golden Dawn Tradition
To explore the teachings and techniques of the Golden Dawn in the Outer Order. The course-work will include a history of the Golden Dawn, as well as a survey of the Cipher Manuscripts. The course-work will cover that work which was traditionally given to Aspirants and Neophytes of the Golden Dawn. There will be an emphasis on actual practice of the techniques taught in the class.
Syllabus: Occ211
Occ311 - Magick In Theory and Practice
To cover the field of Ceremonial and Ritual Magick in a more detailed and methodical manner. Magickal theory as well as technique will be covered. The whole of the class will look at the practices of magick in the light of modern scientific thought. Although theory will play an important part of this course, practice will also be necessary, though most of the practices are but continuation, elaboration, or extenuation of those taught in Occ201 - Modern Magick.
Syllabus: Occ311
Pre-Term Spring ‘98
Tlm101 - Introduction to Thelema
Syllabus: Tlm101
Spring ‘98
Occ212 - Intermediate Golden Dawn Studies To continue the study of the Golden Dawn System of Magick. This course will cover that of the Grade of Zelator to that of Philosophus, as well as the work that was traditionally given to initiates of that degree. Working with the Four Elements will be covered, as well as construction of the Elemental Tools. There will be an emphasis on actual practice of the techniques taught in the class.
Syllabus: Occ212
Tlm202 - The Holy Books of Thelema
Syllabus: Tlm202
Wic201 - Celtic Reconstructionalism
To study the resurrection of the Celtic Religious Tradition through the use of diligent historical study and archaeological research. What is known regarding their tradition will be covered, as well as a general history of the Celtic Peoples. A survey of the Celtic Deities will be included, with a systematic study of the practices of the social classes in Celtic Society. An emphasis will be placed on the Irish Tradition in particular, and thusly, basic Irish Gaelige will be covered.
Syllabus: Wic201
Pre-Term Summer ‘98
Occ101 - Introduction to the Western Esoteric Tradition
To give a basic and common understanding of the Western Esoteric Tradition and Occultism that will be a sound base towards any further studies within this subject area. This course is designed to provide the background and overview needed to put to efficient and appropriate use that which is offered in other more advanced courses. After completion of this class, the student should have a sufficient grasp of fundamental concepts and ideas as well as common terminology. As well, the class should provide the student with a world view of sufficient scope to make them aware of the Path of Return and its significance.
Syllabus: Occ101
Occ110 - Ethics in Occultism
To study philosophy as it regards that of moralism and its place in Occultism. The ethical philosophy inherent in Occultism will be explored, as well as modern psychological techniques to keep one’s work and practice of Occultism sane and practical. There will be an emphasis on developing a personal Code of Ethics for use in the student’s pursuit of further work in Occultism.
Syllabus: Occ110
Tlm 201 - The Gnostic Mass
Syllabus: Tlm201
Summer ‘98
Occ213 - Advanced Golden Dawn Studies
To continue the study of the Golden Dawn System of Magick. This course will cover that of the Grade of Adeptus Minor and Major, as well as the work that was traditionally given to initiates of those degrees. Work beyond the Portal will be explored as well, though the emphasis will be on advanced magickal practices. The use of Enochian Magick will be discussed, as well.
Syllabus: Occ213
Occ301 - The Teachings of Hermes Trismegistus
To explore those works attributed to the authorship of Hermes Trismegistus, including the Corpus Hermeticum and the Divine Pymander, as well as those texts from the Nag Hammadi Codices. From these texts, the tenets of Hermetical Philosophy will be extracted and resolved into a coherent system that can be utilized for actual practice in the Occult Tradition. There will be an emphasis on independent research and writing.
Syllabus: Occ301
Tlm312 - Beginning Thelemic Magick
To cover the philosophy of Thelema as it pertains to the field of Magick, as well as incorporating it into ritual and ceremony. Although the Law of Thelema will be surveyed, the main focus of this course will be upon those Magickal works by Aleister Crowley that were written exclusively for Thelemic practice. Other rituals, such as from the Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn will be examined and utilized as well. This class will demand a large amount of actual magickal work.
Syllabus: Tlm312
There are currently no Masses scheduled.
Mass Team Practice
Date:To Be Announced.
Place:The residence of Frater Ormus.
Description:Primary Mass Team will assemble to practice for upcoming Masses. We are still looking for interested parties to prepare as either understudies, or as a secondary Mass Team.
For More Info:Contact Frater Phaedrus at
Mass Prop Crew
Date:To Be Announced
Place:The residence of Frater Ubik
Description:We will be working on constructing the Three-Tiered Altar and the Obelisks.
For More Info:Contact Frater Phaedrus at
Out of Town Events
A group will be going up to Coph-Nia Lodge in the next month or two for Minervals and to attend Mass. The exact dates will be announced shortly. This will most likely be an overnight affair. Those interested in joining us, please contact Frater Phaedrus at Car-pooling space is still available.
to RPSTOVAL Camp Home Page
Last updated by Frater ORMUS [Mark O. Garrison] on 09/7/97
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