Hello! I'm glad you visited, and I hope you enjoyed your stay. After you sign my guestbook, be sure to visit my link page for some other cool pages on the web. Adios...

Coach - 08/02/00 05:26:12
My URL:http://members.aol.com/phpcoach/index.html
My Email:phpcoach@aol.com
Your favorite quote: Cogito ergo sum
How'd you find my page?: I link with your Dad.

I detect in both your dad's and your page elements of truth that are what I think too. In your case the Dandelions do it for me. I love and respect nature, the land and the people.I trust God to make it right again if it is to be. best wishes to you and yours, Coach.

RB - 02/24/00 02:40:32
My Email:rbeta@msn.com
How'd you find my page?: By chance!

Good insight on the "Judging" thing!

alison - 01/22/00 02:36:32
My URL:none sorry
My Email:f_hockey_02@yahoo.co,
Your favorite quote: "you try to mold yourself into something your not" Carmel Allen
How'd you find my page?: Looked under song lyrics at altavista

i think it is an awesome page keep up the good work! alison

Kári Freyr Doddason - 01/17/00 18:29:18
My Email:doddason@hotmail.com
How'd you find my page?: fine

hi hi and bye bye from Iceland

- 01/08/00 18:10:39

dude, your a fucking fagot.

Rodrigo - 11/22/99 22:55:28
My Email:ruy_terry@yahoo.com

Oye estuve medio viendo tu diario en español y me alegro que cada dia mas gentes se interesen en este hermoso idioma. Yo soy de Mexico y, me gustaria que seas algo asi como mi 'pen pal', me gusta tener amigos por todo el mundo. Saludos. Rodrigo Tellez Rios.

dave chamberlain - 10/02/99 15:42:37
My Email:dave49093@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: "The more I learn, the more I realize the less I know". David Chamberlain.
How'd you find my page?: just surfing.

like your site, havn't checked it all out yet , but i will. thanx

Delmar James - 08/21/99 19:01:57
My Email:Jamesgang@boone.net
How'd you find my page?: search

great stuff

KOZIMODO18 - 06/12/99 12:18:33
My Email:trinamb@aljan.com
Your favorite quote: short and sweet (hey im tall and sour) :)
How'd you find my page?: surfin' da net yo

great page!!. Yeh you like to make one for me!!??ROFLMAO. Just kiddin'. Na i'm looking to make one soon i hope. ok later. 'The KOZMEISTER'...oh yeh if you ever come to Aussie don't go to Newcastle,NSW it's a hole q:O)

KOZIMODO18 - 06/12/99 12:12:51
My Email:trinamb@aljan.com.au
Your favorite quote: 'such is life' 'Ned kelly-Australian bushranger/outlaw'
How'd you find my page?: surfin' da net yo

Great site!!!. Yeh not bad ....can you make one for me??? ROFLMAO just kiddin'. Na i might get one soon. Ok then catchya later. 'The KOZMEISTER' oh yeh if you ever come to Australia don't come to Newcastle,NSW it's a hole q:-)

Dan - 04/15/99 14:37:07
My Email:pca_glen_mills@juno.com
How'd you find my page?: searching for Clarion sites

I found your page as I was checking up on my former haunts. I grew up just north of Clarion. I was impressed with your web page and your writing ability. I agree that Clarion is a boring and somewhat dreary place to grow up, but now that I've lived man years in the suburbs of cities like Pittsburgh, Kansas City, and Philadelphia, I find myself homesick for the beauty and simplicity of the area. My family and I come back one week a year to visit relatives and camp in Cook Forest (my mother's maiden nam was Cook - she was a great-granddaughter of the original pioneer). I am also a Christian and pastor of a conservative Presbyterian church in the Philadelphia suburbs. Keep growing in the Lord!

karen echard - 03/25/99 15:58:10
My URL:http://www.snu.edu
My Email:kechard@mail.snu.edu
Your favorite quote: "seize the day


Maddison - 03/16/99 14:23:39
Your favorite quote: all of them,
How'd you find my page?: accidentally

Nice Job!!

Scott Hersh - 03/12/99 23:11:22
My Email:hershey82@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: To desire glory is not a sin- Tye Cobb (no racist though)
How'd you find my page?: surfed on in

Real good stuff Krista, I liked it alot. In the "Political Opinions" section, I could really here what you were talking about. I will never catagorize myself as a Republican or Democrat after witnessing the whole Clinton scandal. It's wierd, I'm sixteen too, and I feel I have the exact same views as you, yet they're completely the oppisite (I'll explain in a second). First though, may I make a hypothesis: your parents (at least your father) are liberal, right? I live in Arlington, Virginia, right outside Washington. My father is some-what conservative and considers himself a republican. Thats why my ideas seem to lean towards the right wing (thats why I hypothesize your ideas tend to lean toward the lef ). Yet the only thing I can really consider myself is in the broad spectrum of libertarianism. I believe we should live by laissez faire, and have the people decide what to do with they're hard earned money, not the politicians. I believe in a limite amount of wel-fare so the people can determine what they want to invest in their retirement plan, and what they don't. Basically believe people are smart enough to decide on what they want to do with their money, so a small federal government. I was before in favor of capital punishment (because my father was) however, now my opinions seem to be changing slightly. I am a confirmed Catholic, and believe abortion is murder. I don't feel it is a religious opinion. To allow abortion is to allow murder, and so I am pro-life. We would not let a person that committed a murder to get away with it, I believe abortion s the same situation. I feel only in extreme circumstances (rape, threat of women dieing, same thing as self-defense) is the only time that abortion may be the correct decision. I won't bore you anymore, if you wanna here my opinions on the Clinton trial, or anything else, e-mail me. Like the site Krista -Scott Hersh

Roger Jennings - 11/13/98 10:28:34
My Email:roger_g@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: Make love, not War!
How'd you find my page?: ...........jus surfin', dude!

I am flattered, I was so impressed with your collection of everyone else's, I could never compete! I am just a lowly layman that is struck with wonder by the depth and the wisdom of others, and, that they may share it so freely! Should not such treasures e guarded, risking yet life or limb? One will never know hence the proverbial Pandoras's is already ajar........................

10/26/98 12:23:13
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Les Souci - 10/03/98 02:36:56
My URL:http://lessouci.iuma.com
My Email:lioneagle@rocketmail.com
Your favorite quote: One Love
How'd you find my page?: Ther Bullmoose Page

I love your page, and I want to come back, you are obviously one of tomorrows leaders.

THERESA NGUYEN - 07/22/98 23:09:24
My Email:tnguyen@andrew.cmu.edu
Your favorite quote: CARPE DIEM
How'd you find my page?: PGSS WEB SITE

Hey Krista! I was feeling kinda bored and decided to check out some of the web pages. You have a such a COOL web page. I never would've been able to do anything nearly as good as that. Anyway, I have to get back to PGSS life, and try to catch up on so e sleep. I'll see ya around.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 11:17:26
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Aaron - 07/02/98 01:40:04
My URL:in the process of moving
My Email:screamingvoice@Hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: Women across the Globe fear me! For I am Egelman Lord of the Assholes!!-- Me
How'd you find my page?: you found mine first

very nice page. I'm sorry that I didn't respond sonner but I hav't been online for months. Thanks for responding to my page. I'm glad that someone I didn't know saw my page. I've been trieing to get it registered on a browser but it's a @#$%&% pain in the ass. My page is in the process of beening moved to a newlocation I'll be sure to send you the new address

Megan - 06/11/98 04:01:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Paris/LeftBank/6088
My Email:tanzy1@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.. - Plato
How'd you find my page?: You signed my book. :)

Not much to comment on, because the guestbook is on the top of the page and I haven't worked down to the bottom yet. :) I did, however, scan through and it looks fairly nice, as far as format is concered.. I don't have any inspiring thought to leave ya, because I don't think I have enough room for that, being prone to rambling. Thanks for visiting the page. :)

Kwitty (Kristi) - 06/11/98 00:45:06
My URL:/SouthBeach/Docks/6158
My Email:lowdons@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: Laughter is the brush which sweeps cobwebs from the heart!
How'd you find my page?: My Guestbook!!!

Hey there, thanx so much for visiting my site, and of course signing the guestbook. Come and visit me again soon, i just redid the whole thing! Your site is really cool, i especially like the spanish journal enteries! Great work keep it up, and dont fo get to adopt a smilie!

Marissa Merkent - 06/09/98 17:52:07
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/Marissa10
My Email:fallnight@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: You only live once, so live your life!
How'd you find my page?: Duh...I know it by heart

Krista, those pictures are so awsome!!!

Psychobadger - 05/25/98 22:23:36
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/psychobadger
My Email:fredrik.stenberg@ebox.tninet.se
Your favorite quote: "I once was open and one with a travelling heart"- Jeff Buckley RIP
How'd you find my page?: You visited my Literary Room.

I like your poetry. You seem to be a very caring and beautiful person. I hope you´ll stay that way...

Brit Grl - 05/22/98 18:27:29
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Docks/5042
My Email:BritSpy917@aol.com
Your favorite quote: "Women do belong in the house, the house of representaatives!" -betty abgez
How'd you find my page?: from screaming voice's guestbook

Nice web page! Love the poerty!! Come visit my web page sometime.

Marisa - 05/13/98 18:28:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/5745
My Email:rizaroni@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: So many to choose from..."Love is not love that alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove, Oh no, it is an ever fixed ark that looks on tempests and is not shaken."-Shakespeare's 116th
How'd you find my page?: My Guestbook

Thanx for visiting my page, yours is great if I do say so myself. Like the links and naturally the quotes...keep um coming...esp. the ones at the bottom.... love marisa

NatoP - 05/11/98 23:09:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/6119/
My Email:herbholbert@geocities.com
Your favorite quote: "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I - I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.
How'd you find my page?: email

Hey nice page. You emailed me the other day about my page, NatoP. anyway i really appreciate that. My page took a very long time to compile since I did all the art work on photoshop myself, so it is very nice of you to take time to email me. I really njoyed your page. especially love the quotes and poety. keep it up! In Christ, Nathan

Spruce Tree - 05/03/98 08:44:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/9480/
My Email:sprucetree@geocities.com
Your favorite quote: They must have hidden the plans in the escape pod. (Darth Vader)
How'd you find my page?: You're my neighbour in Athens :)

Hi Krista. Your picture of the M42 Nebula in Orion is the best I've seen on the web so far. Don't ever lose interest in astronomy! Love, Spruce Tree.

Bible Thumper - 04/24/98 20:25:09
Your favorite quote: "Ordonnance. Harmonie. Piles de draps de l'armoire"- "Orderliness. Harmony. Piles of sheets in the wardrobe"- Colette Wartz
How'd you find my page?: I've been here before

Hello once again! I dropped by to check out the car stories that you told me about. I must tell you that I found them quite exciting and in fact, they kept me on the edge of my seat until the finish. I also feel obligated to share this bit of advice with you; never spend your time sleeping or be in a drowsy stupor if you are a passenger in a vehicle of any sort. The reason is that sleep or a dream-like state is so unlike our real world that the dream actually transports the dreamer outside the immediate world of people and deer and vans and collisions, to a world that bears the mark of infinity. It is like what R.M. Rillke alluded to in sayin that "The world is large, but in us it is as deep as the sea." Just a little something to think about next time you want to nap in your travels. Until the next time, be strong, eat Fruit Loops, and say your prayers.

Chris Moorhead - 04/19/98 21:00:39
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/rubberducky75
My Email:milkmemoose@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: Everything's Just Ducky
How'd you find my page?: a friend

Krista, Of course I remember you, I'll never forget the powerful week of camp that we were a part of. I love your homepage, I hope and pray that everything is just ducky for you, Good luck and God be with you in everything you do!!! ***Chris***

Bible Thumper - 04/12/98 18:00:15
My Email:crawfamily@alltel.net
Your favorite quote: "Luke, I am your father"
How'd you find my page?: psychic friends network

Krista, this is really great! I am truly impressed with your creativity. Until the next time have a Happy Easter and may the force be with you. I am also glad that there are no pictures of Eric here.

~Unique~ - 04/08/98 20:06:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3470
My Email:always_unique@unforgettable.com
How'd you find my page?: you visited me

Thanks for stopping by my place, just wanted to repay the favor. And I did see the movie, have it to *§* Best wishes.

Eno - 04/06/98 02:09:06
Your favorite quote: Judge a tree by it's fruit
How'd you find my page?: Your dad's page link.


Trey McGunigle - 04/02/98 00:14:06
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/Treydog
My Email:treydog94@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: I'm the god!!!
How'd you find my page?: You signed my book

Well, it's me. You told me to sign your book so I am. I liked your page a lot. I guess I'll see you in school. Good luck in everything you pursue

Marissa Merkent - 03/31/98 19:53:43
My Email:Kylie81@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: from someone elses

Hey Krista, cool web page. I'm still working on mine. Love ya, Marissa

Marissa Merkent - 03/31/98 19:52:23
My Email:Kylie81@aol.com
How'd you find my page?: from someone elses

Hey Krista, cool web page. I'm still working on mine. Love ya, Marissa

Jen - 03/18/98 00:39:21
My Email:rasta44@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: I'm a russian
How'd you find my page?: You told me in history class

I look at your homepage. Its nice. If you want to know what is up with the Russian thing, ask me later.

Erin - 03/16/98 21:32:01
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Minki16/index.html
My Email:Emma187@aol.com
Your favorite quote: "Now THATS a sweet peice of ass"-The Martha Stewart skit on SNL
How'd you find my page?: Somebody elses links page, I have no clue who's it was

Pretty nice page ya got here girl! I luv your outer space background...its real cute!

Greg - 03/14/98 16:52:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Cavern/7838/
My Email:achernara@hotmail.com
Your favorite quote: "Duct tape fixes everything."
How'd you find my page?: word o' mouth

Great page...better than mine. You've been working on it much more than I have on mine. hasta luego, Greg a las 2:30

The Confusedest - 03/06/98 01:39:32
My Email:mushy99@hotmail.com

Hey, awesomest, I like your page. Esta myy interesante, yo creo. Keep up the awesome work! Love, confusedest

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