Okay, I guess I'll talk about what I believe Christianity to be. First of all, Christianity is belief. I believe in one God, the Trinity (father, son, holy ghost), and that Jesus died for our sins. I believe that God created the world, although that doesn't mean that Creation week was neccessarily 6 24-hour days. But God did it, and has the power to do it anyway he wanted to. God is omniscient (all-knowing) and omnipotent (all-powerful). We can not obtain salvation and eternal life just by following the ten commandments...no one is righteous, no one is perfect enough to earn the heavenly prize on their own. That is why God sent Jesus. Jesus, god and man, suffered for us, providing the ultimate sacrifice. Now, his blood cleanses us, purifies us from sin, so that we may have the righteousness that comes by faith. That is, we are not perfect, but we are perfect in God's love, he forgives and forgets our mistakes when we ask him, we in that way are righteous: because of God, not because of us. There is nothing doable to earn God's love. You can't make Him love you more or less. Eternal life is a gift freely given, not earned, by the grace of God the father. I believe in miracles, that God listens to all our prayers, that God works for our good in accordance with his plan, that we understand this plan very little. When I die I will go to heaven. When I feel alone, I know that God is still there. When all my friends are elsewhere, I know that God would not forsake me. I know that I can never give God the praise or love He deserves, and that He has given me so much more than I have any right to expect. Life, for starters! Well, that's my basic belief system. It's nothing out of the ordinary, just from the Bible! :)
Okay, belief is the first part of Christianity. Life application of your religion is the second aspect. But I'm out of time for now, so check in later if you care to.