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Chapter of ZFB Pan-Hellenic
Council Mission
Statement: |
Membership???Are you a man who is looking to be a part of an organization that is
defined by ideals that stem from universal brotherhood? Are you a member of Phi Beta Sigma
Fraternity, Inc. and you desire to be a part of a graduate chapter that is striving to
become a force for action in the black community? If you answered yes to either of these
questions than we, the men of the Alpha Sigma Sigma Chapter, need to talk to you. The
Alpha Sigma Sigma is looking for a few good men who are interested in furthering the cause
of Brotherhood, Scholarship, and Service. Membership into the Alpha Sigma Sigma Chapter is
restricted to men who possess the following:
** Applies to men who no longer are regestered for undergraduate studies. If membership sounds like something that interests you please contact us at MEMBERSHIP. We will reply to all inquiries and
questions. Further questions on Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. can be expressed to the National Web-Site. |