ASS Bigger Better Business
ASS Education
ASS Social Action
ASS History
Chapter Calendar
Chapter Photos
Current Members
Undergraduate Chapters
Zeta Sigma  Update

ELZ Chapter of ZFB
WG Chapter of ZFB

Pan-Hellenic Council
FBS Gulf Coast Region
FBS Headquarters
FBS Texas State Page
FBS Social Action
ZFB Headquarters
ZFBS Times


Mission Statement:
The brothers of
FBS are the fraternity's most valuable resource and strength.  They are the primary means by which FBS objectives will be achieved.

"An educated society is a strong society". Phi Beta Sigma is in the business of educating society by encouraging people of all ages to be their intellectual best. Alpha Sigma Sigma’s Director of Education,  is working hard to educate the people of Prairie View and the surrounding area. Bro. Dennis Jackson
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If you know of some more links that can help others contact >Bro. Dennis Jackson.