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If you think you have a resource or skill that can help the P.A.S.T. accomplish it's goals, let us know. We are always in need of writers, HTML authors, webhosts, graphic designers, and voices. Lots of voices. Email us and send us a link to your favorite pagan site, or alert us to things we should be aware of in your community, your world. Give us your opinion, or state a fact. Anything and everything helps. Join the P.A.S.T.! Become a pagan against social tyranny, just email us and tell us that you are interested.

For further information send mail by clicking on the Email button below.

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The P.A.S.T. is inspired and co-founded by Cheryl Burkhalter.

This page is owned by P.A.S.T. ©1998. Do not reproduce any part of this page or site without prior consent.

Site layout by SilvrSkys' Pagan Corners, And Tristan Greene. Please direct any HTML problems to webmaster.
