Welcome to the P.A.S.T. Guestbook!

Susan Gauvin - 12/03/00 19:47:18
My Email:susgauvin@yahoo.com

I am seeking help/advice on defending myself against descrimination in the work place. Please feel free to email any helful ideas/thoughts/ links to resources. Thank you.

Tristan Greene - 10/12/00 06:38:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/it3demon
My Email:it3demon@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: I co-founded it.

Yes, we are back! it's official.

Tony - 04/21/00 00:58:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/WestHollywood/Castro/3242/
My Email:dude_power1@hotmail.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: Doing a random web search

Hey you've got a great place going here. I'm a polytheist and very proud to be one. PAGAN POWER!!!

Cheryl Burkhalter - 12/30/99 07:17:16
My Email:ChickasawCher@AOL.com

I'm back.

Buck Gray - 10/31/99 16:49:04
My Email:grayarea@uswest.net
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: search


~Nite - 06/11/99 09:56:19
My Email:trifler@worldnet.att.net
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: heh

Brightest Blessings! I see the P.A.S.T. has lived on. I founded this organization over a year ago, and was forced to leave it. I haven't been back to this page.. or done anything with it since then. Cheryl Burkhalter, my mother, my teacher, and the co-fou der of the P.A.S.T. left us over a year ago, and my life was cut with a void. Though the idea of the P.A.S.T. lives on. I haven't been able to continue my work with it. Thankyou all for visiting.. and for being a part of my life briefly. I'm still very in erested in being an advocate for the freedom we should have! I would love to help anyone in anyway possible to continue the struggle. MM, MP, MMA! my email is now Trifler@worldnet.att.net. Let me know if ya need a hand with something. I slice, dice, teach write, speak, sing, and make julienne fries. :)

Medea - 02/07/99 15:21:45
My URL:http://NEXUS.mnic.net/~rajchd
My Email:medea@mnic.net
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: link from a member's page

brightest blessings, and my hat's off to you! If it's all right, I am adding your link to my activism page -- you certainly deserve more exposure. Also, I write a column for an ezine on Witchcraft and the media, if you would like to see it sometime.

Moondancer - 12/26/98 02:37:11
My Email:moondancer_72@hotmail.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: just found it or it found me

This is a really nice web page. Although it could use a little more information on educating people of other faiths about what we do. Kinda like this guest book, but a suggestion book where people can express their ideas on educating the public on pagan sm. And a place where we can download simple texts on telling people about what we do. Just putting in my two cents.

DevaMaya - 11/27/98 14:12:16
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Oracle/4938/
My Email:devamaya@geocities.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: AOL

:) Just updating my links, glad to see you are still on the web and kicking! Blessings Deva

10/26/98 12:17:42
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 11:00:46
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

ShadowDwlr - 05/15/98 03:36:31
My URL:/Athens/Academy/2979
My Email:shadowdwlr@geocities.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: Past Visitor

I've been trying to reach you regarding the classes we spoke about a few months ago, but haven't heard from you yet. I also emailed the other person you stated in our last talk with no luck either. I hope to hear from you soon as I have met a few other n this area that are interested in this! B*B ShadowDwlr

uthemrys - 03/13/98 05:12:20
My Email:uthemrys @AOL.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: friend

so far its looks pretty good

Megan - 03/03/98 16:42:04
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: a friend

I've been searching for all of the information I can get on paganism and this site has been really helpful. I'm glad there are places that people can find out about this religion and what it really is. Most people believe that it's satanic and this site may help to change that opinion.

Dvorak Park - 03/02/98 01:01:04
My Email:Void Umbra@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: aol's pagan board


- 02/27/98 01:22:32
My URL:http://members.aol.com/Estermann/index.html
My Email:Estermann@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: From a link on the Pagan Message Boards


Camlyn - 02/17/98 20:59:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~camlyn
My Email:camlyns-haven@webtv.net
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: messageboard

As an Elder who has put up with having to answer ignorant questions for several decades, I commend you on your idea. It is way past time that society at large be informed about Paganism. We have the need and the right to be taken as seriously as, and ac orded the respect that other religions receive. I will be sending my information onto you, I should like to help in any way I can. Blessed Be, Camlyn

ShadowDweller - 02/17/98 17:50:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Academy/2979
My Email:shadowdwlr@geocities.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: friend

Merry Meets! Great page that you have here and a great service that it provides for all of us. If there is anything I can do to help in anyway, please let me know. Also, thanks to NiteTnight for the graphic. Blessed Be.

Robert Pivonka - 02/14/98 05:07:56
My Email:RPRN1@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: friend

Merry Meet! I'm glad to see another organization starting with the intent to help others understand Paganism...what we are and what we believe. I too wear my pentacle and World Tree proudly, hoping to inspire questions, but am so very often dismayed wit the accusations of being a satanist (or Jewish, for that matter--people see a star--what can I say?) Please count me in on this journey! Blessed Be! Merry Part!

Karl - 02/13/98 13:46:23
My Email:Subbzerro@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: A friend


Cheryl Burkhalter - 02/07/98 18:23:19
My Email:CB Aroma
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: co-founder

This is an open letter to all of you that have responded to P.A.S.T., thank-you. I am pleased the idea of our organization has been so widely accepted. I have been a Pagan all of my life and have fought many forms of ignorance and intolerance because of y beliefs. It was my goal to be accepted in my community as a Pagan, that I have done. I refused to hide my beliefs or be cowered by others ignorance, I was but one small voice, and yet many heard. No Pagan should have to hide their beliefs or fear reperc ssions because of it. One small voice can be heard, many voices can not be ignored. Welcome to P.A.S.T. Blessed Be Cheryl Burkhalter

Cheryl Burkhalter - 02/07/98 18:21:53
My Email:CB Aroma
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: co-founder

This is an open letter to all of you that have responded to P.A.S.T., thank-you. I am pleased the idea of our organization has been so widely accepted. I have been a Pagan all of my life and have fought many forms of ignorance and intolerance because of y beliefs. It was my goal to be accepted in my community as a Pagan, that I have done. I refused to hide my beliefs or be cowered by others ignorance, I was but one small voice, and yet many heard. No Pagan should have to hide their beliefs or fear reperc ssions because of it. One small voice can be heard, many voices can not be ignored. Welcome to P.A.S.T. Blessed Be Cheryl Burkhalter

J.M.Burkhalter - 02/05/98 05:13:59
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: Family

Glad to see that y'all got it together. I am very happy for y'all. MM, MMA, BB, MP.

Brian Finley - 02/05/98 03:21:26
My Email:SellfHigh5@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: I live here


sleepycat - 02/04/98 03:35:53
My Email:sleepycat9lives@hotmail.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: moonchild's

many blessings on your efforts.

Jamie Samantha Batson - 02/03/98 20:33:05
My Email:AutmnWolf@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: Fellow Internet Pagan

I veiwed the entire site and absolutly loved every bit of it! When it has come to the work-place, I've made it a...pattern to feel people out before being "obvious." (i.e. wearing certain jewlry etc..) And fielded the questions as they came. Some are rece tive, some are not. I recall a customer that frequented one place that I worked: She spied my necklace (penticle w/ the phases of the moon) and inquired if it was a "witch symbol." In a very tentative manner, I replied, "Yes." So, she asked if I was a satanist. I told her "No, in fact, I would be the complete opposite." Then, with muc accusation in her voice replied, "But you do sacrifices, right?!" I was mortified! I tried to explain; she was not about to listen with an open heart. At the end of the conversation, I told her that turning the symbol around my neck upside down was just s bad as doing the same to the gold cross that hung about hers. I don't think she was impressed. She continued to come in but, avoided me as much as possible. I would like to do more for P.A.S.T. Perhaps some writing. Journilistic or otherwise. Any info or suggestions that you have would be greatly appriciated. Blessed Be! Jamie S. Batson

Ara MoonSong - 02/03/98 20:22:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Delphi/4065
My Email:caughtinadream@hotmail.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: Maledicta Moonchild message board

This is a great page and I look forward to seeing it grow! Blessed Be!

Abigail - 02/03/98 19:18:15
My Email:MstrssAbby@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: I recieved a link from a friend

I think it is about time we let everyone know we are *still* here!!!! And I am proud to be an American Pagan! Merry we meet, merry we have been, merry we will part, and merry meet again!

Padraig - 02/03/98 17:36:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/4258
My Email:kelly.s@mailexcite.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: @ moonchilds

SilvrSkys, Great job! You've given us another excellent resource

Dawn - 02/02/98 20:23:23
My Email:celticwica@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: I don't remember

Wonderful ideas, I hope they work. Here in Oklahoma, it'll take much longer, but I'm doing my little part.

DevaMaya - 01/31/98 04:46:47
My URL:http://members.aol.com/DevaMaya
My Email:DevaMaya@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: Pagan Message Boards

Great site! This will be a wonderful assest to the Pagan community. Many Blessings, Deva

wade - 01/31/98 01:43:32
My Email:muellw21@uwosh.edu
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: aol message board

great idea, anyone in wisconsin thats interested in coradinating this stuff drop me a line. bb, wade

Nite - 01/25/98 21:01:56
My URL:http://www.geocites.com/Athens/Oracle/7681/
My Email:NiteTnight@aol.com
How did you hear about P.A.S.T.?: Well, I'm one of the co-founders :)

SilvrSkys did a wonderful job on the page. I hope that everyone who has visited us has left with fond thoughts. Please join us and help out, if everyone does thier part then great things can happen! Brightest Blessings.

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