Favorite/Suggested Books:

The Descent of Woman:
This book actually changed my life. So, it is an all time favorite! Its another version of evolution, no its not a feminist book. It explains many of the characteristics we have that the 'Great Hunter' theory just can't, with any degree of common sense. Like why we are bipedal, frontal sex, speech, ect... She focuses on Sir Alister Hardy's theory of the aquatic ape (at one point we lived in the water ). It shows how women had as much to do with civilization and surving as men did, that we didn't just sit passively by and do nothing like the Tarzan theory suggests.
by: Elaine Morgan
This book covers Dreams & Psychoanalysis, Dreams & Psychic Energy, The Practical use of Dream-Analysis, and Individual Dream Symbolism in Relation to Alchemy. It is an excellent book for anyone who wants to read and understand dreams. This book does not focus on interperting dreams but trying to understand them. This book was also not written for the general public, more for psychologists ect. so it is a hard read.
by: Carol G. Jung
Man and His Symbols:
This book is a straight forward representation of Jung's work. The only one written to get the word out to the general public. It covers most of the basics of his work. One of best books I have ever read. (of course I am a fan of Jung, if you can't already tell) :-)
by: Carl G. Jung


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