Stone Symbolism:

Agate: Strength, courage, love, healing, protection

Amazonite: Taking a chance to be successful in a project.

Amber: Luck, healing, strength, protection

Amethyst: Dreams, psychic abilities, healing

Aquamarine: Psychic abilities, divination, purification.

Bloodstone: Victory, wealth, power, legal matters, business.

Carnelian: Protection, eloquence, courage.

Cat's Eye: Wealth, success, protection.

Chrysoprase: Luck, success, friendship, money.

Citrine: Protection, psychic awareness.

Coral: Healing, wisdom, peace.

Cross Stone, Faery Cross, or Staurolite: Luck, money, elemental magick.

Crystal, Quartz: Divination, psychic abilities, power.

Diamond: Gaining spirituality, protection, reconciliation.

Emerald: Money, psychic talents, protection, exorcism.

Garnet: Protection, strength, healing.

Geodes: Astral travel.

Holey Stones: Protection, divination.

Jade: Love, healing, long life, wisdom, prosperity.

Jet: Protection, good luck, divination, magick.

Lapid Lazuli: Spiritual growth, courage, protection.

Malachite: Power, business success, prosperity.

Moonstone: Divination, developing psychic talents, protection.

Obsidian: Grounding, divination.

Onyx: Protection, defense.

Sard: Thought to be more effective in women's magick. Protection, courage, easing childbirth.

Sunstone: Energy, protection, success

Tiger's Eye: Money, protection, good luck, divination.

Tourmaline: Money, buisiness success, friendship, courage, astral travel.

Turquoise: Good luck, friendship, prosperity, love.

Zircon: Sexual energy, healing, love, peace.

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