Pages From the Book of Life: The Dagger to Pierce the Veil  
Presented by the First Church of Reason  
The Line that's Between  
The Hodge and the Podge  
A Discordian Manifesto  
One of Five Prophesized by Malaclypse the Younger  
These Pages are presented All Rights Reversed (k) in the 
discordian tradition, with the caveat that they are not to be bound 
together into a book, photocopied back-to-back, or even stapled 
To do so would impose a burden on their power to answer any 
question about themselves with the next page you pick up. 
Every random order is correct.  
Pages From the Book of Life  
Should be refered to as Them Suckers,  
and not get called A Bible, or Scriptures or anything,  
Lest the competition realize We're Treading on their Territory.


Or Pick One:
amen.|. answer.|. apple.|. beatus .|. bob .|. brownie .|. chaos .|. church .|. 3c's.|. cookie .|. diogenes .|. drag .|. enemy .|. giggle .|. good .|. hand .|. jack .|. jealous .|. joke .|. kosher .|. logic .|. message .|. money .|. mu .|. panacea .|. party .|. poof .|. prayer .|. primrose .|. proclaim.|. protect .|. real .|. s&m.|. santa.|. sutter .|. thief .|. wanted .|. whitman .|. work .|.