Hail Eris! Hail, Eris Hail
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Do Not Lie
Do Not Cheat
Do Not Steal
This is a short list and should be easy to remember.
The Three Commandments are an exercise in Free Will.
Because Chaos and Free Will are the only forces extant in the universe, close adherence to The Three Commandments has magical effects which draw the Goddess's power in mysterious ways.
Competing religions would rather we lie cheat and steal, because then they can control us.

Do Not Lie, Cheat or Steal
Anything you can do without violating the three commandments 
is your own business and purely a matter of taste. 
Keeping the commandments faithfully becomes a source of Inner Peace.

Pages From the book of Life\Part of an Infinite Series\ Collect Them All!  
Hail Eris, Hail Eris Hail  
A Publication of The First Church of Reason


Or Pick One:
amen.|. answer.|. apple.|. beatus .|. bob .|. brownie .|. chaos .|. church .|. 3c's.|. cookie .|. diogenes .|. drag .|. enemy .|. giggle .|. good .|. hand .|. jack .|. jealous .|. joke .|. kosher .|. logic .|. message .|. money .|. mu .|. panacea .|. party .|. poof .|. prayer .|. primrose .|. proclaim.|. protect .|. real .|. s&m.|. santa.|. sutter .|. thief .|. wanted .|. whitman .|. work .|.