12-18-00: Site maintenance. I fixed the guestbook after someone told me it was busted. And I fixed a couple broken links. If anything's not working, e-mail me.
4-10-00: New poem: TDL
4-2-00: So much for every day, huh? Well, I added a couple of things. 1) A new story called Quanta and, 2) Some more pictures on the 'me' page right where there used to only be one picture. You can get to them here, too.
2-28-00: Geez. Been a while, huh? Well, I added a new story to my stories section,(A Piece of Work) and my conscience has gotten the better of me. So since I haven't stopped writing and still have a lot to put up, I'll start trying to remember to add a few things every day until I'm totally updated. Yeah. That's my incredibly belated new year's resolution.
8-4-99: An "Updates Page" instead of taking up a bunch of space on the index
8-4-99: 1 poem in poetry section: "The Sound of Silence"
8-3-99: 1 Philosophizing session about profundity in Philosophy section: "A Very Profound Tree"
2-17-99: 2 poems in Poetry section: "The Calm Before the Storm" and "four line"
12-7-98: 1 poem in Poetry section, "EP"
11-29-98: The existence of an Update section on index, "Updates"
11-29-98: 1 poem in Poetry section, "1"
More junk in the all about me section, 'cause I'm an egotist.