All About Me
I was probably wrong in thinking that
anyone actually cares who I am. Oh well. I'm a person.
I was tempted to leave it at that, but I figure the more of your time I
can waste, the more succesful my page will be. My name is Adam Masser.
My friends call me Rico. Don't ask me why. I was born on June, 9 1982. That's 6-9-82. 6-9. Heh-heh. That makes me... Umm.. Since I don't want to update this every year, I'll let you do the math. :) I live in Diamond Bar, CA,
but I go to a boarding school called Wasatch Academy. It's in Utah,
which can be a pretty scary place, but it's a pretty good school.
If you give a damn, you can check it out here.
I do a lot of stuff, too. I like
to write stuff, hence this page. I also like sports. I play baseball
whenever I can, and I practice Wado Ryu at Keikoden
Dojo. It's pretty fun. I'm kind of weird looking, but here's
a some pictures of me anyway. No hatemail,
please. There's really not much else.
New thing: My dragon. It's self explanatory.
OK. People were bugging me about my screen name. I will now explain it. I was bored. I wanted a webpage. And a nifty screen name. All the good ones were taken. I tried for a lot of ones. Like Rico. And then I tried all sorts of philosophers. And they were taken too. Then I remembered I was reading Antigone. It's one of my favorite plays. I really like it. So I tried Sophocles as a screen name. It was taken. So I tried Sophocles_. It worked. And I had a screen name. So quit bugging me about it.
Here's even more useless information about me. It's sort of like a list. Movies: I love the Star Wars Trilogy, A Clockwork Orange, Trekkie Movies(So shoot me), Monty Python, freaky old horror and sci-fi, and, of course, The Princess Bride. Books: My favorite book is Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, by Robert M. Pirsig. And I really like Catch 22. My fave author is Kurt Vonnegut(Slaughter-House 5). I also like H.P. Lovecraft(Early freaky sci-fi weird stuff), Ursula K. LeGuin, and I really like Douglas Adams (Hitchiker's Trilogy.) Music: My favorite is Nick Cave. He is awesome. If you haven't heard of him, I pity you. I also really like REM, Crash Test Dummies, Prodigy, Vanessa Mae, and Cake. Food: Anything vegetarian, pretty much. And cheese. Animals: Turkeys. They are funny. And noble. Turkey's are very noble. That's why Turkeys are my favorite animal. Free-time: RPG's, especially Rifts, trying to get my computer to work better(Currently trying to get it to work at all), and bitching about how I have no free time. Favorite color: Green.