is the last remaining picture of our very first tank (the
little image links to a larger pic). We had a lot of fun
setting this thing up and watching it flourish. Actually,
come to think of it, this cheap starter tank was
responsible for getting us addicted to all things fishy
in the first place.
picture doesn't do the tank justice as it was still in
its early stages, but trust us, if all you have room for
is a ten gallon tank, there's a LOT you can do in that
small amount of space.
and the little kitty on top is Chaos. Both of our fuzzy
sons love to drink 'fish tea' from the tanks, even though
we bought them a really nice set of rather expensive
feeding dishes.

We love to hear from others in the
hobby. If you have any comments, questions, funny
stories, or just want to say 'hi', just click on the icon
at the left to send us something.
content © 1998-99 Amy and Phillip Pittman.
Last updated
on 25 January, 1999