On this page you will find the update
history of the site, listed with the latest additions at
the top.

7 February, 1999
We've added the first bit of
information to the library section. Most of the books
that are listed are books that we recommend and that we
have in our personal library. And yes, you can order them
online from Amazon.com which I'm sure you'll figure out
makes us a very small amount of money. So if you like
this page and want to order one of these books online,
please follow the link from our page. We're not going to
get rich from this, but will maybe be able to offset a
portion of the price we pay to host this site on
Geocities. Besides, we've always had really good service
with Amazon.
We'll add more to this list of books
soon - especially if anybody out there wants to send us
their list of recommended books (we're always looking for
more books to add to our collection).

23 January, 1999
Wow - talk about being just a little
remiss in keeping the page up to date, huh?
Anyway, we didn't have net access
for about the last six months and have been back on since
about the first of the year. If you sent us any e-mail
between late July and the end of December, assume we
didn't recieve it. Sorry. We weren't ignoring all of you
on purpose - sometimes life hust happens.
But now that we're back online,
we'll keep the page fairly current. You may notice a few
minor changes right away. A number of people that have
linked to our site have linked directly to our paludarium
page and, while this is certainly acceptable, the way
these browsers work meant that only the paludarium frame
appeared and any surfers using that link missed out on
the contents frame and possibly the rest of the site.
Easy fix though, and it keeps all those links here
BTW, thanks to all of you who have
given us a link from your sites. We'll try to get a
recriprocal link to everybody up real fast.
Amy & Phillip

25 June, 1998
Hey - Thanks for stopping by.
We would be remiss if we didn't
mention right off the bat that this place is UNDER
CONSTRUCTION (or is that just to be assumed with every
web page these days?)
Anyway, bear with us as we add to
the pages. If you've visited our old site, a lot of this
will look familiar, some of it will be new. We're trying
real hard to expand the site in and around our hectic
schedules so don't be surprised if it doesn't change on a
regular schedule.
Among the new things we have planned
are an all new links section (yeah we know, the last one
never really got off the ground). So if you'd like us to
link to your site, send us a note with the URL (we have a
number of old requests, but if you've asked in the past,
you might want to go ahead and ask again to make sure we
didn't forget you). We're also planning on writing our
own on-line 'how to' book that explains a lot of stuff
that goes into setting up a healthy aquarium, a guest
image gallery to feature tanks of others, a humor
section, and a lot more ...
Right now, a number of the links to
the left still link to 'dead' or blank pages, but we'll
keep updating as our schedule permits. However, since we
won't be updating on a set schedule, we're also setting
up a mailing list to notify by e-mail anybody that wants
to know when and what has beed updated. Just check the
link to the left for more information.
One thing that we are looking for
from our visitors is some help in filling out our
sections on fish, plants and amphibians. What we want to
do with these pages is to present information from the
point of view of a hobbyist. Anybody can go and look in a
book and post information about kuhli loaches or scan an
image from a book. What we want to do here is to have
photos from hobbyist tanks accompanying descriptions that
are written by normal, everyday people. So, if you want
to send us an image of your dwarf gourami along with a
bit of information about the species (you know, the
typical stuff like water temp, whether its agressive, a
community fish, etc., but more importantly stuff that
you've observed watching the fish that you might not find
in the average aquarium book) we'll try to include it in
the appropriate place here. And if you see something that
is here that you'd like to add to, that's great too.
Anyway, all contributions are welcome and we will include
as much as we can. We can't offer money, but in return we
will offer a link to your e-mail address and/or you web
page at the end of each piece of text you contribute.
Questions? Drop us an e-mail for more information.
Again, thanks for stopping by, we
sure hope you enjoy your visit -
Amy & Phillip

We love to hear from others in the
hobby. If you have any comments, questions, funny
stories, or just want to say 'hi', just click on the icon
at the left to send us something.
content © 1998 Amy and Phillip Pittman.