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Some things about us

We believe:

Fundamental Principle #1

God will never leave an individual or His church. ALWAYS it is they who must leave Him. Deuteronomy 4:31. The church has left Him three times in its history. ........................ To return to "Comments" ...... Return to "Dissidence"

Fundamental Principle #2

God will never hurt or destroy any of His creation. The Ten Commandments (which are a picture of His character) say, "Thou shalt not kill". It is Satan who has the power of death and destruction. Hebrews 2:14. Only two of God's creatures have ever believed this enough to act on it.

Fundamental Principle #3

When Jesus led the waiting, praying ones "out a little way", He said, "Wait here; I am going to My Father to receive the kingdom; keep your garments spotless, and in a little while I will return from the wedding and receive you to Myself". Early Writings, page 55.

That was the movement away from the fallen churches in 1844 and He has never changed that word. We are to "wait HERE", in the SDA church, until He returns from the wedding. But He also said, "Keep your garments spotless", and this site is an attempt to help us to do that.


You are visitor number and are most welcome. We pray you find what you are looking for on this site.


We have NO intent to CRITICIZE: which means;

no personal attacks on the character or motives of another.

Revelation 12:10 _______ Job 1:9-12 ________Matthew 12:24 ________ Zechariah 3:1


we do have a definite intent to PROTEST: which means;

making a comparison of doctrinal teachings with a desire to find out the truth.

John 5:39 _______ Luke 16:29 _______ Isaiah 8:20 _______ Acts 17:11


We follow the counsel of the Lord ...


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If you do contact us: .........Your name will NOT go on a mailing list

No one will call on you

You will not receive any unsolicited mail

Nor will you be asked to join another church or religious organization.

Want to look at our library?? Click on the books.

(We plan to extend the library as time goes by)


Some interesting sites to surf on to:

E G White connections

What Ellen G White says on..... (your choice)

(You will need to click on Ellen G White in the left column)

(You may use the "back" button on your browser to return here when you have finished)

A link to "Steps to Christ" - her book on the Christian experience

(You may use the "back" button on your browser to return here when you have finished)

A link to more of her books

(You may use the "back" button on your browser to return here when you have finished)

An opportunity to search all EGW books and periodicals on-line! ..

(You may use the "back" button on your browser to return here when you have finished)

Try these other sites also:-

Ashley’s page

Ron’s page

Light on the Dark Side of God - a great book!

Marilyn's page

A page discussing all sorts of religions

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