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Revised: April 19, 2009
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To contact us on other matters: Mail here
The most important book you can ever read
from the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy.)
Items especially for women and mothers
To search all of EGW writings on any thought or subject, click here You can set the number of answers you get. Use your back button to return to this site.
Click on the link below
to go to a site dealing with Sunday legislation
(sadly the original site doesn't seem to exist
but here is a history of Sunday
Here's a link to some great old SDA books
Here's a link to some early SDA books on another site
The following is a list of the major additions to this site, with the most recent changes shown first:
19 April 2009
The seventh day SABBATH
the seven sabbaths of the LORD.
(Two things which are called by the same name, but which are different.)
2 February 2009
It has occurred to me that we have not advanced much in our understanding and teaching of Bible prophecy since the days of the fathers. So I thought that a few new ideas might be welcome. I would certainly appreciate any comments you might like to make.
12 December 2008
7 Queries for 7th Day Adventists
Here are some thoughts which came to me recently, some queries I have pondered.
6 June 2008 A thought on God's way versus Baal's way
This contrasts two statements in the Spirit of Prophecy regarding the actions of the gods of Israel.
Joined to God - an explanation of the new birth
by EGW
21 May 2008 Here's a very interesting take on whether God has full control of events in this world
"The defeat of God's will" by M. M. Campbell
1 May 2008 The true and the False Gospels
There has been much talk about "the gospel" in SDA circles. and it seems to me, much confusion. Here is my attempt to make it simple.
7 April 2008 Another look at God.
Here's a chance for you to see two sides of the controversy regarding the character of God.
Does He deliberately punish and kill, or not?
December 2007
6 Here's a great site dealing with the character of God.
June 2007
22 Two classes of Melchisedec priests
- the books of Daniel and The Revelation joined by Christ's prophecy in Matthew 24 and 25.
Feel free to download and share.
April 2007
30 Christianity in a nutshell ....
February 2007
14 Are you worried about forthcoming the Sunday law in the United States of America? Could it happen overnight, as it were? Here's a book which tells us about three and a half CENTURIES of Sunday law attempts in that country.
{From the Preface}
Warren Johns's Dateline Sunday will sit somewhere to the right of center – a popularly written history of Sunday blue laws, with major emphasis upon the rationale behind the United States Supreme Court decisions of 1961 and their subsequent legislative fallout. I found his explanation of how Sunday laws came to be regarded as civil legislation with welfare benefits to the public, and thus capable of being rationalized as within the legitimate police power of the state, particularly lucid.
As a practicing attorney‑at‑law, and legal director of the Church‑State Council, a nonpartisan educational organization dedicated to religious freedom and separation of church and state, Mr. Johns is qualified to treat the legal issues. As a frequent contributor to secular and religious magazines, he adds a popular writing style that makes Dateline Sunday a treat instead of a treatment. What fourth‑century Roman emperor authorized the first exemption from a Sunday law? Do automatic coin‑operated laundries, with no one employed on the premises, infringe on Canada's Lord's Day Act? Why did Michigan's unique two‑day (Saturday‑Sunday) law not only tickle the funnybone of that state's reporters but also incur the judicial frown of all eight justices of Michigan's highest tribunal? Johns has the instructive and often entertaining answers.
Dateline Sunday - U.S.A. by Warren L. Johns
January 2007
2 Let's start the new year with something which should be of great interest to us all,
The Gospel of Health from another angle..
December 2006
29 Like to have a look at how the Sunday law could come about? It may be different from what you are expecting. The Sunday Laws
Here's a site which has the latest on Sunday and other assorted religious law attempts in the U.S. It seems to have stopped in 2004 but you can click back to earlier years. I don't agree with all they say, but I do like their approach. Maybe you will too! The second link is to their home page. Just cancel twice if they ask for a password. On the home page, down on the left at the bottom of the blue section, there is a link to Religious Laws which is quite interesting.
29 You can look at the readings for Daniel and The Revelation here if you wish. We'll add new ones from time to time. Start here.
28 We're starting a new look at Daniel and The Revelation with this week's Bible reading. So many of the past ideas in the church are not scriptural that we thought it's time to take another close examination of the text. We believe that Uriah's Smith's idea of an east/west divide which is so opposite to God's north/south, have turned us away from a clear understanding of what is going on. Anyhow, check it out for yourself by signing up and receiving a reading in your Email each week. You can unsubscribe at any time.
27 Here's a link to E J Waggoner's "The Gospel in Creation" on another site - it's a great read!
October 2006
22 There has been much said and written about the three angels and their messages over the decades since 1844. The emphasis has normally been on the hour of His judgment, the fall of Babylon, and the mark of the beast, with a background of the heavenly sanctuary and its services. But relatively little attention has been given to the accompanying message, the everlasting gospel, which needs to accompany the three angels’ messages. This article is an attempt to rectify that situation.
The everlasting gospel as illustrated by the sanctuary ceremonials
July 2006
6 What is an Anabaptist? Do you know? Are you one? Have a look and see.
June 2006
20 You can now have access to the weekly Bible readings starting with Genesis chapter one. We'll add more from time to time to cover the five books of Moses, then the Letter to the Christian Hebrews and The Acts of the Apostles.
The aim of the series is to show that the Son of God was working with His people right from the gates of the Garden of Eden. Not just in the prophecies concerning His first advent, but day by day as He was allowed.
“Then He said to them, ‘O fools, and slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken: ought not Christ to have suffered these things, and to enter into His glory?’ And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, He expounded to them in all the scriptures the things concerning Himself.” Luke 24:25-27.
October 2005
11 Walking with Christ by W W Prescott.
A comment by Ellen White:
"The Lord has visited Brother Prescott in a most remarkable manner and given to him the Holy Spirit to give to this people…. Those who are not in the truth say, "That man speaks from the inspiration of the Spirit of God." We are sure that the Lord has endowed him with His Holy Spirit and the truth is being poured forth from his lips in rich currents. The truth has been listened to by preachers and by people not of our faith. After the meeting they beg of Brother Prescott to give them a copy of these discourses…."
September 2005
21 The Shunammite's Faith by Ron. A tale from the Old Testament with a modern twist.
April 2005
20 A comment received recently in response to one of our weekly Bible readings has prompted these thoughts on the Old Testament behaviour of God’s representative people. We’d like to share them with you.
December 2004
14 There's been a break in our activity onsite due to circumstances beyond our control, but now we are back with a few thoughts to tease your brain.
The Third Angel possibly a new angle on the three angels' and their messages?
Plan B - the origin and purpose of humanity.
August 2004
11 Today we start a new section, a series of Bible Study volumes which will be available in PDF format. The first one, #15!! is "Joshua and The Judges." Others will be listed on this page as they become available. We're interested in your feedback on this feature so we have placed an Email link on the opening page where you can tell us of your opinions. Thanks.
Joshua and The Judges for Beginners
July 2004
21 "That Golden Calf Incident" by Ron Parsons
How the Levites became the workers in God's sanctuary.
June 2004
02 "Babylon is fallen" the angel said. He did NOT say "Israel" is fallen!
May 2004
31 There's an addition to "Let's get it right" too!
31 Temptation - how to handle it
This summary of temptation and its purpose may be useful for those who are having problems with overcoming sin.
17 The real sign of the second coming. by E J Waggoner
March 2004
30 More on Home Schooling by EGW
"The little children may be Christians, having an experience in accordance with their years. They need to be educated in spiritual things, and parents should give them every advantage, that they may form characters after the similitude [likeness] of the character of Christ."
18 "The Unpardonable Sin" by A T Jones
"Human nature will never be any weaker, the world will never be any worse in itself; human nature will never reach any lower condition in itself, than it had reached when Jesus Christ came into the world.
"The only means by which human nature will be any worse is that the same stage of iniquity will be professing Christianity."
"The Christian Educator" by E G White
A series of articles from
this periodical, on church and home schools.
3 "Gabriel's History Lessons" by Ron
Showing the connection between Daniel 11 etc. and Revelation 13
replacing a previous article uploaded in November 2003.
February 2004
22 Can a prophet change his written testimony? by S. N. Haskell
Can a prophet re-write his/her own testimony, make changes to it, and yet it be verbally inspired? That depends altogether on what is called changes.
November 2003
A easy to understand reading from Daniel chapters 10, 11 and 12.
October 2003
8 A few articles on "How to Study the Bible"
There is a right way and a wrong way to study the Bible - check these out and see which one you use!
"The difference lies in the method by which the Bible is studied. Many earnest students of Scripture will emphatically declare that they take the Bible exactly as it reads. However, when their conclusions are examined, it becomes clear that their claim should be rather that they take the Bible exactly as it reads when the key words are defined according to Webster's Dictionary."
6 More chapters from "The Two Babylons"
"Of course this of itself would prove little in regard to the affiliation of the two systems, the Babylonian and the Roman; for, from the days of Cain downward, the doctrine of human merit and of self-justification has everywhere been indigenous in the heart of depraved humanity. But, what is worthy of notice in regard to this subject is, that in the two systems, it was symbolised in precisely the same way."
The cakes were "the unbloody sacrifice" she required. That "unbloody sacrifice" her votaries not only offered, but when admitted to the higher mysteries, they partook of, swearing anew fidelity to her.""Now, this was the very case in Babylon: and to this character of the goddess queen her favourite offerings exactly corresponded. Therefore, we find the women of Judah represented as simply "burning incense, pouring out drink-offerings, and offering cakes to the queen of heaven" (Jeremiah 44:19).
October 2003
5 Some more chapters from "The Two Babylons"
"Easter is nothing else than Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven, whose name, as pronounced by the people Nineveh, was evidently identical with that now in common use in this country [Britain]. That name, as found by Layard on the Assyrian monuments, is Ishtar."
"The name of John the Baptist, on the other hand, in the sacred language adopted by the Roman Church, was Joannes. To make the festival of the 24th of June, then, suit Christians and Pagans alike, all that was needful was just to call it the festival of Joannes; and thus the Christians would suppose that they were honouring John the Baptist, while the Pagans were still worshipping their old god Oannes, or Tammuz."
"The doctrine on which the festival of the Assumption is founded, is this: that the Virgin Mary saw no corruption, that in body and in soul she was carried up to heaven, and now is invested with all power in heaven and in earth."
"When Linacer, a distinguished physician, but bigoted Romanist, in the reign of Henry VIII first fell in with the New Testament, after reading it for a while, he tossed it from him with impatience and a great oath, exclaiming, 'Either this book is not true, or we are not Christians'."
September 2003
16 Here's some interesting Sunday laws I found while surfing the Net!! You may need to cut and paste to get them to work.
7 Here are some of the chapter headings available from "The Two Babylons" which detail the counterfeit set up by Satan.
[a newspaper] any constable in the realm would be warranted in seizing, wherever he found him, the bishop of Rome as the head of that "MYSTERY of iniquity." Now, as the system here described is equally characterised by the name of "MYSTERY," it may be presumed that both passages refer to the same system.""Such was the impression made by that account on the mind of the great Sir Matthew Hale, no mean judge of evidence, that he used to say, that if the apostolic description were inserted in the public "Hue and Cry"
"The Papacy has in some of its churches, as, for instance, in the monastery of the so-called Trinitarians of Madrid, an image of the Triune God, with three heads on one body."
"While this had been the original way in which Pagan idolatry had represented the Triune God, and though this kind of representation had survived to Sennacherib's time, yet there is evidence that, at a very early period, an important change had taken place in the Babylonian notions in regard to the divinity; and that the three persons had come to be, the Eternal Father, the Spirit of God incarnate in a human mother, and a Divine Son, the fruit of that incarnation."
That son, though represented as a child in his mother's arms, was a person of great stature and immense bodily powers, as well as most fascinating manners."It was from the son, however, that she derived all her glory and her claims to deification.
In Scripture he is referred to (Ezekiel 8:14) under the name of Tammuz, but he is commonly known among classical writers under the name of Bacchus, that is, "The Lamented one."
"This was the way in which Osiris, "the son, the husband of his mother," was often exhibited, and what we learn of this god, equally as in the case of Khonso, shows that in his original he was none other than Nimrod. It is admitted that the secret system of Free Masonry was originally founded on the Mysteries of the Egyptian Isis, the goddess-mother, or wife of Osiris. But what could have led to the union of a Masonic body with these Mysteries, had they not had particular reference to architecture, and had the god who was worshipped in them not been celebrated for his success in perfecting the arts of fortification and building?"
"Coming into Greece, not only do we find evidence there to the same effect, but increase of that evidence. The god worshipped as a child in the arms of the great Mother in Greece, under the names of Dionysus, or Bacchus, or Iacchus, is, by ancient inquirers, expressly identified with the Egyptian Osiris."
"The identity of Nimrod, however, and the Egyptian Osiris, having been established, we have thereby light as to Nimrod's death. Osiris met with a violent death, and that violent death of Osiris was the central theme of the whole idolatry of Egypt. If Osiris was Nimrod, as we have seen, that violent death which the Egyptians so pathetically deplored in their annual festivals was just the death of Nimrod. The accounts in regard to the death of the god worshipped in the several mysteries of the different countries are all to the same effect."
"Now, if there be such evidence still, that even Pagans knew that it was by dying that the promised Messiah was to destroy death and him that has the power of death, that is the Devil, how much more vivid must have been the impression of mankind in general in regard to this vital truth in the early days of Semiramis, when they were so much nearer the fountain-head of all Divine tradition. When, therefore, the name Zoroastes, "the seed of the woman," was given to him who had perished in the midst of a prosperous career of false worship and apostacy, there can be no doubt of the meaning which that name was intended to convey.
"And the fact of the violent death of the hero, who, in the esteem of his partisans, had done so much to bless mankind, to make life happy, and to deliver them from the fear of the wrath to come, instead of being fatal to the bestowal of such a title upon him, favoured rather than otherwise the daring design."
"At first, in all likelihood, there would be no thought whatever of ascribing divinity to the mother. There was an express promise that necessarily led mankind to expect that, at some time or other, the Son of God, in amazing condescension, should appear in this world as the Son of man. But there was no promise whatever, or the least shadow of a promise, to lead any one to anticipate that a woman should ever be invested with attributes that should raise her to a level with Divinity."
"How comes it that that festival was connected with the 25th of December? There is not a word in the Scriptures about the precise day of His birth, or the time of the year when He was born. What is recorded there, implies that at what time soever His birth took place, it could not have been on the 25th of December. At the time that the angel announced His birth to the shepherds of Bethlehem, they were feeding their flocks by night in the open fields. Now, no doubt, the climate of Palestine is not so severe as the climate of this country; but even there, though the heat of the day be considerable, the cold of the night, from December to February, is very piercing, and it was not the custom for the shepherds of Judea to watch their flocks in the open fields later than about the end of October."
August 2003
29 Because the book "The Two Babylons" is rather hard reading for most of us, we have put together a synopsis of it which may be easier to understand. We offer this as an introduction to the book.
July 2003
29 Today we start with a new/old book,
The Papal Worship
proved to be
The worship of Nimrod and his wife
by Alexander Hislop.
This book has been around since 1853 and has never been refuted and because of this deserves to be carefully perused. It is planned to add succeeding chapters from time to time.
Here is a quote from the author's introduction.
"If the position I have laid down can be maintained, she [The Roman Catholic Church] must be stripped of the name of a Christian Church altogether; for if it was a Church of Christ that was convened on that night, when the pontiff-king of Babylon, in the midst of his thousand lords, "praised the gods of gold, and of silver, and of wood, and of stone" (Daniel 5:4), then the Church of Rome is entitled to the name of a Christian Church; but not otherwise."
13 We have a weekly Bible reading running through Email. This week we start on the book of Leviticus (we have already done Genesis and Exodus) and as Sis White commented to a group of ministers one day,
{General Conference Bulletin, July 1, 1900 par. 11}
"In the Old Testament are recorded the laws which God gave for the guidance of his people. He would have his people today study these laws."
If you are interested you can Email us through the link above to put you on the list or, you can go to the site and enroll yourself. Here is this week's reading if you would like to sample it. The site URL for self-enrolling is
of course, you can unsubscribe at any time.
05 Some articles by E J Waggoner
" 'But I don't feel as I ought to; I can not feel that I am saved.' If you have never been saved, how do you know how you ought to feel? You don't know how a saved man feels. If you depend on feeling, you will never know whether you are saved or not, for you will never be sure that you have the right feeling. You may think you are saved all right, and then have your feeling give way and leave you more uncertain than ever. Our feelings are always changing."
The Rest that Remains for the People of God
"Although God did give to the Israelites the land of Canaan, Abraham had no part in it (see Acts 7:5), neither did Isaac and Jacob, to whom the promise was made as well as to Abraham; and the apostle, after mentioning these patriarchs, and many other worthies, says: "And these all, having obtained a good report through faith, received not the promise; God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made perfect." Hebrews 11:39, 40. This shows that the possession of the land of Canaan by the Israelites did not fill all the specifications of the promise."
"We are now on trial, and soon the judgment will be pronounced, to decide our eternal destiny. But there is a good deal more pending in that heavenly court than that. God has a case there. He himself is on trial, and this fact with which we have to do is of far greater importance to us than the interests which pertain to ourselves alone."
May 2003
31 Why did Jesus die? by Ron
24 Have you heard the latest church gossip? Try this link
March 2003
24 "The festivals and Feasts" by F C Gilbert
Here's an addition to our "Let's Get it Right" section.
A look at Daniel 12 and the 1335 day prophecy.
February 2003
28 "Slavery in Ancient Israel" by James White
24 "Puzzles" -- from an interesting book
17 "The Conquest of Canaan" What might have been!
12 We have been given a link to an English/French SDA site in Mauritius which we have been told has Daniel and The Revelation in French on it. You might like to try it, it looks interesting.
5 Another article by F. C. Gilbert.
This time one from RH Dec 15, 1983 entitled,
"Why the Jews Rejected Jesus as the Messiah."
October 2002
"From Judaism to Christianity" are now available
These are the last of this book
September 2002
19 "Arousing the Christian people in behalf of the work among the Jews" chapter 18
"How God led in the opening of our first Jewish mission" chapter 17
17 "A great burden for my Jewish brethren" chapter 16
"Where is the Lord God of Elijah?" chapter 15
"Reconciliation with my mother and family" chapter 14
16 "Ten years in Gentile evangelistic work" chapter 13
"Beginning to labor for my Jewish brethren" chapter 12
"A fitting for the work" chapter 11
by F. C. Gilbert - the Jewish Christian
August 2002
29 "The Contrast between Law and Covenant" by George Mendenhall
This is a very simple table which sets out the differences clearly.
27 "My experiences as a colporteur" chapter 10
"The call to the work" chapter 9 by F C Gilbert
25 "The Punishments of God" and how/why they come -
an attempt to clear up the confusion regarding God as a Punisher of sin
19 "How God led me to the Saviour"
chapter 8 by F C Gilbert
Habakkuk's conversation with the Son of God
July 2002
21 "A Chain of Events" in The Revelation
A new look at the beasts of Revelation chapter 13
21 "From Judaism to Christianity" Chapters 4-7
More on the life of F. C. Gilbert, the SDA from Judaism
12 "From Judaism to Christianity" Chapters 1-3
11 "From Judaism to Christianity" Introduction
This book was written by F. C. Gilbert, a convert from the Jewish faith to Seventh-day Adventism, and first published about 1900. It is a very interesting background to Jewish thinking.
{RH, April 18, 1893 par. 9} "With the history of the children of Israel before us, let us take heed, and not be found committing the same sins, following in the same way of unbelief and rebellion."
May 2002
27 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Sixteen (the conclusion)
(p256) Again the people of God are called upon to face this subtle and insidious program.
(p257) It is difficult for them to expose the systematic depravation without being misunderstood, and without being charged with attacking the genuine, while seeking to expose the erroneous mixed with the genuine. They recognize that these modern versions can be used as books of reference even if they cannot be put on a level with the Received Text.
Paul said, in Acts 17:28, As certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring. Paul quoted good sayings from the pagan poets, but did not use these Greek writers as authority. It is as unthinkable to forbid excellent quotations from pagan land heathen scholars as it would be to place their writings on a level with the pure Word of God.
Likewise, parts of modern versions edited by scholars may be used with care in considering Bible verses from another angle. This fact, however, is taken advantage of, to claim divine inspiration for all the rest, and sow confusion among the churches of believers.
"Practical Lessons" by
F. C. Gilbert (1926),
a Hebrew Christian and an SDA
Here's a thought on how to treat an erring church
21 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Fifteen
"Because of the changes which came about in the nineteenth century, there arose a new type of Protestantism and a new version of the Protestant Bible. . . . Now Protestants were asked to choose between the true Protestant Bible and one which reproduced readings rejected by the Reformers." p244.
20 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Fourteen
"May we not here direct the reader's attention to this startling truth, that rejecting the infallibility and inspiration of the Bible leads to seeking refuge in another infallibility. Among Hindus and others, this is the infallibility of the individual; among the Papists, it comes to the infallibility of the Church." p237.
19 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Thirteen
On the 17th of May [1881] the English speaking world awoke to find that its Revised Bible had banished the Heavenly Witnesses and put the devil in the Lord's Prayer. Protests loud and deep went forth against the insertion; against the omission none. . . . Lord Panmure's prediction may yet prove true the New Version will be the death knell of Protestantism. p230.
18 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Twelve
It is certainly a remarkable circumstance that so many of the Catholic readings in the New Testament, which in Reformation and early post-Reformation times were denounced by Protestants as corruptions of the pure text of God's Word, should now, in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, be adopted by the Revisers of our time-honored English Bibles. p204.
13 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Eleven
"The former version [the KJV] teaches men that they are converted by a power external to themselves; the later version [RV] teaches them to turn themselves." p187.
12 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Ten
The revision Committee "altered the Greek Text in 5,337 places" ... "made 36,000 changes in the English of the King James Version..." p175.
08 "The True Gospel of Salvation" by Graham T.
A letter of counsel to a prospective Christian teacher.
"Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Nine
This book, by a one-time Dean of Theology at Washington Missionary College, continues to set out the dangers of modern translations of the Bible.
06 "The Sunday Laws of Today" (If a password box comes up just "cancel" twice)
Are you familiar with present-day attempts at Sunday laws? Here's a site which will keep you relatively up-to-date.
05 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Eight
"How the Jesuits captured Oxford University"
04 "Religious Events of the Future"
and "Agape - the word that turned the world upside down"
are now on the new site.
03 The Book of Romans is now on the new site
April 2002
30 Daniel and The Revelation is now on a new site - check it out
28 Rome in centuries 1,2,3 and the USA in 19th, 20th, 21st
an interesting comparison - see what you think of it
20 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Seven
Three hundred years of attack
"Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Six
The Jesuit Bible reappears in the Revised
19 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Five
Born out of struggle
"Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Four
The Jesuit counterattack
18 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Three
The reformers rejected the papal Bible
"Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter Two
The pure Bible
March 2002
19 "Our Authorized Bible Vindicated" Chapter One
a new subject by Benjamin Wilkinson
There are really only two different Bibles
01 "Church Authority" by E. J. Waggoner
February 2002
An extract from "The Reformers and their Stepchildren" by Leonard Verduin.
11 "Truth Triumphant" chapter 24
"Truth Triumphant" chapter 23
04 "Truth Triumphant" chapter 22
"Truth Triumphant" chapter 21
03 "Truth Triumphant" chapter 20
"Truth Triumphant" chapter 19
January 2002
31 "The End of the World - in miniature"
"Old Testament Christians" and their connection to Christ"
25 Click on the link for a good book you can download for free and share amongst your friends on why the world is in the mess its in!! It's called "Light on the Dark Side of God" and is one of the best on this subject that I have ever read!
20 "Truth Triumphant" chapter 18
13 Thoughts on the New York Attack by Stewart Crafts
12 "The State - A Revenger " by Stewart Crafts
To go to previous Changes (Past years)
Still under construction (not necessarily in this order)
What became of Waggoner and Jones?
Melchisedec - the man of mystery
That God!
Before God?
A Lesson in Faith
How God deals with sin in the Christian
The Advents of Christ - all three of them
Presumption versus Faith
Victory Through Christ by EGW
If you contact
us: ...Your name will NOT go on a mailing list
(you have to keep
asking us if you want information!)
No one will call on you
You will not receive any unsolicited mail
Nor will you be asked to join another church or religious organisation.
When Jesus lead the waiting, praying ones "out a little way", He said, "Wait here; I am going to My Father to receive the kingdom; keep your garments spotless, and in a little while I will return from the wedding and receive you to Myself". Early Writings, page 55.
That was the movement away from the fallen "Protestant" churches in 1844 and He has never changed that word. We are to "wait HERE", in the SDA church, until He returns from the wedding.
But He also said, "Keep your garments spotless", and this site is an attempt to help us to do that.
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