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Scripture Library


We plan to add more books from time to time

Little Books - these are easy to read for beginners


#1 Exodus 19-20, 31 ------The Purpose of the Sabbath of Exodus 20.

#2 Leviticus 23:1-44 ------The Ceremonies of the law as shown in Leviticus 23.

#3 Leviticus 16:1-34 -------The Day of Atonement Ceremonies in Leviticus 16.

#4 John 11:1-46 -------------The Resurrection of Lazarus

#5 Romans 7-8 --------------The Christian 'Marriage'

#6 Hebrews 1-3 -------------Our Christian Brother

#7 Acts 2, 1 Cor 12 & 14--- Speaking in Tongues

#8 Hosea 1-3 -----------------God's Love Story

#9 Various Scriptures-------- Things Old & Things New About Christ

#10 Psalms 22-24------------ The Christ on the Cross

#11 Genesis 1 ----------------Another Look at the Creation Story

#12 Genesis 2-3------------- Eve's Place in the Scheme of Things

#13 Matthew 13:1-58 ------The eight parables of the word of God in Matthew

#14 Romans 9-11 -----------The Place of the Jews in Christianity

#15 Isaiah 55-56 ------------The 'Way' of God

#16 John 14-17------------- Christ's Last Words to His Disciples

#17 Matthew 22 & 25------ Parables of the Wedding/Judgment

#18 Hebrews 3&4 etc.----- The 'Rest' of God

#19 Ezekiel 16 ------------- The Origin of the Church


Bible Study Books (in Microsoft Word format)

Coming soon!!

Vol. #1 Daniel and the Revelation (This is a big book 175pp A4 size)

Vol. #2

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