Useful Tips for Geologists
Page last updated:23rd March 2007
This page is full of useful tips donated by members of the CMGS . If you would like to add your own tips,
email them to us at cmgs_99@geocities.com.
- Tip 1:
- Always wash your hands after handling specimens as they could be harmful.
- Tip 2:
- Remember to save your newspapers. They are useful when you clean up your samples
and to protect your specimens.
- Tip 3:
- Keep your old toothbrushes. They are useful for cleaning specimens.
- Tip 4:
- Take plastic food bags on field trips and put your specimens in the bags, then label
the bags. It help when you are trying to work out where they are from.
- Tip 5:
- Take pencils on field trips - they don't stop working when it rains.
- Tip 6:
- Take a hand lens with you into the field - it might be useful.
- Tip 7:
- Take a first aid kit with you when you go into the field - it could be needed.
- Tip 8:
- It is always useful to take a field buddy into the field with you as never know what may happen.
- Tip 9:
- Always carry water and sweets, because if you get stuck at least you have a supply of food.
- Tip 10
- Always take a compass and map with you on a field trip.
- Tip 11
- If you are exploring a tidal river bank or shore, always check the tide times and go when the tide is going out.
- Tip 12
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