Cheltenham Mineral & Geological Society People
Page updated 27 March 2009
Adams Ichthyosaur bones submitted for 2009 AGM competition. [I did`nt ban him!!]
Crinoid Stem fragment, submited by Adrian Wyatt for 2009 AGM competition.
Copper Mineral specimen submitted by Kath Vickers for 2009 AGM competition.
Mike Bell giving prize to Adrian Wyatt for best exhibit and best fossil.
Adrian won both the Keith Aston Cup and the Ken Hope Trophy
Mike giving first prize to Kath for Class 1 Mineral.[John Bayliss came second with a banded fluorite]
These 2 old fossils did`nt get a prize.
A lovely trophy in memory of Ken.
Adam recieving the Ken Hope trophy for best fossil in 2008 compettion.
I think I will ban him next year!!!
Adam recieving the Keith Aston cup from Joe for the second year running !! Well done Adam.
Adam showing us how to wear the Health & Safety kit with style??
John starting his field trip dance routine!!
OK; after three, all start to sing
Before we start, let us pray.
It was so hot, our hard hats had started to melt.
The last ammonite I caught was this big!!
Where is the unconformity Frank??
And the kids came too!!
It`s red nose day!!!
Its a weary walk out of the quarry!!
Its even harder when its been raining all day!!
The rabbits are big on the Malverns!
OK, who`s going to help me take this rock out??
Do I look bovverd??
Me, when I used to be fat!!