Field Trips 2009
Field Trip Coordinators: Kath Vickers / Alan McKay
Page last updated:17th April 2009
This programme is intended as a guide. The dates and venues are subject to change and this page will be updated as and when they are confirmed, with full details of site, directions, collection, access etc.
Please note: - Hardhats, Reflective Jackets, Steel Toecap Boots or Wellingtons, Goggles & Group First Aid Kit are compulsory in working quarries.
- All field trips are £1 Members, £2 Non-Members, payable on site. Some sites make a charge for entry. These charges will be given on the Programme list.
- Make sure you read the societies Field Trip Safety Guide Lines before taking part in the activities.
- DISCLAIMER - Your attention is drawn to rule 22 of the Cheltenham Mineral & geological Society Constitution.
The Cheltenham Mineral & geological Society WILL ACCEPT NO RESPONSIBILITY OR LIABILITY for any loss, damage or injury suffered by members or guests and their property, whether at Field Trips, meetings or any function organised by the said Society.
If Site is highlighted and underlined click on this for more information.
Click on map directions if given to go to page for map and other directions etc.
Have a look at some photos taken during our Field Trips in 2007 and 2008.
21st March 2009
Guiting Quarry
Further details to follow but day and venue has been confirmed |
23rd May 2009
Blockley morning.
start 9.0 am
Hornsleasow Quarry afternoon.
Further details to follow. both venues have been confirmed. |
Sun 28th June.
10.00 am start
High Vinels car park
SO 474730 |
Joe Angseesing
Walk around Mortimer Forest
11th July 2009
9.15 am start up to 4.00pm finish |
Gilwern Quarry
Details to follow
confirmed |
25th July
7.15am start out by 11.00am. |
Grundens Quarry, Bishops Cleeve.
Details to follow
confirmed |
22nd August |
Hock Cliff
5th September |
Taffs Wells Quarry
13th September |
Guided walk and mineral colecting in the Malverns |
10th Oct 2009 |
Torr Quarry
with Eddie Bailey
Details to follow
confirmed |
17th Oct 2009 |
Blockley |
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